When I say OUTLAW what comes to your mind by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                                                            WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE

When you look up the word OUTLAW the description says a person who has broken the law, or is a fugitive but I view the word in a completely different way. I grew up in South Dakota being that I am part Native American Indian and a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. 

Late in my life I found out through tracing my family history we had been somehow related to the James Gang Jesse, Ricky and Frank James as well. I always thought it was pretty cool as these people have been idolized in American History in TV and in Films, Books, and in established into our American History.

It was not till I later in life started doing radio I would call myself The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik and establish my persona as such. During 18 years of doing radio,tv,and internet my persona was established and I am currently well known as The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik.

My wife Annie and my family joined in all the fun we had, and Annie became known as the Co-Conspirator

We decided our family history would play into my persona and that is exactly what happened;

Annie however started researching her family and we found out she was directly related to the Pinkerton Security Company, and found an Outlaw in her family tree as well. 

It is often a family joke that the Pinkerton's finally caught one of the James relatives through marriage.

My idea of an OUTLAW is much different than the definition above. If you really go through American History some Outlaws became Lawmen or Women, and Some Lawmen or Women became Outlaws.

How did most of the people we relate to in history become Outlaws?

I rather think Outlaws are more of fighters or rebels because many Outlaws started the road to becoming an Outlaw due to things that had been done to them or the family. This is true in the Indian Nation as well.

If you look at our history people like Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, James brothers, Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, Sitting Bull, Wild Bill Hitchcock, Annie Oakley, Calamity Jane, and many others you find that the word Outlaw is attached to each persons history.

We can look on history about the Native American Indian Nation and see why they started to fight back.

Also the word Outlaw was used for Bikers in America as well.  The word was attached to certain biker groups and this was all because many of the bikers stood against the system and rebelled against the government and laws.

To me an Outlaw is a person who fights for what they believe not a person who is a fugitive or breaking the law. I may bend a few rules I may even push the edge of what is legal but, and I am defiantly a person who will fight for what I believe and stand up for the people I love and if that truly makes me an OUTLAW I am just perfectly fine with that.

Today OUTLAWS are mostly remembered in our history as people that did break the law, that became wanted but the truth is in many of the stories in the history it was truly people fighting for things they believed in.



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