Tired of being sick by Annie Tomsik

"Obese"and "Morbidly Obese", are two of the terms that doctors love to use with a person who is weight challenged. I heard those words over and over and cringed at the sound of them. The ugliness of those hurtful words. 

Here you are going to see a doctor because you are sick, and the answers are all the same. Eat Less! Eat more fiber! Whole grains! Follow the food pyramid! More Pills! Exercise More! Every doctor had the same advice. 

The problem is most of the medical professionals out there are not trained in nutrition. In fact when asked about their formal education years most will tell you they had little to no nutritional education. 

So when you have a doctor who blames you and gives you the wrong advice (not to mention these doctors are probably unhealthy too) remember that doctors have been experiencing this training for years. Since the days of bleeding patients for fever or leaching them for headaches, doctors have been mislead by educators. 

The worst scientific mind in the field of dietary science was Doctor Ancel Keys. I like to call him our nations Food Nazi. His personal ambition and ego, got in the way of real science which led to his so call "Cherry Picking Seven Counties Study" which forced the government to implement the Food Pyramid we know today. This lack of education has enabled then food industry to use additives such as sugars, corn, wheat, soy, and Fructose corn syrup in most shelf products. 

Not only has the medical field been mislead, but consumers as well. It has gotten so out of control, that 8 out of 10 people are suffering from some form of medical anomaly due to these foods. Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Hypertension (high blood pressure) Stroke, Obesity, Sleep Apnea, Breathing Disorders, Memory Loss, Fatty Liver, Kidney Dysfunction, Neurological and Dermatological Disorders and the list goes on.

For me it wasn't just being over weight. Sure I hated looking in the mirror and seeing that disfigured cow looking back at me. I couldn't find clothes to fit. I was never a huge eater, but when I did eat, I wouldn't feel good afterwards. I got so sick that I couldn't work. I had migraine headaches and asthma attacks. I couldn't walk far. I felt like I needed to lay down all the time. My blood pressure was always high. I couldn't play with my grandkids. I filled the arm chair I sat in. I had not motivation. Then my doctor told me I was diabetic. Well after seeing what my brother was going through, "no way" was that happening to me.

When your doctor tells you "that ship has sailed" and she wants to start you on the same path your bother is on, you have to look for other options. In my case, the person I look up to for help (my doctor) wasn't the one to help me. She wasn't even on my side. 

As my husband always say, I'm a fighter. I started researching ways to reverse diabetes. I found the Ketogenic diet. It didn't make sense to me because I knew the food pyramid like all of you. I had hear the low fat information. But I had tried it for years, with no prevail. Although using fat to get rid of fat didn't make sense, I saw the changes it had made in others. So I watched "Fat Fiction". It finally made sense. When you think about the time frame of when obesity started in the world, all of the pieces fell in to place. 

Eighteen months later I am 87 pounds lighter. I have an 4.8 A1C. My Blood pressure is usually around 113/68. I no longer take a lot of medications. I can walk 3 miles without over exertion, my rescue inhaler or laying down. I haven't been sick this year, and I am able to work full time again. 

The top focus for me was my desire to change was greater than anything else. For all the people I see who still struggle. I can't force anyone else to change. But for those who really want to change, get the help you need. Take control of your life! Because no one can save you, but you. Stop making excuses. Live for the moment. Look at wrong foods as poison, because that's what they are!

-Annie Tomsik

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