The real fight in America is going to happen over the Covid 19 Vaccination by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

The Covid 19 Virus has not only had an impact on America but the entire World but the real battle is about to start about possibly making the vaccination mandatory for all human beings in America. 

It actually has already started there are several court cases already in progress about people in certain positions that got released from the job position they held because they did not want to get the vaccination. These cases are in different States, and for a variety of different positions.

Some colleges such as Brown , Notre Dame, and Rutgers already have made it mandatory for staff and students in order to return to the college as an employee or student. Some sporting venues are requiring proof of a vaccination or a negative test to enter the event, and a hospital in Texas just told employees the vaccination was mandatory to come to work.

The fight is so real that there is talks of having to carry a Vaccination Passports or some sort of proof you had a vaccination. Though currently most States and Government are opposed to Vaccination Passports but they are still leaning towards a phone app or something that shows your vaccinated.

Some argue however this type of personal medical information should be protected under Federal Health Laws. 

So far research and studies show around 73% of employers are not considering making the vaccination a requirement of employment. However most employers are encouraging employees to get vaccinated.

In New York City and California you will need proof of a vaccination to go to a Mets or Yankee game or go to a concert in California. 

Soon the FDA is going to fully approve the vaccinations and they will no longer be considered emergency approved and this could also change the attribute towards getting the vaccinations. This changes how employers could than mandate the vaccination under current Federal Laws employers can require a vaccination as part of employment as long as it is fully approved from the FDA.

At this point in time the Federal Government can not mandate a vaccination to the American People.
However laws do allow Employers, and States to make laws making a vaccination mandatory but currently these vaccinations are classified under emergency use so until they are fully approved there is a very grey area in the laws. This is why currently many are not even considering making the vaccination mandatory.

The fight is going to come as many religions believe this is end times and taking this particular vaccination is linked to a Scripture in the Bible related to the Mark of the Beast. If the States and Government start requiring vaccinations to work, go into a business, or even go outside many people who call themselves Christians will refuse the vaccinations. This will start a religious movement that would ban against States and Government. It is estimated in 2020 somewhere around 70% of the population in the USA calls themselves a Christian. This would truly start a fight between the people and government.

The fight will come in legal battles with laws that are to protect us under Privacy Information, Health Information, Religious beliefs, and Freedoms that we have come to expect in America. 

America and the World has seen a virus like this before in 1918 a Flu Virus hit the USA.
It lasted 2 years and affected nearly 500 million people and caused 100 million deaths and we did not even have the medical knowledge and technology we have today. 
Some of the same things we are using today we used in this pandemic as well  like Mask Mandates and Social Distancing. It did not last forever there was no vaccination or cure ever found. 

There really is no good explanation as why a mandate of this Covid 19 Virus vaccination for every human being is needed in America people should be allowed to choose if they want the vaccination on not. 

The Fight is here and it is real I just do not agree with being forced by an Employer, State or Government to take a vaccination. 

After all if I take the vaccination and something happens to me are they going to care for my family? 

It is another story if it is my choice and I understand the risk in taking the vaccination or not taking it.



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