My fight for life and living Keto - by Annie Tomsik

Keto or the Ketogenic diet have been promoted over the years as a way to lose weight. For some of us, it is a way to keep weight off by living a Ketogenic Lifestyle. But there is many thing that people do not know about living a Ketogenic Lifestyle. More than maintaining your weight or loosing weight, Keto can enrich your life.

First and foremost, I want to tell you that I am not paid to say any of the things I am writing in this article. I am not asking you for anything, or selling anything. Everything you read here is a true and honest account. I am not a physician. I am not advising you. I am giving you the benefit of my experience and research for free. I want to help people, and I have no other motive.

Most of you have read my blogs or my husband's blogs in which we spoke about my brother Jim. He is the inspiration behind my change to the Ketogenic Lifestyle. But he was not the kind of inspiration that you may be thinking.

Just to recap, he was diagnosed with type two diabetes about six years ago. After the first year he started experiencing ulcers in his feet. Over the next few years this once 6'6 foot man lost both of his legs, became blind in one eye, had a stint put in his heart and was on dialysis three times a week. He lost his freedom and had to rely on a caregiver and wheelchair.

So when I was diagnosed with type two diabetes almost two years ago, I got scared to think that I could be like my brother, I went home and researched what I could do to reverse my diagnosis. Although my doctor didn't agree with me, I made a change to the Ketogenic Lifestyle, and I have to tell you that I am NEVER going back!

I've lost over 80 pounds. I have a normal A1C. I have reversed my diabetic diagnosis. I no longer take beta blockers. My blood pressure is good. I no longer need a rescue inhaler. In August I will have my two year anniversary. My goal is to have a weight loss of 100 pounds on my anniversary.

Now here is what you may not know. I was not only fat, but I was sick. Not just with metabolic syndrome. But with life. I could not stop laying down. I couldn't work. I couldn't stand on my feet for long. I couldn't go for a short walk. I couldn't play with the grandkids. I would go out to an event, and go home and lay down. I felt sick constantly. I would have migraine headaches that would last for as long as ten days. I had more bad days than good. I have fibromyagia and my symptoms would be so bad, I couldn't enjoy life. My feet hurt; it felt like spikes driving in them. My hips and knees were deteriorating. If I went out with my family I had to find a chair. My husband wanted to go on a tour of our state capital and I had to rest on every bench in site. I looked for a bench. When I went to Walmart, I sat on the bench in the middle isle while my husband went the distance for things. I had to hold myself up on the cart. I sat on the bench while my grandkids played at the park. I went for short walks, and panted for breath. I'd need to go lay down. I was better down than up. I was always napping. I lived day to day in my bed. Most of all, I was so ashamed of the way I looked, that I would delete most of the pictures of me. I felt depressed and cursed. I felt judged.

My doctor put me on blood pressure medication, beta blockers, and a rescue inhaler. I heard "go on a diet, eat less, and exercise". I was doing low fat, walking when I could, and never eating very much. I'd loose a pound or two, and gain it back. Nothing I did worked. 

Living the Ketogenic Lifestyle has changed all of this. Sure I had an enormous fear that gave me the jump start I needed. But once I started, I was afraid to go back. Because of my high blood pressure, keto was a great way to slowly lose weight and not hurt my heart. I have never cheated because I didn't want my body to go out of ketosis. 

The good news is that I started immediately getting my energy back. I was able to walk more. Two months after I started, one of my sisters fell sick with cancer. I was able to walk all over the enormous hospital in Portland, going to and from the parking lot and cafeteria. I saw the weight coming off. I went from a 4 XL to a medium-large in clothing. My headaches stopped. My blood pressure regulated; I went off medications. I am now able to walk a three mile trail. I never have to sit down or lay down. I can play with my grandkids. I am so much more active. I go out with my husband. We are always dancing. I am back to work. I don't take naps unless I haven't slept the night before. I have had a lot of my symptoms of fibromyagia reduced. My diabetes is gone. My A1C is normal. I feel so much better. I can think clearer. I have less pain and inflammation in my joints.

If you think that the Ketogenic Lifestyle is only for weight loss, you are wrong. It also contributes to a healthier life. There are many people who have lived this lifestyle for over thirty years. Specialists such as Cardiologists, Nephrologists, and Neurologists live it and recommend it. One of the top Cardiologists in the world, Doctor Bret Scher who practices in San Diego California, started Over 500 doctors and specialist are a party of this healthier choice. Most doctors are not educated in nutrition, but these have gone the extra mile to be educated or to research the Ketogenic Lifestyle. They live it, and they use it. They don't just preach it.

I lost my brother recently. He thought I didn't know what I was talking about. Many of you may think the same. But my grandmother always said the proof is in the pudding. So here is my proof. I have never stuck to a diet for this long. I weigh less than I have for the past twenty years. I have not dropped weight like younger women might have. But I believe I have had more challenges such as menopause, and my weight has come off without any bad effects on me.

I am challenging you to give up junk food, pasta, potatoes, bread, sugar, and the other things that lead to weight gain and disease. If you can't do it for yourself, who can you do it for?

If you need help, there are many of us who will help you. If you need support there are groups and teams. Find a family member or friend to do this with you. You can do this. Clear your mind of everything you know about weight loss. Watch movies like "Fat Fiction".

You can do this!
- Annie Tomsik


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