The real fight in America is going to happen over the Covid 19 Vaccination PART 3 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I am writing this PART 3 because the fight about the Covid 19 vaccination is real and the truth and facts need to be placed on the table so people may choose to get vaccinated or not. However seeking the truth is one thing that is very clouded with all kinds of misinformation out there here is what I found in my research.

The truth is people could be forced by States and Employers to take the vaccination, Please Read my first two blogs if you want the  facts on it. I researched all that information as well.




In Part One and Two I explained  that States and Employers do have the power to mandate a vaccination However under the laws written they also have the burden of proof that not taking a vacation would harm other employees or customers. 

A case could be made that wearing a mask could prevent others from being harmed. It could also be argued that companies can not control if customers are vaccinated therefore a customer could harm and employee just as an employee could harm a customer or another employee. A case could be made even if vaccinated you possibly could still get the virus. A case could be made that the vaccination could cause you harm. There are religious factors, disability and health issues as well to consider.

There  is a lot of GREY areas in the LAWS and so far up to 73% of employers are not mandating vaccinations.

Here in Missouri a law was passed to protect companies from lawsuits from customers who would state they caught the virus at that business.  This law protects the business from lawsuits from customers and employees.

If a company forces an employee to take a vaccination the employee does have some legal grounds under laws of being injured or harmed on the job. The company does assume responsibility of workman compensation if an employee is injured while on duty, and if an employer is making the vaccination minatory and something happens to an employee related to the vaccination the company could be held responsible. This may also involve civil lawsuits and other legal actions against the company.

However if a company only suggest the vaccination and it is not mandated they are not held to that accountability. The company than can argue in theory they did everything they could do to protect employees and customers.

So far some employers have made it mandatory along with some colleges, schools, and sporting plus entertainment events have made it mandatory to show you have been vaccinated or provide a negative test with in the last 48 hours to go to that event.

So far there has not been a lot of backlash on this movement from the public.

Hiring enough staff may become an issue because of the divide in the vaccination. There is still a strong resistance to taking it. People may choose another job if that company does mandate the vaccination. Also the company could be banned by customers and staff over mandating or requiring proof of a vaccination.

It may not benefit companies to start a fight over vaccinated or not employees if they want to stay in business. This is where mass amounts of people could show the power of resistance.

Also this means company polices, liabilities, insurances and other factors would have to be implemented by the employer. Also employers would have to consider religious groups and beliefs and in the end the entire fight may just not be worth it to the company.

Here we enter the end of May 2021 and the Country is really still divided over the vaccination.  Currently only roughly 40% of America is vaccinated according to reports from the CDC.

Companies will need to decide if it is worth the bottom line to mandate the vaccinations.


As far as States implementing a mandate for the vaccination I do not see that happening. It would start a fight with many religious organizations, and it would also create issues as I mentioned above with staff for employers. 

It could create a hostile environment for people divided on the vaccination.

Implementing a mandate would involve a lot of work for each State. As of currently the 3 vaccinations available 2 of them take 45 days to be completely vaccinated and one is a single dose. The State would have to get all business, schools, and the public on board and at this point in time many States have already re opened with no mandates on mask or vaccinations.

It is a tricky question and even a harder decision for Employers and States but even though the LAW allows the State and Employers to mandate a vaccination does not mean they will or will not!

So far in America NO STATE is implementing a mandate and employers are divided on the subject, and the people seem divided as well. The answer may be in how the Virus seems to be contained or not.

Is it possible the Virus ran its course and has moved on, or has the vaccination really help stomp out the Virus, or will new cases and the Virus rise up again?

These questions may determine if we see more mandates on the vaccination or not!


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