HOW CAN I LIVE A CASH LIFESTYLE by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

            Have you ever hoped you could grow CASH like a CROP or on a TREE you are not alone.

Explaining a CASH LIFESTYLE is pretty simple it is living your life DEBT FREE! 

No loans no credit cards, nothing financed, just living off what ever you make as an income. 

Today it seems to achieve this dream it is harder and harder as prices for homes skyrocket every place in the USA, plus prices of our basic needs  are on the rise as well.

The truth is most of US need to take a loan with a finical institution to purchase a home, or a vehicle, or a luxury item. It is the American dream to own your own piece of property (your little piece of heaven.)

In 2020 the average price for a home in America was $389.400, and in 2021 it has reached $408.800.

If your lucky maybe a relative or your parents may have paid off a home they purchased, in the future you may inherit this home. 

It is estimated that finical companies hold about 10 trillion dollars in debts from people purchasing a home. People that have complete ownership of a home most likely have been at that home for some time. Most people in America can not walk in with cash to purchase a home.

One may look for homes that have defaulted on loans, are behind on taxes, or the property that is in need ot major repairs, This may get you into a home cheaper than the normal way of purchasing a new home.

Since 2019 a virus called Covid 19 also added to making the issue of a Cash Lifestyle even harder many people affected by loss of employment and finical hardships.

My family at one point in time achieved this goal of being DEBT FREE and I would like to get there again. It was a really good feeling that we had no DEBT to anyone or anything.

I can not say we are there today like many we had to get a loan to purchase our home, but as of today it is the only debt we have. We at one point had a loan on a vehicle but it has been since settled, and even today we do carry a small credit line because it may be needed for an emergency.

It was not easy for US to get to debt free the first time we spent 5 years living an RV Life paying off all our debts and medical bills. We had bad credit ans we fixed that ourselves as well, so it can be done but you have to choose if this is the life for you.

One thing is living a CASH LIFESTYLE we do not carry around a lot of cash with us for daily expenses we use a debit card. I feel this is needed and necessary because believe it or not many places do not accept cash payments. As long as the account has no overdraft or credit lines attached to it I feel using a debt card that automatically withdraws the amount you use fits into a cash lifestyle.

In our modern world many accounts are paid online or through an App.

To start working toward DEBT FREE or CASH LIFESTYLE I suggest starting small any debts or loans you can afford to pay off is a good place to start.

Start a savings account, or invest in a CD or stock market, or start a 401 investment pro-filo.

While my family lived in an RV you could consider an RV LIFE, TINY HOME, OFF THE GRID LIVING to save money or avoid taking a loan for a home. 

It is quite the thing these modern days most places offer long term parks, or you can find a property that is cheaper that's vacant. Also if you choose an RV LIFE there is a whole world adventure out there and you may find yourself enjoying your life adventure. We found many elderly couples sold all the assets they owned and bought a RV and lived in it full time on the road. It was estimated in 2020 over 1.5 million people called an RV a home.

Though I do recommend you stay on top of your credit report and maintain some sort of small credit line only to maintain your credit. Today credit is so important part of our society, sometimes a credit report can be used as part of employment, or if your really in a crunch you can use it to get a loan if needed.

There are PRE PAID CREDIT CARDS available that work the same as a credit card but I feel work with a CASH LIFESTYLE because you load the money into the account and than borrow against it. The money is in the account it can be paid off at anytime. Also by doing this you can still make your credit look really good by using the card and paying it off. You can not use more than what is loaded on the card therefore therein no going into DEBT.

Also this card can be used for traveling,hotels,car rentals and other things that a credit card is required to hold a reservation, or rent a car, or book a hotel room.

Investing money in the stock market is another good way there are several companies like Stash, Acorn, Robinhood, and others where as you can start off by investing as little as $5. 

Doing a CD with your bank is a good option as well and you can borrow against a CD as well so in a pinch you could use it as a personal loan to yourself. With a CD the money is tied up for 1 to 5 years but you earn interest on it and like I said you can borrow against it. Like the prepaid card it can be paid off because the money is in the CD. If you close a CD before the time allotment you agree on however you may get penalties in fees against the CD. Also this gets reported to credit agencies if you take a loan against a CD so it can build and maintain your credit.

As far as credit one thing I see is if you have bad credit for whatever reason is how to fix it. There is no need to hire an expensive company to do it you can fix your credit yourself, I was in this boat at one time.

First of all find out what is on your credit reports, there are still 3 major companies Experian, Trans Union and Equifax that control most all credit reports. You can find them online or APPS on your cell phone but one way to start is a credit report for free. You are allowed by LAW one credit report per year for FREE!

I love Credit Karma as well you can look them up you can get all your reports at one spot and you can dispute information, apply for loans and credit cards, get home loans and all kinds of things through Credit Karma.


If all the accounts are correct and information reported is correct you do not have to dispute it but if anything is incorrect file a dispute. Somethings like a bankruptcy will not come off the credit report for 7 to 10 years. Start by paying any small debts you can if you have collections make payment arrangements.

It will not fix your credit overnight but it will start to fix it, and if you follow some of my advice above you can rebuild your credit.

Here is a challenge for you if you feel a cash lifestyle is for you I want you to think about 7 days.

Just for these 7 days use cash for everything you do not a debit card. Log what you spend how much you spend, see how many times you had to withdraw money from the bank, did you have trouble paying any bills with cash or did some place not even take cash?

If you complete this week you may find yourself keeping track of your spending watching your account more.



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