
Showing posts from May, 2021

Keto and Healthy Living ( YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                               WELCOME TO MY BLOG ABOUT KETO AND HEALTHY LIVING That is me in the grey shirt and black pants and large midsection at my friends wedding nearly two years ago.  I look at this photo where I was nearly 260 pounds and ask myself how did I get there?  If your following me or maybe you never read a blog I have written my wife Annie and I changed our lives nearly 2 years ago to a KETO LIFESTYLE.  Since than combined we have lost 140 pounds and we both have gotten healthier, you can read many of our past blogs as my wife Annie has written a few as well. I started writing my blogs because Annie and I took a lot of time and research and gained a lot of knowledge and education on how what we eat does affect our human bodies. We both feel that we can help others educate themselves and change your health and happiness just by changing the way you eat. I have thought a lot about the change Annie and I made and how I got to 260 pounds and that large midsection that is

Is the WWE FOR SALE by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

  Is it possible Vince McMahon may be getting ready to sell his empire known as World Wrestling Entertainment? IS THE WWE FOR SALE? Many financial people are watching the company and recently the company reduced staff and entertainers, the company has been making moves that would indicate a possible sale of the company.  Though it is only speculation at this point in time. The Company stock is holding around $57 per share. WHO WOULD BUY THE WWE? Nick Kahn would be on the top of buyers for the WWE. Currently he is a large investor and integrated into the company. Tony Kahn or even Shaid Kahn who are co owners of AEW. CBS or PEACOCK would possibly be interested in the WWE. Dwayne Johnson The ROCK may be a possible buyer as his company bought out the XFL. VINCE McMAHON COULD HAND THE COMPANY TO KIDS AND GRAND KIDS: Maybe the Kids will take over as Triple HHH ( Paul Levesque ) and his wife Stephanie McMahon may inherit the company along with brother Shane McMahon. Both Shane and Stephanie


                       WITH  SPECIAL GUEST LEAN RHYMES WINNER OF SEASON 4                                                 THANKS FOR JOINING ME IN SEASON 5!                                                HOPE TO SEE YOU OUTLAWS IN SEASON 6! LEGAL STATEMENTS:  This is only for fun and entertainment! You can not legally wager on TV shows in USA! All the odds are made by THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK. The  Masked   Singer Host: Nick Cannon Jenny McCarthy Ken Jeong Robin Thicke Nicole Scherzinger Added to the show  Clueadlee-Doo  who is giving clues and can you guess who this is? WHO IS CLUEADLEE-DOO ? REVELED LAST SHOW AS: Donnie Walberg LIST OF THE MASKED CONTESTANTS AND ODDS: Russian Dolls (Triplets)                  Eliminated Sea Shell                                         Eliminated Raccoon                                        Eliminated                              Porcupine or Robopine                   Eliminated   Snail                                              Eliminated Blac

My fight for life and living Keto - by Annie Tomsik

Keto or the Ketogenic diet have been promoted over the years as a way to lose weight. For some of us, it is a way to keep weight off by living a Ketogenic Lifestyle. But there is many thing that people do not know about living a Ketogenic Lifestyle. More than maintaining your weight or loosing weight, Keto can enrich your life. First and foremost, I want to tell you that I am not paid to say any of the things I am writing in this article. I am not asking you for anything, or selling anything. Everything you read here is a true and honest account. I am not a physician. I am not advising you. I am giving you the benefit of my experience and research for free. I want to help people, and I have no other motive. Most of you have read my blogs or my husband's blogs in which we spoke about my brother Jim. He is the inspiration behind my change to the Ketogenic Lifestyle. But he was not the kind of inspiration that you may be thinking. Just to recap, he was diagnosed with type two diabetes

The real fight in America is going to happen over the Covid 19 Vaccination PART 3 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I am writing this PART 3 because the fight about the Covid 19 vaccination is real and the truth and facts need to be placed on the table so people may choose to get vaccinated or not. However seeking the truth is one thing that is very clouded with all kinds of misinformation out there here is what I found in my research. The truth is people could be forced by States and Employers to take the vaccination, Please Read my first two blogs if you want the  facts on it. I researched all that information as well. LINK TO PART 1 LINK TO PART 2 WHY MOST COMPANIES AND STATES MOST LIKELY WILL NOT MANDATE VACCINATIONS In Part One and Two I explained  that States and Employers do have the power to mandate a vaccination However under the laws written they also have the burden of proof that not taking a vacation would harm other employees or customers.  A case could be made that wearing a mask could prevent others from being harmed. It could also be argued that companies can not control if customers

Outlaw Sports Entertainment is Podcasting and Live Streaming Once Again and wants you to be an OUTLAW!

                                          WELCOME TO OUTLAW SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT Thanks to all my fans friends and family and sports teams and people OSE worked with from 2002 to 2018. The company covered sports in Nevada, Florida and Oregon on the radio, live broadcasting, live streaming on the internet, TV, and blogging and podcasting. The Company was featured on ESPN, BLOG TALK RADIO, SIRIS RADIO, and some other media and outlets. In 2018 I thought I was going to retire the company however overwhelming emails, txt, and communications from many fans, friends and family I decided to bring it back in 2021. Starting with a new PODCAST featured on ANCHOR.  This PODCAST is called TALKING TRASH it is all about the WWE. My Co-Host is Lonnie Wills known as WisperingEagle he has never done a PODCAST but he loves the WWE and has a great background in sports. The show is recorded and released weekly on Wednesdays currently the show is about the WWE. ( World Wrestling Entertainment Company) CLIC

The question that many people have asked for years: Are Professional Sports Rigged?

In the United States Professional Sports such as Baseball, Football, Hockey, Basketball, and Mixed Martial Arts have become companies that are making millions of dollars. In 2013 the National Football League will profit around 9 billion dollars and the National Basketball Association will profit around 5 billion dollars.  The Major League Baseball Association also is posting over 8 billion dollars in revenues for 2013 and is estimating that each team in the league is valued at around 744 million dollars.  Other leagues like the National Hockey League posted an expected 2.4 billion dollar profit even with the lockout in 2013 and the average team value is estimated at 413 million dollars. The United Fighting Championship Company reported in 2012 that the revenues for the company stood at around 480 million dollars. How to these companies make such huge profits and how it could relate to games being rigged Profits are made by large television contracts to broadcast games and the selling o

Wagering on the World Wrestling Entertainment

The WWE or known as World Wrestling Entertainment is no doubt the largest wrestling entertainment in America. Believe it or not the WWE dates back to the early 1950’s. In 1980,  Vincent K. McMahon , the son of Vincent J. McMahon, founded Titan Sports, Inc. and applied for the initials WWF. In 2002, a lawsuit initiated by the  World Wildlife Fund  over the trademark of WWF was settled in favor of the Wildlife Fund over the misuse of a previously agreed upon usage for the trademark.  World Wrestling Federation was forced to rename/re brand itself, and in May 2002 the company changed its business name to World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., shortened to WWE. Since that time the WWE has emerged as the most popular wrestling entertainment company in the world even eventually managing to close out the WCW or World Championship Wrestling Company. Even with some of the major stars of the WWE leaving particularly Hulk Hogan whom managed to open a new brand of wrestling entertainment called TNA W

Keto and Healthy Living (MICROBIOTA or GUT BUGS) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                            WELCOME TO MY BLOG ABOUT KETO AND HEALTHY LIVING Hello and thanks for following the story of Micheal and Annie Tomsik on our journey of a Keto Lifestyle. I started writing my blog to share our story and hopefully help a few people in a road to a happier and healthier life through eating the foods we love. On our journey we have been doing massive research and following some of the top health care providers in the world. This blog is designed to help you learn and get educated about food and what we eat. Our goal is to help people get healthier so they can live a happier and healthier life. So recently we watched some series on MICROBIOTA and we researched and educated ourselves in this area and we are sharing our findings. WHAT IS MICROBIOTA? Research of the human body has reveled many amazing things about us humans and as part of our overall DNA and overall design as humans we have millions of Bactria that live with in us. This Bactria has been linked to o

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik Review ( TROPICANA CAFE)

In my review of local restaurants I do have to mention that I live a KETO LIFESTYLE so many places may be off my radar unless they offer KETO I will not eat there. If you want to learn about Keto or Healthy Living please visit my Keto and Healthy Living Blog. I love shakes and so I thought I would try the Tropicana Cafe however they DO NOT OFFER ANY KETO FREINDLY SHAKES! All the shakes had ingredients that are not on my KETO list of approved fruits or veggies to have. I will say they have a lot of shakes that I would classify under HEALTHY LIVING! So after talking to the staff they allowed me to make a KETO shake with Strawberries, Blueberries and Acia Berries the only problem was it was as hard to get as ever. The first time was okay but the next time I came in it was such as a hassle to get the person taking my order to get it correct. Also they charged me more the second time I did not complain about it because it was only .75 cents difference. The shake normally was around $6 this



HOW CAN I LIVE A CASH LIFESTYLE by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

            Have you ever hoped you could grow CASH like a CROP or on a TREE you are not alone. Explaining a CASH LIFESTYLE is pretty simple it is living your life DEBT FREE!  No loans no credit cards, nothing financed, just living off what ever you make as an income.   Today it seems to achieve this dream it is harder and harder as prices for homes skyrocket every place in the USA, plus prices of our basic needs  are on the rise as well. The truth is most of US need to take a loan with a finical institution to purchase a home, or a vehicle, or a luxury item. It is the American dream to own your own piece of property (your little piece of heaven.) In 2020 the average price for a home in America was $389.400, and in 2021 it has reached $408.800. If your lucky maybe a relative or your parents may have paid off a home they purchased, in the future you may inherit this home.  It is estimated that finical companies hold about 10 trillion dollars in debts from people purchasing a home. Peop

Masked Singer Season Five Odds by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                                                     Welcome to my odds page for SEASON FIVE! LEGAL STATEMENTS:  This is only for fun and entertainment! You can not legally wager on TV shows in USA! All the odds are made by THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK. The  Masked   Singer Host: Nick Cannon Jenny McCarthy Ken Jeong Robin Thicke Nicole Scherzinger Added to the show  Clueadlee-Doo  who is giving clues and can you guess who this is? WHO IS CLUEADLEE-DOO ? REVELED LAST SHOW AS: Donnie Walberg LIST OF THE MASKED CONTESTANTS AND ODDS: Russian Dolls (Triplets)                  Eliminated Sea Shell                                         Eliminated Raccoon                                        Eliminated                              Porcupine or Robopine                   Eliminated   Snail                                              Eliminated Black Swan                                   -375 Gram-pa Monster                           Eliminated Camelion                                      -1

The real fight in America is going to happen over the Covid 19 Vaccination PART 2 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

 I am writing this  PART 2 because I see many questions on SOCIAL MEDIA regarding the COVID 19 VACCINATIONS and LAWS regarding if an EMPLOYER can require you to have a VACCINATION as part of EMPLOYMENT or if a BUSINESS can ask you to VERIFY you had a VACCINATION . CLICK HERE TO READ PART ONE BLOG BE READY AMERICA THE FIGHT HAS ALREADY STARTED! Who knew over almost  a year would go by and a VIRUS would cause such devastation. The Covid 19 Virus has hit not only AMERICA but it has hit the entire WORLD! I am posting this for you education and yes I researched all the information and it is based on what I found under Laws, Constitution, and our rights as Americans. I posted it because I see a lot of misleading information going around, so once again this has been researched! CAN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OR PRESIDENT MANDATE A VACCINATION FOR EVERYONE? Currently the Federal Government and President does not have the authority to mandate a vaccination for all people. However they can ma

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik Review ( RIBS IN SPRINGFIELD MISSOURI)

           I have been on a kick for RIBS recently so I decided to try a few places in Springfield, MO. In my review of local restaurants I do have to mention that I live a KETO LIFESTYLE so many places may be off my radar unless they offer KETO I will not eat there. If you want to learn about Keto or Healthy Living please visit my Keto and Healthy Living Blog. I found two places I could get RIBS while maintaining my KETO. RIB CRIB was one of the places you can get ribs with little or no sugar in the dry rub or specialty sauces they use. The restraint was clean and the staff was friendly. On the day I decided to try the RIBS I had a young man help me as I explained my Keto Life to him. h He helped me with the  RIBS that would still fit into my Keto world so I loved this. They had a lot of other items I could have experimented with as well as far as meats go but as I told you I was on a RIB kick. They had a choice of 3 Ribs, 6 Ribs, or 12 Ribs also known as a Half Rack or Full Rack of R

Springfield Missouri is my Community by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                               Welcome to a new blog I am doing all about MY COMMUNITY! I live in a city called Springfield, Missouri population is around 353,000  people in 2021.  Close cities to Springfield Missouri are Republic, Nixa, and Ozark. Springfield Missouri is best known as the Birthplace of Route 66. Springfield Missouri is close to Branson Missouri about a 1 hour drive away. Branson is best known as The Music Capitol of the World. Branson has many different attractions and is a popular tourist spot. Springfield has a very popular Zoo called Dickerson Park Zoo, and the city is host to the  Pro Bass Shop and the Wonders of Wildlife Museum and Aquarium. Also Fantastic Caverns, Wilson Creek Battlefields, and lots of other interesting places. Coming soon more stuff about my community!

Keto and Healthy Living ( What else can I do to Live Healthy) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                    Welcome to my Blog about our KETO LIFESTYLE and HEALTHY LIVING Our story into our Keto Lifestyle came from many reasons family illness and disease and the pure desire to live a happier and healthier life just by eating the food we love. After nearly two years we have lost weight, gotten off medications, and became healthier, and you can live a happier and healthier life as well just through eating the right foods. So I have shared through blogs and given out a lot of information, made challenges, gained some knowledge, increased my education on nutrition. One of the simplest changes we can make is the way we eat. At this point I can only tell you that the Keto Lifestyle works for us and we have no plans of changing it up, but you may not think Keto is for you but you can still do things to live healthy through food and other ways. To LIVE HEALTHY changing the way we eat foods is probably the number one thing we can do for our human bodies. Food fuels the body, it p