Tomsik Delivery Company Where does the Delivery business stand in 2021 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Hello from Tomsik Delivery Services did you all miss me it has been nearly 3 months since I posted a blog or did a video. I am considering a come back tour in April 2021 on a part time bases so where is the delivery business going and what changes has happened?


Stock currently near $58 per share.

Uber announced that employees can come back to the offices.

Several issues with drivers involved in carjackings, murder, and rape.

Massachusetts is allowing a lawsuit against both Uber and Lyft  once again regarding the independent contractor or employee issue.

Uber opened up to prescription deliveries in Atlanta and Chicago.


Stock currently around $59 per share.

Tinder and Lyft made a contract deal.

Lyft and Uber offering free rides to and from Covid 19 vaccinations.


Stock currently around $60 per share.

No real news for Grub Hub depending on what story line you read in the news the company is either doing well and expanding or getting crushed here in the USA. 


Stock currently near $132 per share.

The stock has seen a drop from the $154 it started at in the market.

Doordash is not only delivering food but Covid 19 home test kits.

Drivers are complaining about long waits and low tips.

Doordash is also reportedly having issues with drivers in some acts not so becoming of a delivery driver.


In my report back in the very start of the Covid 19 my prediction was that delivery companies are going to get hit hard if the Covid 19 restrictions are lifted. 

The facts are people are wanting to get out and I see a dip in deliveries for a small while. 

Maybe even long while!

More competition with smaller companies, also with many fast food restaurants getting away from outsourcing delivery services, currently Walmart is going to hire contractors to deliver for Walmart, Amazon Prime hiring delivery drivers, many fast food chains dumping outside delivery services and companies opening up in the pharmacy business as well.

Deliveries by drones, and self driving vehicles are coming!

The industry is opening up I see more lawsuits about Independent Contractor or Employee coming soon as well from other states. Also Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are seeking to introduce bills that would turn contractors to employees at some point in time as well. It was on the agenda but than Covid 19 hit.

While companies like Lyft, Uber, Doordash may stick around I think the companies are facing an uphill battle and will sooner or later find themselves scratching and clawing to compete against other companies, no outsourcing, and other factors.


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