Start planning retirement on day one - by Annie Tomsik

So you got the house of your dreams and a thirty year mortgage. You have plans of raising your family in your dream home and retiring there.

But how far ahead are you thinking. Most people get as far as graduation day for you children, but not further. Life catches up to you, and soon your age does to. People start speaking of retirement, and downsizing. But what about your home. It's stood with you for the many years you've had it. But is it safe for you to remain in?

Planning for retirement in your own home should start on the day you purchase your home. This giving you the time you need and the ability you need to remain independent. You've heard of baby proofing your home right? While you are young, strong, and of sound mind, senior proof your home. 

Most people agree that the last thing a person wants to lose is their personal independence. Living in a nursing facility takes away ones independence, leaving all choice to a system of rules developed more like a prison structure.

Changing and updating your home as the years go along with help you to budget and safely prepare for years ahead. It can make the the difference in your ability to stay safely in the home that you love and feel comfortable in.

The bathroom

Most people like to have a comfortable bathroom. Women think of that relaxation of a hot steaming bath tub, while men like the shower. Things that can be done to make it still a comfortable but safe environment, is to eliminate hazards and opt for safer choices.

A walk in bathtub is a great option for being in the tub and being safe. It has that cozy feel along with features that assist you from a fall. Many of the have jets and a Jacuzzi for that added relaxation. The price is reasonable and can be easily installed. A title shower stall adds features for a person who isn't a bubble bath lover. A seat can be installed with these. The beauty is that they are walk-in and later on, are adaptable to a wheel chair if needed. There is no doors to mold, or shower curtains to change. They are non skid and can be designed for privacy. A glass door or  glass wall is not recommended with these, in case of a fall. These features can save a senior from a potential broken hip. Installing a taller toilet for more comfortable sitting, and wall rails or handles can prevent falls as well.

Changing flooring, removing rugs, simplifying area, and managing common spaces. Eliminating steps, or having all important items on the first floor will keep a senior from danger. Making a check list of necessary changes can be helpful. Speak with senior agencies to find recommendations for seniors in their home. Find available services to help with your in home needs. Prepare ahead for these.

Years go by quickly. You find yourself as a young adult in your new home and the world at your feet. Then your children are buying homes of their own and you are realizing how quickly the years have gone by. But you took the time to prepare your home for retirement. So you can safely enjoy the quiet years.


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