Week One Test Trail of Moringa by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Moringa is a plant that has been praised for many health based values. It is loaded with antioxidants bio-active compounds. The leaves are said to have a lot of vitamins and minerals. My wife and I decided to try it so here is my documentation of my experience. Sorry if some of it is a bit strait forward but this was exactly what happened in my trail of taking Moringa.

So here is my documentation of taking Moringa and any good or bad affects I got from it:

October 20th 2017: Started taking Moringa 3 capsules per day equal to one teaspoon. I am taking them in the AM hours. Again I apologize for the strait forward results posted here.

DAY #1 ( Friday Oct 20th 2017) After taking my first three pills early in the AM hours I began to feel constipated a bit later on in the day but not sure it was from the Moringa or not.

Day #2 ( Saturday Oct 21st 2017) I started feeling more constipated and had to increase my water intake to get things moving. Sorry this seems a bit personal but I am just telling you what I experienced. I did fell some light pains in my sides and stomach areas as well. Still not sure if Moringa is the cause or not.

DAY #3 (Sunday Oct 22nd 2017) Constipation started leaving in the morning but I had increased my fluid intake the prior day. I still had mild pains in my stomach and side areas. I did have some diarrhea this day as well and my stomach and side still having mild pains.

DAY #4 (Monday Oct 23rd 2017) The mild pains in my sides and stomach area continued also the diarrhea. My pain was not increasing or causing me to many affects besides runs to the bathroom. I maintained my increase in water and fluids.

Day #5) Tuesday Oct 24th 2017) This day I got hit hard. My wife Annie told me I had been farting all night long and that I was a smelly skunk. This was not normal for me but I decided that maybe Moringa was doing its job of detoxifying me out. However this day got worse as my pains increased in my sides and stomach area but it was still at a point I could tolerate it. I was farting most of the day and soon found out why my wife had been complaining about the night before. It was actually a bit embarrassing for me it smelled so bad.
Later that night around 4PM I really started to hit me my pain in my sides and stomach area increased. I ate a little bit and nearly puked several times and still had the diarrhea as well. By around 7PM I was having a not so good night I had a headache and was not feeling good at all.
We went home and decided to research Moringa more to see if there where any side effects of taking it. Amazing as it sounds there are really none listed unless you eat the seeds or roots.
In some reviews I saw on WEB MD however some people who complained of the diarrhea and constipation. There also where a few people who had similar reports of the pain in the sides and stomach areas.
I also have to mention my wife Annie is taking the same amount I am and has had no affects like this at all.
I decided that I was not sure if the Moringa was the cause at this point. I also decided to try to go on a pure liquid diet for at least 1 day. So I am still moving on with taking Moringa unless my pains increase and I seem more constipated than I will stop taking it.

Day #6 (Wednesday Oct 25th 2017) Woke up to mild pains still in my sides and stomach area however the smelly raunchy farting had stopped but was still fating more then usual. Today I am planning on not eating solid foods only water and juicing. For the most part my day was way better however a slight pain was still in my sides and stomach areas. I took the Moringa later in the day around 1pm after juicing quite a bit. I decided to eat a little having a small helping of eggs. Later I regretted that decision with the smelly raunchy farting and diarrhea all coming back. However I kept up the liquids and eventually my effects seemed to leave after several trips to the restroom. Later that night I ate again a egg burrito and the pains returned.

Day #7 (Thursday Oct 26th 2017) I took the Moringa pills early in the AM. I really had no pains today but I did not eat anything since last night. and had taken the pills with some juice and water. Feeling pretty good and decided to eat around 12:30PM. A mistake I felt later in 2 hours of diarrhea around 3pm.
I went back to juicing but later in the evening ate a salad. The mild pains came back shortly after I ate. Also the Diarrhea continued into the evening.

CLOSING WEEK ONE: My advice with starting Moringa cut back on solid foods and increase your fluid intake. I would double the normal recommenced amounts of fluid. If you get pains moderate them and if they become beyond tolerable stop taking Moringa and consult a Doctor. Also it is possible you could get constipated and expect diarrhea for the first week. You should always consult your Doctor before attempting a new treatment of any kind. Besides all the affects above I do not feel any of the positive benefits this Moringa is suppose to give you. My week either  I was being detoxified or the Moringa is just not agreeing with my body. Undetermined at this point if Moringa is doing its job or if something else is going on I decided to continue taking Moringa for week 2.


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