Smackdown invades RAW tonight !

Well TLC is over and the WWE is ramping up for SUMMER SLAM on November 19th 2017 in Huston Texas. Followed by Clash of Champions on December 17th 2017 and Road Block that has no official date set yet but is to happen in December as well. So this all leads up to Wrestle Mania in April 2018.

WWE as of lately is not living up to expectations of fans.
What will WWE do for the fans as we head for Wrestle Mania?

Survivor Series Matches are released please see my blog for opening odds on matches.

Since matches have been announced does this mean no Title changes till Survivor Series?

Raw starts with a review of TLC. Opening in the ring Kurt Angle as crowd chants YOU SUCK!
Fans chant YOU STILL GOT IT!

MIz comes to the ring and runs his mouth. Miz has the crew surround the General Manager. However the Shield come down to the ring. So Angle schedules a match with AJ Styles.

Match Results:

AJ Styles and Rollins/ Ambrose vs Miz, Shamues, Cezaro, and Curtis Axle:
Winners: Shield and AJ Styles

Balor vs Kane:
Winner: Kane

Asuka vs Emma:
Winner: Asuka

Bliss comes to the ring to brag about her win last night. She talks about Survivor Series. Bliss attempts to get fans to chant YOU DESERVE IT but fans rebel against her. James comes out and plants Bliss on the mat with a DDT.

Elais in the ring singing or attempting to sing as fans boo and chant. At least he got the crowd to chant GO PACK GO!

Elias vs Jordon:
Winner: Jordon wins by DQ as Elias uses the guitar on Jordon.

Lesnar comes to the ring with Haymen. There is a bunch of talking. The match between Mahal and Lesnar is made official so no title changes I guess till after that?

Bailey vs Fox vs Banks for Survivor Team Captain:
Winner:  Fox

10 Team Tag Match Team Lucha vs Team Enzo:
Winners: Team Lucha

Raw ends with Angle announces Survivor men's team:
However Shane McMahon music hits and the whole Smackdown roster enters the ring. Crowd chants This is Awesome. Shane say Under Seize and Shane says go get him. Smackdown attacks Titus and Crews. Smackdown attacks several Raw stars and even the women get into it. As Kurt Angle is finally caught and brought to the arena. Shane says Smackdown is going to bring Raw down at Survivor Series.

Shield looks great even with AJ Styles. Kane came to the ring.after the match and Kane takes out the Shield and Styles. No one seems to see a story line here and fans seem a bit confused on Kane. Maybe at some point we will get a story line here. If anything I would think Kane would want Reigns. Kane motive is he wants to be the only Monster of RAW!
Kane says he took out Strowman and wants some action, and Balor answered. The crowd was not sure what to think of Kane after 3 slams on Balor and won the match. Asuka does not seem to impress fans on her entrance and a rematch from TLC with Emma.
The show goes to talking to Angle about the Leader for the women team captain at Survivor Series so a match is made to decide the captain.
Shane McMahon was on Raw and Angle hinted to getting Styles, but Shane blew it off and basically called out Angle on Survivor Series on what brand would win more matches. Elias hit Jordon with his guitar and you could see a huge welt on Jordon arm that was hit. Show goes to Kalisko at an interview as Team Lucha vs Enzo Team.The rest of the matches features Alicia Fox as captain at Survivor Series.

I have decided to try to find a word for every show:


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