Smackdown Review on Halloween by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Shane McMahon in the ring for the opening explaining the Siege. Shane states Smackdown has been the better Brand and honestly in my opinion he may have a point. Often Smackdown is better than Raw. He explains the land of opportunity and says they had a meeting with Smackdown wrestlers and all agreed to go to Raw and Under Siege the Raw show so the Crowd Chants Under Siege!

Shane s He thaays Smackdown has Heart and crowd chants Shane. Than he xxplains how Daniel was slammed by Kane and stated he was set up and beaten up by Kane. Shane says there will be Hell to pay for that. Shane McMahon says he is Team Captain for Smackdown.

Bobby Roode vs Dolph Ziggler in best out of 3 falls match:Shane
 Ziggler wins first fall
 Roode wins second fall
WINNER: Roode wins third fall and the match

Corbin vs Sin Cara: Non Title Match
Winner: Ends in a DQ as Sin Cara goes after Corbin.

AJ Styles vs Sing Brothers: AJ  won last week over Sinel, this week it is Smaier.
Winner: AJ Styles

Rusev vs Big E:
Winner: Rusev

Nakamura vs Owens:

Overall Review of Smackdown:
Smackdown did not do the Split screen tonight on the first match  so please tell me they are not going away from the Split Screen. The match started after the commercials however. I still say the story line between Raw and Smackdown is lacking and non creative. During the match the Split Screen was up I am so glad Smackdown does this and Raw does not!

Rusev is shown messing with New Day as Big E and Rusev goes off about Halloween and Rusev Day. Lynch is making a speech and James is shown dressed as a dog. Natayla puts a lot on Flair about Survivor Series and I think the day is coming for Flair to be Champion. I would rather see Bliss and Flair anyways.

Announced Usos vs Gable and Sheldon for Tag Team Championship next Tuesday.

Styles wins but Mahal attacks AJ and the Sing brothers help out with Mahal with AJ and tosses AJ into the post and bends AJ around the post. Mahal destroys AJ in the ring.

Owens and Zayne are shown talking about Shane. Seems as the two have a plan to win over Shane.

The crowd boos as Rusev and his new signer sing about Rusev Day. The match had several interruptions as Rusev picked up the win. The Fashion Files goes X Files as the new team Erin and Luke make new statements.

During the match Zayne comes to the ring. Zayne pills out Owens and the double team starts. After a power bomb from the top ropw from Owens Nakamira kicks out. Orton music hits and Zayne gets the table and Nakamura is going to Summer Slam.

Last match ended and the show was over seemed a bit lackluster tonight sorry Smackdown!

My one word for Smackdown tonight: LACKLUSTER 


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