
Showing posts from October, 2017

Smackdown Review on Halloween by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Shane McMahon in the ring for the opening explaining the Siege. Shane states Smackdown has been the better Brand and honestly in my opinion he may have a point. Often Smackdown is better than Raw. He explains the land of opportunity and says they had a meeting with Smackdown wrestlers and all agreed to go to Raw and Under Siege the Raw show so the Crowd Chants Under Siege! Shane s He thaays Smackdown has Heart and crowd chants Shane. Than he xxplains how Daniel was slammed by Kane and stated he was set up and beaten up by Kane. Shane says there will be Hell to pay for that. Shane McMahon says he is Team Captain for Smackdown. Bobby Roode vs Dolph Ziggler in best out of 3 falls match:Shane  Ziggler wins first fall  Roode wins second fall WINNER: Roode wins third fall and the match Corbin vs Sin Cara: Non Title Match Winner: Ends in a DQ as Sin Cara goes after Corbin. AJ Styles vs Sing Brothers: AJ  won last week over Sinel, this week it is Smaier. Winner: AJ Styles Rusev

Review of new Sports Book in Reno called USB Sports Book

Baldini's Casino located on Rock and Glendale is a smaller casino but has all the perks of the big boys. I love the BRICK YARD CAFE it has very low prices and great food. However that is not what this blog is about. The new Sports Book is in the casino on the first floor. I noticed new electronic boards and some Tvs available in the book as this was a former Stations Sports Book. The difference in this book it does some fantasy wagers. There are no horses available but I was told they are taking action on the Breeders Cup. I was also told the max wager limit was around $1000.00 per game this is a very low limit even for a small book per game. Also on the web page it is stated they have over 60 books but this seems a bit of a stretch according to the employee I talked to this is the only book in Nevada. I did not ask if they offered live wagering but the book was looking forward to bringing mobile wagering. Some benefits was the 108 lines however some other books are 110. Th

Week One Test Trail of Moringa by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Moringa is a plant that has been praised for many health based values. It is loaded with antioxidants bio-active compounds. The leaves are said to have a lot of vitamins and minerals. My wife and I decided to try it so here is my documentation of my experience. Sorry if some of it is a bit strait forward but this was exactly what happened in my trail of taking Moringa. So here is my documentation of taking Moringa and any good or bad affects I got from it: October 20th 2017: Started taking Moringa 3 capsules per day equal to one teaspoon. I am taking them in the AM hours. Again I apologize for the strait forward results posted here. DAY #1 ( Friday Oct 20th 2017) After taking my first three pills early in the AM hours I began to feel constipated a bit later on in the day but not sure it was from the Moringa or not. Day #2 ( Saturday Oct 21st 2017) I started feeling more constipated and had to increase my water intake to get things moving. Sorry this seems a bit personal but I a

The Outlaw predictions week 8 for the NFL playoffs and Super Bowl

This is my predictions and thoughts on where the NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl is going. TEAMS MOST LIKELY OUT IF THE PLAYOFFS: AFC: Jets at 3-5 are not likely making the playoffs. Browns at 0-8 are out. Colts at 2-6 are not likely making the playoffs. NFC: Giants at 1-6 are out. 49ERS at 0-8 are out. Buccaneers at 2-5 are not likely making the playoffs. POSSIBLE WILD CARD RUNS AT THIS POINT: Redskins 3-4 Cardinals 3-4 Lions or Bears 3-5 and 3-4 Falcons 4-3 Dolphins 4-3 Raiders, Chargers or Broncos at 3-5, 3-5 and 3-4 Bengals 3-4 Texans 3-4 Packers 4-3 Cowboys 4-3 Bills 5-2 Ravens 4-4 WILL MOST LIKELY GO TO PLAYOFFS AT THIS POINT: Patriots 6-2 Chiefs  6-2 Steelers 6-2 Titans or Jaguars 4-3 Eagles 7-1 Seahawks or Rams 5-2 Vikings 6-2 Saints or Panthers 4-2 and 5-3

FOOD FIGHT ON RAW by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

According to WWE some wrestlers have been released including EMMA and some other wrestlers. Raw starts off with a recap of the Smackdown UNDER SIEGE from last week. If you read my other blog RAW did nothing back on Tuesday and so far the whole thing has not been added into the creative script. Fans seem to be asking what the heck is the Story Line? WWE STOCK CLOSED TODAY AT: $25.31 Raw opens with Kurt Angle in the ring addressing the RAW crew and apologizing. Stephanie McMahon music hits and she heads to the ring. She tosses a speech and the fans seems to cheer for her than she makes Kurt Angle the Team Captain for Survivor Series. Stephanie lays down the law as she says she wants total elimination of Smackdown or Kurt Angle may be fired. However still no retaliation from Raw and the story line seems to be dead at this point. Raw announces a special event on January 22nd for a 25 Year Anniversary show featuring many WWE Suoerstars. MATCH RECAP TONIGHT: Bayley vs Fox: Match i

Where is WWE going after Raw and Smackdown ?

So I did not watch Smackdown this week sorry folks but the thing is I expected to see a story line of Raw retaliation but the simple fact is it did not happen. From what I read online nothing really happened on Smackdown. There was no Red Brand retaliation at all. Did we all miss something and is there a bigger story line coming? There are several ways I can see this play out into Survivor Series but no one ever listens to me anyways in the WWE because I have called out Shane and Stephanie McMahon several times to let me run the show or at least a pay per view. So here are some thoughts and what I believe would make fans go crazy. BACK STABBING ON SMACKDOWN or RAW ROSTER: A wow moment would be one of the popular Superstars to turn on the Brand. Who would I expect in this and who would I play into it. On the Raw side the Shield or Finn Balor. Fans would certainly go insane with the Shield  or Balor if the ultimate plan was the destruction of Raw. The Shield makes more sense i

Smackdown invades RAW tonight !

Well TLC is over and the WWE is ramping up for SUMMER SLAM on November 19th 2017 in Huston Texas. Followed by Clash of Champions on December 17th 2017 and Road Block that has no official date set yet but is to happen in December as well. So this all leads up to Wrestle Mania in April 2018. WWE as of lately is not living up to expectations of fans. What will WWE do for the fans as we head for Wrestle Mania? Survivor Series Matches are released please see my blog for opening odds on matches. Since matches have been announced does this mean no Title changes till Survivor Series? Raw starts with a review of TLC. Opening in the ring Kurt Angle as crowd chants YOU SUCK! Fans chant YOU STILL GOT IT! MIz comes to the ring and runs his mouth. Miz has the crew surround the General Manager. However the Shield come down to the ring. So Angle schedules a match with AJ Styles. Match Results: AJ Styles and Rollins/ Ambrose vs Miz, Shamues, Cezaro, and Curtis Axle: Winners: Shield and

Opening Survivor Series Odds by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Brock Lesnar vs. Jinder Mahal (Champion vs. Champion):   Lesnar     - 225 Mahal      +175 The Shield vs. USOS ( Raw Tag Team Champions vs Smackdown Tag Team Champions) Usos        -225 Shield     +185 Alexa Bliss vs Natalya Hart (Raw Women Champion vs Smackdown Women Champion) Bliss       -115 Hart        -105 The Miz vs Baron Corbin: (Intercontinental Champion vs US Champion) Miz          -105 Corbin      -115 What Brand will win more matches at Survivor Series: Raw                  -105 Smackdown     Even There is no legal wagering on WWE in sports books in Nevada. However I love doing this for fun and entertainment. Enjoy as I update closer to the event and as matches are added to the card.

TLC Results and Review by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

A  few TLC matches got changed due to a virus. So here is a report on how matches came down. AJ Styles and Kurt Angle step up in the ring at TLC as changes are made at the last minute. Pre Match Alicia Fox vs Sasha Banks: Fox and Banks match was so boring the announcers where not even calling the match. WWE decided to go to promos during the match that is how important it was to them. Fox had caught Banks and tossed her out of ring and asked ref to count, Banks gets in at 8 count and Fox takes over the match. Booker compares Fox to the Missing Link.  Banks hits back stabber and gets her submission move. Winner: Banks Auska vs Emma: Emma tapped out. Winner: Auska Alexander/Swan vs Kendrick/Gallgher: Winners: Alexander and Swan Alexia Bliss vs Mickie James for WWE Women Championship Title: During an Interview Bliss says she thinks her butt is cutie and says she likes her butt. The match starts and James dumps Bliss on mat. A quick cover does not work. Mickie spanks

Lets Discuss how to Wager on the World Series and put it to the test !

The World Series is the best our of 7 games and the MLB has released this schedule: The Dodgers get the first two games at home starting on October 24th and 25th. The next three games are played on October 27th to 29th at Astros. The next two games would return to the Dodgers on October 31st and November 1st if needed. Each game will have odds on who will the game, and also a total on points scored for each game. Opening Line Currently on First Game: Astros       +146 Dodgers     -156 Opening Total Currently on Total for First Game: 7 Over        +105 Under      -125 Each game will have odds on the first 5 innings and also a total on points scored in the first five innings. There also is a series wager on who will win the series. There will be proposition wagers as well. I will be doing a video on my YOU TUBE by Monday with these odds.

My journey on Steemit and Patreon by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

When I started way back in July 2017 it was all new to me I started out like everyone else exploring the whole thing on Steemit. I had posted that I had no sponsors on Patreon and today that is still true. I have had no one on Patreon not one single soul. I often wounder why and would love some savvy feed back on the whole concept. However I do plan on posting and adding things to the web page if anyone is interested in joining that would be grand as well. Steemit however has been a different story I have added 890 followers and an currently following 4784 people and have a ranking of 44. I have yet to understand how to buy and selling of Steemit. Even though I have read several articles on Bitcoin and other currencies on line I still have not been able to figure out the who finical advantages on it. I however had made an impressive $16.45 cents from my blogs. It comes from following people and voting on blogs I like. There are many ways I like Steemit.

Can we mint BITCOIN ?

At one point in America history many people minted coins. It was not operated and run by the Government. People minted coins and money in America in the Silver and Gold era. Many people are into BITCOIN and cryptocurrency. Many people like myself are a bit confused on how all this currency works and why people are selling it and buying it online like stocks. There are arguments that cryptocurrency are coming more main streamed and there are arguments that they will be the money of the future. There are some countries like China who recently banned  exchanges for this type of currencies, and some companies have banned them but others are opening the doors to the idea. Bitcoin is the most popular form of cryptocurrency. It has been around for seven years and still has maintained a large following. Like a stock the value of the currency changes and goes up and down. Bitcoin is most likely not going anywhere and will stay and possibility become a way of doing finical transactions and

Smackdown Mahal calls out Lesnar and Owens calls Bryant a sell out

Tonight I started a little later than normal but Daniel Brant was in the ring and Owens and Zayne came out. They had a valid point I believe about Daniel Bryant his whole career was fighting the Authority. Since coming the GM he has done a fairly good job but I ask you WWE fans do you feel Daniel Bryant sell out and is he the new Authority? Well during the show AJ Styles presented an opportunity to face Mahal as well but Braynt gave AJ one of the sing brothers next Tuesday and blew a good opportunity for AJ vs Mahal. MAHAL called out LESNAR for SURVIVOR SERIES on Sunday Nov 19th 2017 and it does bring a lot of questions and opportunities for WWE to step it up. Question One: Will Raw and Smackdown mix together at Summer Slam and if so will this be the only match with mixing matches.? Question Two: Will both the WWE Universal Title and WWE Smackdown Title be on the line? Question Three: Will Lesnar or Mahal defend the Titles before Summer Slam? MY ODDS IF THE MATCH HAPPENS:

What happened to a plan about USA Debt I am asking ?

US.DEBTCLOCK.ORG Report Provided by US Debt Clock When we talk about the latest things going in in our world and Government why is it that everyone has forgotten about the USA DEBT that continues to grow. Just click the link above to view a real time view of what our Country is really doing financially. So among protest in the NFL and battling words with North Korea why has our President Donald Trump addressed this situation? So here are some truths about why America can not cross several countries like China. Yes America owes China 1.3 Trillion dollars or somewhere in that area according to many finical reports. CLICK HERE TO SEE WHO WE OWE Report provided by Business Insider

WWE Raw Review on 10/16 and WWE Cut Backs coming soon

For a company that states it had a 28% revenue increase in the 4th quarter why is the WWE in cost cutting mode? The company stock is holding currently at $22.59. Answers could range from the divined payments being to high as predicted by many finical reporting companies. It also could be the subscriptions have been not as expected and stalled out at 1.6 million subscribers. It could be less viewership on Raw and Smackdown or it could be that Fans are showing WWE the dislike in programming as of late. Many reports are saying WWE is at its worst and will be turning things around soon. The Pay Per View TLC only has two Title Matches on the card as of today! Raw opens with Kurt Angle and the Shield making the normal entrance through the crowd. Crowd chants this Awesome. Shield in Ring and Strowman answers and the Bar and Miz comes out. Angle stops them and crowd Chants YOU SUCK! Match Recap tonight: Elias, Gallows, Anderson vs Jorson, Crews, Titus: Winners: Jordon, Crews, Titus

WWE TLC Odds by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

These odds are made by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik and are for fun and entertainment only. Nevada sports books do not offer wagering on WWE. Missing at TLC any Tag Team Title match, Intercontinental Title match,  or WWE Universal Title match. TLC is October 22nd Asuka vs. Emma: Askua    -10000 Emma   +30000 Kalisto vs. Enzo Amore, WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Kalisko     +225 Enzo          -175 Alexa Bliss vs. Mickie James, WWE Raw Women's Championship Match: Bliss      -105 James    -125 The Shield vs. The Miz, Braun Strowman and The Bar, TLC Match: Shield   +300 Miz       -700 Jack Gallagher and Brian Kendrick vs. Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann: Gallagher/Kendrick     -105 Alexander/Swann          -125 Demon Finn Balor vs Demon Sister Abigail Bray Wyatt: Balor    -115 Wyatt   -125 Banks vs Fox: Banks   -115 Fox        Even

Is small print hard for you to see........ By Annie Tomsik

I get migraine headaches which causes blurred vision. Although many people have suggested glasses, they actually don't work. Glasses may help one time and the next are blurry themselves. My Doctor say this is common with many migraine suffers. Last night I couldn't see my new prescription bottle's recommended dosage. My husband (who refuses to get glasses because he doesn't want to get older) couldn't see it either. So I thought about my cell phone camera. I used it, thinking I may have to enlarge the screen. But no, it was just the perfect size to fix the blurriness. I wanted to share my quick fix tip with you. If you need a magnifying glass, or you can't find your glasses on your head maybe you can try this tip. Annie Tomsik

Will Sports Wagering Become Legal in other States besides Nevada ?

I wrote an entire book about Sports on Amazon  you can link it if you like. So here is the scoop for all those following me. Currently in October 2017  Nevada is the only State offering legalized sports wagering. Though Oregon, Delaware and Montana  are exempt from the law passed in 1992 called Professional and Armature Sports Protection Act that prevents sports wagering in any other states besides Nevada. The Supreme Court heard a case in New Jersey in 2012 however the court decided against the movement. Currently New Jersey has another meeting with the Supreme Court in June or July of 2018. To a lot of surprise our President Donald Trump is asking the case be dismissed and therefore could be assumed President Donald Trump is not for making sports wagering legal in America. Estimates of over 100 million in illegal sports wagering and the cost that comes with it have long been argued that making sports wagering legal would be a huge cash cow. Also currently the four major lea

Smackdown Review on 10/10/2017 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Usos come out and call out New Day who come to the ring. Than the Hypros come to the ting and than comes Chad Gables Benjiman Sheldon, and Breezango comes out, and than Ascention. Daniel Bryant comes out and gets everyone out of the ring. He than announces a Tag Team fatal four way match to face Usos. Match Results: Fatal Four Way Match Tag Team to face Usos: Winners: Gable and Shelton Lynch vs Carmellia: Winner: Lynch Nakumara/Orton vs Rusev/English Winners: Nakumara and Orton AJ STYLES vs Baron Corbin for US Championship Winner: Corbin My Overall Review of the show: Usos make peace with New Day in the ring. The show goes to the women talking in the locker room and Flair attacks Natty. After that an Interview with Corbin. Match with Camellia with Ellsworth is still locked up to corner with a chain during match. Finally Owens comes out and brags that Shane will not come back but I doubt that. The religious fragment from Owens is very unusual and WWE normally refrains

How to wager the MLB Playoffs and World Series

So I am giving a short lesson on how to wager on the MLB playoffs and World Series. The Playoffs are the best out of 5 games between the teams that make it to the Playoffs. The World Series is the best of 7 games between the two teams that make the World Series. So there are several wagers NEVADA Sports Books Offer and here they are: Wager each Game: You can wager each game a Money Line will be posted by the book for each individual game. Wager the Over and Under in each Game: A TOTAL as it is called will be posted for the total points the Sports Books predict the teams will score and you can wager if the game will go over or under that score. Totals use a MONEY LINE as well. Wager the First Five Innings: You can wager who will win just the first five innings in the game and Money Line will be posted by the book for this wager. Wager the Over or Under for First Five Innings: A Total as it called will be posted just for the first five innings. You can wager Over or U

Micheal Tomsik Sports Trading Company going live on October 13th 2017

Hello my name is Micheal Tomsik and I own Micheal Tomsik Sports Trading Company here in Reno Nevada. Since 2015 I have operated a Sports Investment company and currently have 2 books on Amazon I have written about WAGERING ON SPORTS. I have decided starting on October 13th 2017 I am going to test my system of wagering live for all the world to see. I will be posting on YOU-TUBE, STEEMIT, PATERON, FACEBOOK, and doing updates on my blog here. You can link to my web page at WWW.MTOMSIK.COM to link to any of these social media outlets. So first of all let me make a legal statement: I am licensed in NEVADA  as a SPORTS INVESTMENT COMPANY and consider myself a Professional Sports Gambler. Over the past 2 years I have wagered thousands of games. I am purely doing this to prove a point and test my system. If you wish to gamble or choose to follow any of my wagers in this experiment I am not legally liable it is your own choice to do so. I want people to see that my book is true and you

WWE fans loved the Shield and hated Wyatt on Raw 10/9/2017

Raw opens with Miz TV and the MIZZY Awards. Miz giving awards after beating Reigns last week on Raw. Of course Miz give himself an award as well. Fans chant You Deserve It but than Roman music hits and Reigns comes out toward the ring. Miz says he is out numbered 4 to 1. So Dean Ambrose music hits and  than Seth Rollins comes out. Well fans get what they want as all members of the Shield take out Miz, Curtis Axle, Cesaro and Sheamus. Fans chant Holly Shit at last match with Enzo Amore and start chanting This is Awesome. RECAP OF MATCHES: Jason Jordon vs Anderson: Winner:  Jordon Elias vs Apollo Crews Winner:   Elias Strowman vs Matt Hardy Winner:  Strowman Brain Kendrick and Jack vs Alxender and Ollie: Winners: Kendrick and Jack Fatal 5 way to face Akuna at TLC between: Emma, Fox, Banks, Bailey, Brooks: Winner: Emma Enzo vs Kalisko for Title in a lumber jack match: Winner: Kalisko wins and is new Champ! My Overall Review of the show: WWE is making a lot of decis

Did the NFL go to far and is it paying the price?

Today the Vice President of the United States was at the Colts game and the NFL players decided to continue the protest and take a knee during the National Anthem. The NFL has been getting slammed by the public and the President Donald Trump for these protest. Today may have been the final straw for the NFL Owner Jerry Jones finally took a stand and is telling Players enough is enough and they will stand for the Anthem. In the NFL rule book it was written that players are expected to Stand during the Anthem and it is to be played at every NFL game. Under the rule teams and players can be fined, suspended, lose draft picks, and other things that the NFL could impose. The NFL has lost fans and viewership and lost rank in the top sports leagues. Players back lashed that this was a set up from the Government while I will say I do not believe Politics and Sports should be mingling the NFL is the league that allowed it and started it so maybe it is time to find another way to protest.


Hell in The Cell Results and what we can expect from the BLUE BRAND SMACKDOWN after HELL IN THE CELL. I skipped the Pre show so here is a recap of Hell In The Cell Matches: First Match Recap: New Day vs Usos for the Tag Team Championship: This was one of the first Hell In The Cell Tag Team Matches since 1998 in WWE. New Day and Usos go after weapons however they played a small part of the match in the starting of the match. Crowd started chanting THIS IS AWESOME. Xavier used the trombones on the Usos. Than New Day used a cow bell plus gong. Usos use ken-do sticks on New Day. The Ken-do-sticks lock up Jay with sticks in the corner of the cage by New Day but he gets out. The crowd is going crazy. The Usos handcuff the New Day and go to work. Big E comes alive and the Usos pay the price. The match continues after both teams take a beating. WINNERS: USOS are new TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS Second Match Recap: Randy Orton vs Rusev: These two have been after one another as they have each ha

What the NFL and NBA does not want fans to find out !

We hear about the NFL all the time recently in the news about protesting and the NFL is on almost all forms of media. There are some good stories and some bad ones but we never talk about the NFL and the issues the league does not want the average fan to discover. According to the NFL itself records indicate there are around 870 players that have been arrested. These crimes go from DUI to MURDER charges. Just last month in September 2 arrest had been made one for possibly having a stolen gun and speeding, the other one was a misdemeanor drug possession. So why does the NFL hide this information and why is it never talked about? The NFL wants the fans to believe that a wholesome family product is being produced but the fact is the NFL has a huge issue with players being arrested. In August 2017 2 arrest where made on domestic violence or domestic assault. In July 2017 4 arrest where made with various charges against NFL players. We do not hear or see these stories in the new

Does Cam Newton prove the NFL is sexist ?

I have written tons of blogs about WOMEN in the four major sports leagues the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL. Currently none of these leagues offer WOMEN a chance at playing the sport on a professional level. There are no WOMEN players in any of these leagues. When players in these leagues are paid millions of dollars and cheerleaders are paid like 50 dollars a game. Sure cheerleaders get lots of money in some other forms but when will one of these leagues ever offer a WOMEN a actual position on the team? So when a woman reporter who covers one of the sports and ask a valid question she is disrespected and laughed at by Cam Newton the Panthers QB. So is this how the men in the league receive women and is this why the NFL will not allow any female player into the league? Why is it a player of the NFL feels a woman does not know the game she is reporting on? It is not only the NFL however it is also NHL, MLB and NBA.  There are women athletes out there in our world that can play j


Thanks for visiting you can go to my web page as well at I wrote two books about sports wagering on Amazon and I am working on the third. So here is the system I developed and I PLAN ON TESTING IT LIVE starting OCTOBER 13th 2017. They say put your money where your mouth is so I am going to do that exactly. I have already used this system for 2 years and going into year 3 plus all my investors have made money every year so far. As usual there are doubters and non believers so the best way for me to prove it is to do it and show you live on STEEMIT! HERE IS MY SYSTEM IT IS IN MY BOOK ON AMAZON AS WELL: I CALL IT A 10 GAME SYSTEM: Wagering 10 games 5 days per week I will be taking Tuesdays and Wednesdays off as I do with my company. Ten games will be wagered using Money Lines or Point Spreads or Over and Under wagers. NO parlays or anything will be used these will be strait wagers I will be taking photos of the tickets and posting them on Facebook for my evidence n

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik fights I would love to see happen !

Recently George Foreman called out Steven Seagal for a 10 round Brawl as he called it. So it started me thinking after the Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather fight what other types of fights would the world want to see? HERE IS AN OUTLAW LIST FOR YOU ALL: #1) George Foreman vs Steven Seagal in 10 rounds Boxing vs Martial Arts  #2) Charlotte Flair vs Rhonda Rousey in the WWE. #3) Brock Lesnar and Jon Jones in the UFC or WWE #4) Cyborg vs Holly Homes or Amanda Nunes in UFC #5) Rematch with McGregor and Mayweather in the UFC ring #6) Kevin Lee vs McGregor in UFC #7) Brock Lesnar vs Bruan Strowman rematch in WWE #8) Mayweather vs Pacquiao rematch Boxing I am not sure what the next big fight will be give some ideas on what you would like to see send to

The NFL predictions by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Sorry fans that I missed a few weeks of predictions but I had gotten a bit pre occupied with some other stuff. However I want to get back to my Predictions just for the NFL. The NFL is in week 5 and here are my picks this week and predictions. Thursday October 5th: Patriots  Money Line currently at -245 Sunday October 5th: Browns Money Line currently at -125 Panthers +3 Colts Money Line currently at -120 Titans vs Dolphins there is no current lines Bengals Money Line Currently at -160 Giants Money Line currently at -190 Steelers Money Line currently at -400 Eagles Money Line currently at -270 Seahawks Money Line +105 or take points Raiders Money Line currently at -135 Cowboys Money Line at currency -130 Chiefs Money Line currently at -125 October 8th: Vikings Money Line currently at -165 EARLY SEASON PREDICTIONS: Bills is a team to watch currently ahead in the division, Chiefs are currently undefeated, Steelers and Jaguars may be teams to watch. Eagles lead th

Smackdown review on 10/3 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Kicking off Smackdown also starts off with a moment of silence for the families and loved ones affected by the Las Vegas Nevada shooting. The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik would like to send out my prayers to all those affected by this tragic event. Tonight's match results: Flair/Lynch vs Natayla/Carmellia: Note: Fans chanted WHOOED and CHEERED for Flair. Winners: Natalya and Carmellia Bobby Roode vs Mike Kanellis Winner: Roode Dillenger vs Corbin: Winner: Dillenger Orton vs Aiden English: Winner: Orton End of show with Owens and McMahon in ring. THE OUTLAW SMACKDOWN REVIEW: Nakamura comes out to the ring interviewed by Renee Young. Of course Mahal interrupted and attacks Nakamura from behind. As with WWE on both show seems the only way champions can win is 3 to 1. Fans started to chant YOU SUCK and BOOED Mahal. Than Smackdown goes to promos and commercials. First match and commercials start but Smackdown still doing a Split Screen unlike RAW. After that Smackdown goes

The Next big fight may Steven Seagal vs George Foreman

Saw this today and thought well why not. I am not sure why George Foreman decided to call out Steven Seagal but it is out there on Twitter . Foreman says he will take a fight with Seagal in a BARE HANDS BRAWL. According to several reports Foreman says he can go 10 rounds with Seagal with Seagal using any form of Martial Arts he wishes. Foreman believes his boxing skills would prevail over the marital art expert Steven Seagal. Foreman is 68 years old. Foreman had a career with 81 fights with 76 Wins and 5 Losses. Seagal is 65 years old.  Seagal holds a 7th Dan Belt in Aikido, and never has had a sanctioned bout. SO WOULD FANS WANT TO SEE THIS FIGHT AND IF SO WHAT WOULD THE RULES BE? HERE ARE MY ODDS with the fact SEAGAL can use Martial Arts vs FOREMAN only using Boxing: SEAGAL           -225 FOREMAN       +325

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik Living in a cash world October 2017 Update Blog

Way back in February 2015 my family decided to live in a cash world. I have written several blogs about our experiences and what we consider a cash world. I love to update all my fans every couple of months on what it is like to live in a cash world and the issues and problems we run into. What we consider LIVING IN A CASH WORLD is no loans no debt , no credit cards or credit lines, and no loans of any kind. We do use a debit card from our bank but do not allow over-drafting. In 2015 we had to add square and paypal four our soap company Dandy Little Soap Company and for my company Micheal Tomsik Sports Trading Company. However we only use these for our customers to pay us as not everyone can live in a cash world. OPERATING A BUSINESS IN A CASH WORLD: One thing we had been doing and still do is selling our products from Dandy Little Soap Company at local fairs and markets. What we discovered is that having a way for customers to use a credit card was essential. We finally found a

WWE RAW REVIEW on 10/2 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Raw opens with a moment of silence for the tragic event that happened in Las Vegas on 10/1/17. On a personal note my prayers are with the families of the victims and those injured. Results of Matches Tonight: Seth Rollins vs Bruan Strowman: Winner: Strowman Elias vs Titus: Winner: Elias Mickie James vs Nia Jax: Winner: James by DQ Gallows and Anderson vs Jason Jordon and Matt Hardy: Winners: Gallows and Anderson Roman Reigns vs Miz for Intercontinental Title: Note: Roman took out both Axle and Dallas before the match started. Note: Cesaro and Shamues took out Reigns and did the whole Shield bomb on Reigns. Winner: Miz by DQ Emma and Fox vs Banks and Bailey: Note: Emma walked out on Fox. Winner: Banks and Bailey Raw ends tonight with Enzo Amore in the ring. THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK REVIEW: The Tag Champs attempted to take out Strowman but Strowman was to much. I do not understand the idea of Strowman and going with the Championship tag team. The Bar comes


HELL IN THE CELL ON OCTOBER 8th 2017 These odds are made by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik and are fun and entertainment only Sports Books in Nevada do not have odds on the WWE. Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon (Hell in a Cell): OWENS           -225 McMAHON      +325 United States Championship -- AJ Styles (c) vs. Baron Corbin: STYLES       +125 CORBIN       EVEN WWE Championship -- Jinder Mahal (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura: MAHAL             -225 NAKAMURA     +350 Tag Team Championship -- The New Day (c) vs. The Usos (Hell in a Cell): NEW DAY     -105 USOS           -115 Women's Championship -- Natalya (c) vs. Charlotte Flair: NATALYA    +125 FLAIR         -105 Dolph Ziggler vs. Bobby Roode: ZIGGLER    -115 ROODE      -105 Randy Orton vs. Rusev: ORTON      -115 RUSEV       -125 Mojo Rawley vs. Zack Ryder (Kickoff Show): RAWLEY    -125 RYDER      +175