Keto, is it your New Year's Resolution?

I have now been on Keto for five months. No sugars, no carbs, no cheating. I have lost 46 pounds. My A1C is 1.4 lower. But I had a question hanging over my head. How long would it take for my blood sugar to become normal.

The answer: It actually depends on each individual person. Everyone has red blood cells. each blood cell rejuvenates a new blood cell and then dies. Talk about "The Circle of Life" right in your own body. But a red blood cell's life of four months is very intriguing. The body renewing itself is like a new chance for you to change your bad life style into a healthy lifestyle every four months. Sugar clings to your red blood cells, and that is what your A1C is counted from. So each time a red blood cell dies and new one is born, the dying one takes some of the sugar with it. So to completely rid your blood of bad sugar, it takes 12-18 months of rejuvenating red blood cells, to regulate your A1C. Some people are quicker, some are slower. It depends on metabolism, water intake, gender, exercise and diet to determine your A1C reversal. But the most important answer is YES, you can completely reverse Type 2 diabetes.

I just read an article written by Doctor Sarah Hallberg for the American Diabetes Association   where she stated that "ketogenic diet may help some people with type 2 diabetes because it allows the body to maintain glucose levels at a low but healthy level. The lower intake of carbohydrates in the diet can help to eliminate large spikes in blood sugar, reducing the need for insulin."

Most Ketogenic diets are not diabetic friendly. It is a little bit different for those of us who are on the edge of diabetes or actual diabetics. Basically all sugar is bad sugar. So for me, I cut out all sugar. No real sweeteners, no artificial sweeteners, no Stevia, no honey, not even natural syrups. Why? Because sweeteners all can make your sugar level rise even for a half an hour, which can take you out of ketosis. This would also take your A1C longer to change. Many of them also have carbs. Your goal is to loose weight and lower your A1C, so don't risk it.

If you can go cold turkey, the sugar cravings go away faster. Then there are things you can do to help with sugar cravings. One of my favorites is smoothies. 

1/2 Cup FROZEN mixed berries
1 Cup cold Almond Milk (Unsweetened)
1/4 Cup FROZEN mellon (optional)
blend or bullet until smooth

You can eat mellon because although it is sweet, it has so much water in it, that it's sweetener doesn't hurt you. But things like banana, has too many starchy carbs.

Exercise, plenty of water, and a good nights sleep is key on your fast track to changing your A1C. But you don't have to join a crazy exercise regiment that almost kills you. Walking or bicycling is actually one of the best exercises. A slow and steady pace is actually recommended. It brings up your heart rate to a healthy level, then keeps it there for the right amount of time to burn cars. Walking 1-2 miles a day is the perfect way to burn carbs. But also dieting on Keto turns your body into a carb burning machine. So with all of this, you can lose weight, reverse diabetes at the same time.

Happy Keto
Annie Tomsik


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