Smackdown Review one week before Survivor Series
Smackdown opens tonight with Shane McMahon talking to the Blue Brand wrestlers and Superstars. New Day starts with Smackdown Rocks and the Blue brand seems excited. Daniel Bryant comes to the ring after his run in with Kane and bring out AJ Styles.
My Overall Review of the show:
Recap of Matches:
Sin Cara vs Baron Corbin for US Title:
Winner: Corbin
Flair vs Natyla for Smackdown Women Title:
Winner: Flair
USOS vs Sheldon and Gables: (Note was a singles match Gable and Jay)
Winner: Jay
New Day vs Owens and Sami Zayne:
Smackdown braces for a Raw retaliation that has not happened for two weeks. Bryant says he saw Stephanie McMahon before the Kane thing happened. He talks that Raw is afraid of Smacksown. AJ Styles comes to the ring and fans chant AJ Styles. With some humor added Daniel Bryant plays an advocate for AJ Styles. Mahal is shown telling AJ he is getting his rematch after Survivor Series. Still love the split screen from Smackdown!
Charlotte Flair wins and crowd chants You Deserve It! Rick Flairs music hit and her DAD was there! This was an awesome moment!
After that Smackdown slowed a bit and at 20 minutes left in the show nothing from Raw as rumors has Shield appearance tonight. Music hits and the Shield is in the ring at the top of the stairs. Taw heads to the ring. Owens and Zayne dip out and the Shield. The Usos come to help. Here comes The Bar and in the back Raw women attack. As the entire Raw comes to the ring. Shane and the Smackdown and Strowman comes and destroys the Smackdown crew. Shield power bombs Shane McMahon after Angle does the thumbs down. Angle than does his move on Shane. Shane gets a second power bomb from the Shield. No sign of Bryant anywhere as well.
I have decided to try to find a word for every show:
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