Has the WWE forgotten about the FANS ?

WWE Stock closed at $26.26 on November 2nd 2017.

This is the highest the stock has been in nearly five years. The stock hit the highest peak of $30.94 on March 14th 2014. Many analyst of the market and the company thought WWE was offering to high of a dividend on the stock. The company stock over the past five years has ranged between $20 to $25. However the company offered nearly a .50 cent dividend on every share. One of the main reasons why Vince McMahon is a billionaire and both Shane and Stephanie McMahon are millionaires. The own tons of WWE stock and the dividends paid off.

WWE made some recent changes to cut cost in the company to increase revenues. Recently letting some of the WWE superstars go and more may be in the works. The WWE Network Subscriptions since coming on line has stalled out way below what the WWE estimated and has not grown much even with expansion into several foreign countries.

Rumors of other Superstars are considering leaving the WWE as well has not helped the company. The WWE may be going to more wrestlers that are less known and try to build the brand with the LESS IS MORE ATTITUDE.

The WWE may be getting ready for more competition with Independent Wrestling Companies. More wrestlers are escaping the WWE and going to other wrestling companies for a variety of reasons. The WWE recently lost most of the ATTITUDE ERA wrestlers and many of the wrestlers that have been with the company for over 20 years. This is changing the WWE as well and with change the WWE has to attract the FANS with new talent.

Also WWE even though the company does not want to admit the fact FANS are not happy with Monday Night Raw or Smackdown choices in recent months. Raw is having an Anniversary in January 2018 of 25 years and it touting many of the retired or expired superstars.

WWE I believe is suffering one of my predictions of the downfall of the company that is FANS not relating to the Wrestlers on the show or relating to the Creative Script of the WWE.  WWE has several superstars that offend the very hand that feeds them THE FANS!

Though FANS will tolerate a lot eventually they want someone to relate to look at the ROCK or Stone Cold Austin or the Undertaker. WWE continues to allow the superstars to bash the FANS the FANS may strike back with less attendance , less viewership, less merchandise purchased, less movie watching, less subscriptions, and while the WWE cut cost to boost the stocks the whole problem is with the FANS!

The WWE has seemed to forgotten the FANS and I believe this is why the WWE is having issues.

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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