Blogging and Making Money by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Here I am going to share with you some of my biggest mistakes and ways that you can make money blogging. However I have been blogging for several years. I have made tons of mistakes and also learned a few hard lessons about blogging. Also I will share my honest thoughts about making money blogging. So first of all I never intended on being a blogger. I was a radio personality, TV and internet personality but after OSE and OSR ended I started blogging. So here is things I learned from my experience from blogging.

 Changing domain names to many times:
I changed my domain and web page several times over the years and basically what happened is I could not decide on a stable web page. Find a domain name you like and stick with it. Changing domain names or your web page is confusing, Also you can lose blogs you have written on that domain name. I currently am using and plan to use from this point on.

Find hosting a web page you like, also do not use free web pages that add the company to your web page:
Another mistake I made while changing my domain name was setting up blogs on other web pages that was not my domain. Some web design companies offer free web pages but the trick is they add the name of the company on your HTLM links. I currently love Blogger because it is directly set up with google and I have it directly set up to my web page so when I post a blog it is instantly published on Google and to my web page. Also you can set up Google Ad Sense directly on it to make money. When you use a free web page the company they add the company name like an example would be abcbloggingcompany/ I also lost a ton of blogs I had written when I ended the web pages. You can find a web hosting company you like and get a domain name and web page building but I am a firm fan of Go Daddy. They offer good prices and easy apps for web building yourself. If you pay for a web page being build it will cost you some $$$. Also Go Daddy offers other products to make money and bring people to your web page.

Google accounts:
Both my wife and I had Google Accounts and I had been writing all my blogs on my account however when I tried to put Ad Sense on my account Google would not let me. There was no way to combine our accounts including YOU TUBE accounts. So in order for me to add Ad Sense I had to switch over to her account where all my blogs currently go. I kept my Google Account because It has tons of photos and extra and I can still share my blogs on my account. However I choose to remove all my blogs from my account so there are none there. My suggestion is if you use Google and Blogger have one account.

Write about something you like and find interesting:
I write a lot about sports because I love sports, I also however write on other subjects including RV Life, Cash Life, Business, Travel, Reviews, and other things. Write a blog about something you like or love. You will find your blogs more entertaining and drawing more readers.

Use spell check as people will point out grammar, and spelling. I am not perfect my family constantly complains about my writing style. However it is mine!
It is a good idea to have someone you trust proof read your blogs however.

Making Money of Blogging:
As I mentioned Google offers Blogger that is directly connected to Google. So you can ad Google Ad Sense to the account and you can make money from this. There are many other companies that offer advertising and also affiliate marketing. I am not going to lie I do not make a lot of my blogs.
I have heard of stories of bloggers making money that might provide a living but blogging takes time to build. The more you get the people to come to your web pages the more money you can make from ads or affiliate marketing. I asked some of the top bloggers and mostly they blog for a major news source or company that is well known. They are paid from that company. You may consider blogging for a local news source or entertainment online or paper company. From everything I read and researched and attempted myself I am not blogging to make money I am blogging because I like to do it. If I make some money great if not no big deal for me.

Do not expect to make money:
Sure we all want to make money but if your whole goal is the money you will have a hard time. Start with the thought of just writing and do not worry about the money it will follow as you build your reputation as a blogger.

Social Media:
You can pay a company but I have found another positive thing I love about Blogger is I can share on Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other web pages. You can build your social media over time by always using tags in your blogs, and pointing htmls at your blog. You can go on Yahoo and Google and submit your web domain and web page to get viewed. The more it is the more you show up. You can look me up on Google or Yahoo and see pages of links.

Go ahead I dare you try The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik on Google or Yahoo or even Bing, MSN or other web pages.


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