Austin Spurs vs Reno Bighorns live blog by Outlaw Sports Entertainment

Reno Bighorns vs Austin Spurs kicks off tonight from the Reno Events Center live in Reno Nevada. The Spurs take the lead fight off 5 to 0.  The Bighorns currently 18 wins and 12 loses and the Austin Spurs 20 wins and 12 loses.

Austin Spurs Roster:
(22) Daniel Alexander, (15) Jason Blossomgame, (37) Amida Brimah, (37) Matt Costello, (18 ) Jordan Green, (7) Oliver Hanlan, (19) Tucker Haymond, (24) Darrun Hillard, (17) Livio Jean-Charles, (14) Nick Johnson, (8) Jeff Ledbetter, (23) Julian Washburn.

Reno Bighorns Roster:
Brandon Austin (4), Michael Betha JR (23), Jack Cooley (45), Will Davis (7), Cody Demps (2), Josh Hagins (5), Aaron Harrison (1), Matt Jones (9), Luis Montero (44), Jakarr Sampson (29), David Stockton (11), and Marcus Williams (3).

As the first quarter came down the Spurs have a 19 to 12 lead over the Bighorns. Tonight was also free t shirt night for all those who attended the live game. The Spurs seem to be giving the Bighorns a game tonight. End of the first quarter score is Bighorns 18 and Spurs 25.

The second quarter the Spurs foul and the Bighorns go to the line. At 7:59 the score is Bighorns 27 and Spurs 30. Toward the end of the second quarter the Bighorns 34 and Spurs 41. The crowd loves the T-shirt toss from the dance and cheerleading team. Tonight the Spurs seem to be giving the Bighorns some trouble defensively. One thing that is a lot of fun at these games is the interaction given to the fans. After a time out the play begins once again. The music is loud and the crowd yells defense. During a time out the DJ plays the waiting music as the Bighorns David Stockton gets a foul shot. As the clock winds down to the half time it is a back and fourth battle between both teams. At halftime the score is Bighorns 43 and Spurs 44.

The third quarter kicks off after a great halftime show with the mascots vs the kids. The Bighorns may have found an answer to the Spurs as the Bighorns take lead with a basket from Cody Demps to start the third quarter. Once again the thundersticks come out and are given to the crowd

The Bighorns take the lead in the game but the Spurs are giving the Bighorns a fight with 5:47 in the third quarter Bighorns lead 58 over the Spurs 55.

A timeout called by the Spurs with 3:01 left in the third quarter Bighorns 64 to Spurs 63. The game is still back and forth down the court a turn over from the Spurs. As the Bighorns went up for a basket the Spurs defend the basket and tie up the game. At the end of the third quarter Bighorns find some answers and close out the period Bighorns 74 to Spurs 67.

The mascots came out in underwear and attempted to have a race on tricycles. The DJ gets the fans pumped up and the Bighorns miss a basket and the Spurs get a basket and a foul. The fourth quarter found the game still going back and fourth between the Bighorns and Spurs as the Spurs take the lead with 6:38 left in the game Bighorns 77 and Spurs 79. During the game an issue between the Spurs and Bighorns got the officials and coaches involved as some pushing and shoving happened between the players, There was a bit of time while things got sorted out and a double technical is called on both teams.

The Bighorns make a big basket and take a one point lead but the Spurs come right back. As the clock winds down to less than 2 minutes. The Spurs proved to be to much for the Bighorns team tonight in a close fought game the Spurs pulled it out in the end. With 11 seconds on the clock it seemed forever with the ball as the Bighorns fouled the Spurs. Towards the end of the game fouls from the Spurs gave a glimmer of hope to the Bighorns.
The final score tonight Bighorns 90 and the Spurs 97.


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