Why Nascar needs more Women Drivers by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I have in the past pointed some really interesting facts about women in sports. As of today August 28th 2017 there are NO WOMEN athletes in the National Football League, National Hockey League, National Basketball League, or Major League Baseball.

Nascar however has been a sport where women have seen some advancements in the sport. The most popular name you run across is Danica Patrick. She has really open the doors in Nascar.

However since years have passed Danica Patrick has really not accomplished much in Nascar. If you follow her at all she rarely wins a race and often lands in wrecks and in the back of the pack. I admit she has accomplished a lot compared to any one else in Nascar but here is the thing you gotta win some races or at least be in the front of the pack. Fans of Nascar and many people around the world pull for Danica Patrick however often left with disappointment and wondering when she will rise to the top.

So why does NASCAR keep Danica Patrick and why have no other Women drivers been allowed into the Nascar mix?

There are a few names that could possibly end up in the circuit of Nascar one is Jennifer Jo Cobb. She currently is driving in the truck division of Nascar. Another name that could possibly end up on the Nascar circuit is Angela Cope-Rush and her sister Amber Cope both have promising careers as drivers in the Nascar sport.

Paige Decker is another name that stands out as a possibility in the Nascar circuit.

There are other names out there that could be given a chance if Nascar so choose to do so. Matter of fact there are enough women drivers to make a women's circuit since Nascar seems to be only allowing Danica Patrick as a driver. Why that is at this point in time is really unknown.

Patty Moise, Shawna Robinson, and Johanna Long all have the desire to race and why any of them has not been given the chance at the biggest dance of them all?
This is a question for NASCAR for sure and I am willing to ask the hard questions if they dare interview with THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK.

If Nascar wants to be the leader in sports than open they should open the doors to more women drivers.

Do you think it is time more women are allowed to drive at Nascar or is it only me asking?

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik is calling out Nascar for an Interview on this subject does Nascar care to reply?


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