What can you do if your company closes the doors and does not pay you by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I believe some laws should make small business owners responsible for showing the staff the company finical situation. There are to many times a person finds an job with a company and loves the job but the owners are not honest or upfront with the company finical situation.

I recently ran into this situation and found myself at the last minute being told the company was closing.

The owners did not respond to txt messages phone calls and other employees communicated with me as well about the concerns of not reviving almost 4 weeks of back pay.

So what can you do if your in this situation?

#1) Try to communicate with the owners and document all your phone calls and txt messages or communication with the owners. If they fail to reply you may need this documentation for court.

#2) File Unemployment you can do this online or at a local State Office in your area.

#3) File a complaint with the US Labor Wage Board you can find it online for your State.

#4) Contact an attorney that specializes in Employment Laws

#5) File in Small Claims court against your Employer.

Unfortunately your remedies are going to take time and even if you get the State or even Federal Agencies to help you collecting the pay may be an entire different story.

This is why it is wise to investigate small business owners and why I feel laws should be passed to make owners of a small company revel the finical situation of a company when they have employees. There are no specific laws on small companies that offer any satisfaction to employees that make them feel secure in getting paid from the company.

There are no laws regarding how money from a company is being used or where the money is going.

Small business accounts for 44% of the American Economy and 20% percent of those business fail within the first year according to reports from the US Labor Department.

If your going to work for a small business or a new business it might be advisable to research who owns the company, what finical resources they have. There are no laws that the owners or company have to provide this to you but in the end it may save yourself a lot of headaches if the company closes or can not pay you.

Many larger companies have stocks that is owned by investors and companies have to provide reports to the stock holders. In small companies this is not the case owners of the company do not have to show revenues, expenses, or where as the owners they are putting profits from the company.

Unfortunately there are NO LAWS or PROTECTIONS for an employee of a small business in this area.


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