Keto and Healthy Living ( HOW DO I CHANGE TO KETO OR HEALTHY LIVING ?) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


Annie my wife and I have currently been living a Keto life for 2 years. It has not always been easy. In this time we took many hours of watching videos, reading books, and researching so I personally feel like at this point we are Experts in Keto and Healthy Living.

I recall the day we drove home from the Doctors office and Annie discussed going Keto. Annie had been quite ill for some time and I had gained over 50 pounds of weight topping off at the most I have ever weighed in my entire life. I look at some of those photos today and shake my head in shame.

Annie told me she wanted to go Keto and I did not have to but I decided to anyways. 

So we drove home that night and emptied out our cupboards and fridge everything that was not Keto.

We took all the food down the street to some people whom we knew needed the food.

We jumped in and made the change that night.

For us the change has been a blessing Annie is well again and lost nearly 100 pounds, and me well I lost all the weight I gained and have been holding a steady weight.

We both feel great and our lives are better health wise and that makes us both happy.

We really did not consult a Doctor or Health Care Professional we just did it. 

However I stress talking to a Health Care Provider.

Annie has seen one since we moved from Reno to Springfield though I have not. I am not a big fan of doctors anyways. Yes it is a bit of irony since I am telling you to consult one. However in the 2 years I have written several blogs and researched the information for all of them, and honestly some doctors do not even have the knowledge I have of Keto and Healthy Living. I would also say the same of Annie!

Sometimes just doing it is the only way just take that dramatic step but again I stress Health Care Provider just because I have no idea of your medical health. You can make small changes as well and groom yourself into larger changes or maybe find that you feel your where you need to be.

To change to Keto or even a Healthy Lifestyle you need to do your own research, know your own medical, health, physical and mental condition. I have ran into so many people that I start to talk to them and they tell me oh I am living a healthy life but I soon find out they are smoking or drinking or eating tons of sugar. Than they turn around and say the Keto Lifestyle or Healthy Living does not work.

I than always ask them How is that living healthy?

Annie posted in our KETO GROUP (CLICK IF YOU WANT TO JOIN) a poll of how many people in the USA based on current population purely did the Keto Lifestyle and it was only 3%.

I suggest making small changes and working up to the bigger changes but if you dare to jump in like we did it is fine with me as well. 

So take a week write down everything you eat or drink, than determine if it was healthy or not.

Start to remove the unhealthy foods and drinks from your daily food and drink consumption. Replace them with healthy foods and drinks. Start to research your food, what is in it, how many ingredients does it have, is it chemically altered, or has pesticides been used on the food. Look for how many calories or carbs or how much sugar is in the food. Once you start doing this you most likely will never stop.

You should see small changes in your health for the better within days.

People are learning that food is what our human body needs to function and having the best food you can provide for your body will make you healthier and happier. Foods fight off  and help cure major diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Issues, Blood Pressure, and much more.

You have to want to change, not out of a need to change, you have to want a better healthier life.

I am going to be as strait with you as possible many people will not understand your choice, and some of your friends and family may give you a hard time about your choice. Sometimes it may seem difficult to keep doing it and you have to member your doing this for YOU!

If your thinking about going Keto or even Healthy Living Annie and I want to help you just contact us!

Micheal Tomsik


Get  your Resources today:

Dr Eric Westman's book End Your Carb Confusion

Dr Ken Berry's book: Lies My Doctor Told Me

Dr Bret Scher's book: Your Best Health Ever!

Dr. Jason Fong's book: The Obesity Code &  The Diabetes Code


Fat Fiction

Fat; A Documentary

Join our group for more resources and support

Keto for Healthier Life


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