Ketogenic Diet, and why? by Annie Tomsik

Do I wish I could do it all over again? I do! I wish my parents had known better nutrition and passed it to me, so I in return could give it to my children. But that is not how it happened. So in my 40's, I am learning it all new.

I am a child of the 70's. My parents were children of the World War II era. They had parents from the Great Depression. So eating staple foods was a common occurrence. Eating greens was only in the summer. Then you didn't eat them in the healthy since. Pea and Corn was creamed. Potatoes were fried. Leafy greens are smothered in salad dressing, keeping their flavors disguised. Gravy was added to everything as a regular part of meals. It was poured over meats, breads, potatoes and anything pronounced to dry for my Father's dentures to cut through. Berries and fruit were always made into jams, jellies and preserves. Our consumption of foods were rarely in their natural form.

As I grew into an adult, I learn a few health tips. I quit using so much oils in the skillet. I not only drained the fat from meats, but also rinsed it out with hot water. Over the years and reading more on nutrition, I changed out Cow's milk for Almond milk and switched to turkey bacon.

But apparently it wasn't enough, because my doctor warned me that I was becoming pre-diabetic. My A1C was very high. I knew stress could elevate your Blood Pressure. But I didn't know that stress could also drive your Blood Sugar up. I don't want to be a diabetic, and I agreed to change it. But my doctor said I couldn't change it. She actual said "That ship has sailed".

That made me angry. I started Googling before I left her office. Then I went home and started researching. After an education on Starchy foods, I immediately stop eating them. I mean I didn't eliminate them over a period of time. I went cold turkey. I am an all or nothing person.

No Breads, beans, potatoes, rice, pasta, or starchy vegetables (like squash and sweet potatoes). No sugar, including honey. No pre-packaged processed foods. I have went on this life altering experience. I walk through the grocery store armed with a mental list of everything I can't have. Then searching for healthy replacements. Stir fries have become my new best friends.

But there is something I have learned above all else. Everyone has a version of every diet. Not everyone knows what they are talking about. Doctors and Nurses aren't educated with Dietary Information. So what can you do? Research!

For me it was Carbs of these starchy foods creating sugar in my body, and making my A1C go up. Since I am a person who stresses easily, I was getting a lot of cortisol in my body. Since I wasn't able to release the cortisol, my body became insulin resistant. I retain sugar in my fat stores, and started getting sick.

The luckiest part of this whole story, is that I have had a wonderful support group on my path to healiness. My Daughter who is a vegetarian, has helped me with my research of carbs and diet. My husband who has decided to go along with me on this road to success. They help me to diet, and exercise daily.

So today I want to tell you that I am 6 weeks in, and 5 pounds lighter. I am eating healthy fats like eggs, avocados, and cottage cheese. I am snacking on carrots, apples, nuts, seeds, and berries instead of muffins and cookies. I eat a lot of fish, sea foods, and broccoli. But I am feeling better than I was. My blood pressure and blood sugar have both come down. I am looking forward to my next A1C screening, which a person can only take every 3-4 months when new red blood cells are created, so your over all blood sugar can be checked. Learn more about your A1C and new Red Blood Cells at:

I will gladly give you an update on this blog in a week. But for now, I leave you with this recipe:

Last Night's Stir Fry
3 diced Garlic Cloves
1/2 Cup Sweet Onion
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
stir in skillet
1 yellow squash peeled and sliced
2 zucchini peeled and sliced
2 Cups sliced mushrooms
2 Cups shrimp or chicken
1 cup chopped spinach (after everything else has sauteed to done)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Optional: 1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
Optional: 1 tsp. Sesame Seed oil

If not on a Keto or diabetic diet, can add wild rice to dish.

I am sending Blessings and Good Health wishes to you all. Until next time.....
-Annie Tomsik


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