Reno Bighorns vs Iowa Wolves live blog by OSE

Ose brings you live from The Reno Events Center Reno Bighorns vs Iowa Wolves.

Currently the Reno Bighorns 25 Wins and 19 Losses, and the Iowa Wolves 19 Wins and 24 Losses.

Reno  Bighorns Roster Tonight:
Aaron Harrison (1), Cody Demps (2), Marcus Williams (3), Brandon Austin (4), Josh Hagins (5), Matt Jones (9), David Stockton (11), Daniel Ochefu (15), Mike Bethea (23), JaKarr Sampson (29), Luis Montero (44) and Jack Cooley (45).

Wolves Roster:
Anthony Brown (3), Melo Trimble (7), Amile Jefferson (10), Michael Bryson (12), Elijah Millsap (14), Wes Washpun (20), Justin Patton (24), Marquise Moore (25), Perry Jones III (34), Shawne Williams (40), Prince Williams (41), and AKevin Foster (42).

The game tips off as the Wolves get the tip off and score first. No one scores fora few minutes as the teams go back and forth down the court. The Wolves hold off the Bighorns again but are unable to score themselves and the first foul on the Wolves. The Bighorns are missing baskets but holding the Wolves defensively.At 9:43 Matt Jones finally scores for the Bighorns.

However the Wolves have answers for the Bighorns and take an early lead Bighorns 2 and Wolves 7.
Tonight is seems the Bighorns may be struggling as Matt Jones misses 2 free throws and calls for foulds tonight are adding up. Bighorns still not making baskets as the clock ticks down. Aaron Harrison finally scores at 6:49 but again the Wolves answer back with 3 pointer. A time out is called.

4:02, Wolves are in the lead, 20 to 11. Another time out is called by the Bighorns. The Dance team and Bruno (Bighorn Mascot) on the floor tossing little basketballs to the fans. At the end of the 1st quarter the Bighorns find themselves down 11 points.

Starting the 2nd quarter the Wolves keep the pressure on the Bighorns as the teams battle up and down the court. Tonight at the game several training dogs in the crowd. Bighorns foul again however Aron Harrison steals the ball and goes down court to score. The Bighorns close the lead down to 5 points at 8:31 in the 2nd.

The Bighorns tie the game up at 7:21 Bighorns 39 and Wolves 39. As the clock ticks down, it seems the the Bighorns and Wolves are in for a real battle for the lead. 4:40, and the Wolves are barley ahead, with the score at 47-43. The home team has scored another two-points, only for tonight's competitors to retaliate with a three-pointer. We've reached the 'recliner toss', an event in which someone has to make the shot from within a chair in order to win a prize.

The teams are again tied at 49 to 49. There is little more than three minutes on the clock. It's hard to tell who's going to win the second quarter. By 2:13, they have tied once again, at 52-52. This just might be one of the closest games of the season. Oh, the Wolves scored. The Wolve's number seven shoots one point at the line. The Bighorn's Jack Cooley steps up to the line and shoots for two. One minute remains, and the Wolves are maintaining their slight lead. Our second quarter wraps up with a score of 57-54, in favor of the visiting Wolves.

The second half tips off as Guide for the Blind dogs are walked around the court. It is a doggie dog world tonight here at the Reno Events Center. As the teams switch sides of the court the Bighorns once again fall behind to the Wolves by 4 points. This game is going fouls fouls and more fouls. Jack Cooley on the Bighorns slam dunks a basket and the crowd cheers. A time out is called by the Bighorns.

A bad call by the referee gets the Wolves team off the seats and headed to the floor. Bighorns shooting from the outside 3 point range. The fouls on the Bighorns are making a difference in the game as well as missing a lot of 3  point shots. In past games the Bighorns have come back from big point differences. However tonight the Wolves so far seem to have the number of the Bighorns.

This game really started to be a game of fouls by the end of the 3rd quarter. The clock ticks down and the crowd yells Defense but the Wolves once again have built an 11 point lead over the Bighorns. Wolves get a traveling violation and turn the ball over to the Bighorns. A 30 second time out by the Bighorns. The calls seem to be all going against the Bighorns tonight. Jack Cooley once again slam dunks a basket to the crowds delight. Aron Harrison adds to the crowd cheering as he runs down a basket as well.However the Wolves got the answers tonight and the end of the 3rd quarter comes.

The final quarter takes off with a three-pointer from by the Reno Bighorns. One minute in, and the Wolves have brought their score up to 90. The Wolves get another two-pointer. The Bighorns step up to the line and shoot for two. Eight minute remain, the score is 96 to 88 in the favor of the visiting team. This match has been riding each other's tails all night, and it seems it is going to be the final minutes that determine who wins.

6:40 and ticking down; the score is still favoring the Wolves, at 96-93. We are currently on a time-out, T-shirts are being tossed out, and the crowd seems eager. Wolves at the line, shooting for two. They make both. The Bighorns score two. The Bighorns score another two. Wolves' Jeffersons steps up at the line, shoots one. The Bighorns and Wolves are tied! At 99-99, 3:28 left on the clock. Tied at two minutes, 102-102.

The Bighorns have scored two, and are now in the lead, at 104-102, with 1:32 remaining. And here comes all the line shots that cluster up that last minute! Michael Bryson scores one at the line. Wolves score at the line, tying the game at 104-104. Four seconds remain. The Bighorns made a long-shot and they failed! End of Regulation : 104 to 104

We are going into overtime! This is the first overtime game I have been to this season! Two minutes are on the clock for overtime. The Bighorns have scored two points! Wolves at the line, two shots, made both. Now tied again, 106-106. Thirteen seconds left. Five seconds left. Three seconds left. The Wolves have scored three-points! The wolves are tonight's winners!
End Score : Wolves at 109 and Bighorns at 106. 

BLOG WRITTEN BY Alyssa Tomsik and The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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