Raw has US Marshals, Handcuffs and Lesnar plus Bliss trash talking in Dallas Texas

Raw opens with Kurt Angle talking and a suspended Roman Reigns walks in and sits in the ring. As the US Marshals ( not real most likely) are shown coming to the ring. As they read Roman his rights and handcuff him in the ring. As the Marshals grab Reigns he attacks the Marshals. Than the music hits and here comes Lesnar with Reigns in cuffs. Lesnar suplexes Reigns and hits him with chair shots. Lesnar stalks Roman Reigns and keeps the chair shots going. Lesnar hits another suplex and Lesnar takes a few more chair shots.
The crowd boos!
Lesnar hammers on Reigns even more in the ring. As the show goes on Lesnar does an f-5 on Reigns. Reigns is taken out on a stretcher.
The crowd chants YOU DESERVE IT! 
Lesnar comes back to the ring and pushes Reigns on the floor in the strecher and leaves again.

Raw goes showing Bliss and a recap of the night from last Monday Night Raw.

A little past an 1/2 before we get the first match on Raw. Bliss in the ring with Mikie James as the crowd boos Bliss. Bliss attempts to apologize to Nia Jax live on Raw but than the switch comes on from Bliss. After the match Jax attacks Bliss and slams James into the ring than chases after Bliss.

As Bliss goes to Kurt Angle to complain he sets the match for WrestleMania.

As Strowman comes to the ring The Bar comes out chatting about the match. As Strowman says he has a partner. As Strowman gets one of the Bar team. As they entered the ring Sheamus tricked Cesaro into the match saying his knee was hurt.  Kurt tells Strowman to find a tag partner for match.

A match on the Hardy compound happens tonight as Raw shows Matt Hardy as Woken. He will face Bray Wyatt tonight for Ultimate Deletion. I personally hope this whole thing is over after this!

Mark Henry is announced as a member of the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame.

Banks comes with a mic and talks to Bailey. Bailey than takes a mic and calls Banks out on what she did. As the two attempt to work out the issues between them here comes Absolution. During matches are the referees really paying attention as Deville did not have Bailey pinned for 3 count.

The last hour brings out John Cena to the ring. As he issued a challenge to the Undertaker last week. Cena runs his mouth and the WWE and Universe wants this match for whatever reason there is for it. As Cena says no response from the Undertaker. Crowd chants Undertaker.  Cena really pouring it on tonight as Kane comes to the ring.

Kane slams Cena so is there a match here or not?

The Miz entrance music hits and looks like the Balor Club vs Miz and Company. Yet here comes Seth Rollins to the ring and goes to the announcers table. After the match Rollins helps Balor and lets him know it telling him he owes Rollins one.

Before the Woken match Ronda is featured again but she has not even wrestled one match so far!

Match Results:

Alexa Bliss vs Asuka:
Winner: Asuka by count-out

Strowman vs Cesaro:
Winner: Strowman

Revival vs Titus World Wide:
Winners: Revival

Bailey and Banks vs Deville and Rose:
Winners: Deville and Rose

Balor Club vs Miz with Bo Dallas and Curtis Axle:
Winners: Balor Club

Wyatt vs Hardy at the Hardy Compound:
As Wyatt is shown entering the compound with a lantern he is meet with a droid. As Hardy says follow the music to a ring. The match starts and really is not all that! It gets a little weird and fast forwarded so I guess taped.
Winner: Matt Hardy


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