Fastlane results and story lines for Wrestle-Mania by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Fastlane is the very last Pay Per View for Raw or Smackdown before Wrestle-Mania. WWE is headed to the largest and grandest event of every year Wrestle-Mania. WWE has managed to move the stock to around $38 per share on NYSE. WWE has also announced the return of XFL football in 2020.

Wrestle-Mania happens on April 8th 2018. 

Some story lines have been set on Raw here are the current matches for Wrestle-Mania:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon vs Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey

IC Title Match is a Triple threat match with Miz vs Seth Rollins and Finn Balor

WWE Universal Championship match Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar

Fastlane pre match:
Breezango and Tye Dillinger vs Mojo and Gable and Benjamin:
Winners: Breezango and Tye Dillinger


Nakamura vs Rusev:
Nakamura is the only superstar on Smackdown with a match at Wrestle-Mania. Aden English sings as Rusev enters still going on about Rusev Day. The bell rings and the match starts and the Crowd chants for Nakamura. The crowd chants more as the match goes on. Nakamura teases Rusev but it fails as Rusev goes outside the ring. Nakamura finally goes after Rusev and the crowd really comes alive chanting. Rusev goes after Nakamura outside the ring and takes over the match. Nakamura gets a submission move but Rusev gets to the ropes than Rusev nails Nakamura but fails to pin him. Nakamura attempts a pin on Rusev but he kicks out. Nakamura had Rusev in a chock hold but Rusev slams Nakamura across the ring. Rusev lands a huge kick but Nakamura kicks out. Rusev and Nakamura exchange blows and Rusev gets his submission move but kick outs by both wrestlers. Rusev nails Nakamura again with a kick but can not pin him. Nakamura nails Rusev in the end and wins.

Randy Orton vs Bobby Roode
Roode and Orton starts off and in my opinion Orton showboating a little to much already. However Roode showboating as well and pays for it. Fans chant RKO. Orton goes for an RKO but Roode goes outside the ring. Roode goes for his DDT but Orton rolls out of the ring. Mahal shown in back watching. Roode and Orton going back and forth in moves. Roode showboating again and Orton takes control and Roode attempts to cover Orton after a DDT off the top rope. Orton DDT off the ropes to Roode and Orton showboating again allows Roode to escape an RKO. Roode attempts another cover after a slam off the top rope but Orton kicks out. Roode on top rope but got caught by Orton. Orton nails a move off the top rope and Orton covers but Roode kicks out. After move after move both Orton and Roode. Orton nails the RKO when Roode comes off the top ropeand pins Roode.

Namoi and Becky Lynch vs Natalya and Carmella:
Lynch gets her disarm-er on but Camellia is in the ropes. Natalya power bombs Namoi but Namoi kicks out. Carmella showboating and attempts to cover Namoi. There is a lot of hair pulling in this match from Carmella and Natty. In the end they used the Money in the Bank briefcase as a distraction and Carmella pins Lynch.
Winners: Natalya and Carmellia

New Day vs Usos
Usos come out very strong. After a tag was made New Day is rolling with Kofi in the ring. Kofi mocks the Usos build some momentum. Usos hit the midnight hour move of the New Day on Kofi but he kicks out. Woods tag in and he nails everyone. Kofi comes off the top rope and Usos kick out. Both teams trading moves and using each others finishing moves. Woods and Kofi try the double splash but Usos fly outside the ring and everyone is on the floor. Just as that happens the Bludgeon Brothers enter the arena. Harper blast New Day and than take it to Usos. They toss Woods and Big E in the ring and dismantle both teams. Bludgeon Brothers go to leave but Woods is on the floor and the Bludgeon Brothers slam Woods to the steel steps.

Ruby Riott vs Charlotte Flair
Seems during the match the Riott Squad interferes in the match. Ruby hits the Riott Squad kick on Flair but she manages to kick out. However Namoi and Lynch come out for Flair. Riott seems to have Flair under control as she land hands and Flair fights back. Ruby has Flair in a submission move and Flair is in a lot of trouble in the match from Riott. Flair however goes to the top rope and tosses Flair on the ground outside the ring. The match goes outside the ring but Flair tosses Riott in the ring and an attempted pin fails. On the ropes Ruby plants a move on Flair but she kicks out. After a couple of moves Namoi and Lynch are tossed. However Morgan and Rose are tossed as well. Flair ripped Riott into the corner turn buckle and a spear and her submission move gets Flair the win.
Winner: FLAIR

Asuka shows up on Fastlane. She points to Wrestle-Mania as I guess she is choosing FLAIR for Wrestle-Mania.

Aj Styles vs John Cena, Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Owens, and Sami Sayn
Cena AA to everyone except AJ. The crowd chants this is awesome. Cena and AJ alone in the ring. Everyone back in the ring and they all are looking at Cena. Cena is tossed and the ring is empty. Corbin and Styles in the ring than a change Sayn is out. Aj nearly pins Owens. Aj nearly pins Sayn. Owens goes after Aj. Wow there was so much action Owens nearly pins Ziggler. Corbin and Ziggler and Cena all going at it in the middle of the ring. Cena does a double 5 knuckle shuffle. Ziggler nails the famous er on Cena but a kick out. Cena gets the STF on Ziggler but AJ breaks it up. Sayn breaks the count on Cena. Corbin goes wild and goes after Ziggler out in the crowd. Owens tears the tables up. Shane McMahon at ringside as Cena slams Aj through a table. Why Cena did not cover Aj I have no idea. Sayn lays on the mat as Owens looks confused. Owens than attempts to power bomb Sayn but it is reversed on the outside of the ring. Sayn moves and Owens kicks Shane. Owens nearly pins Ziggler but Shane pulls the ref out of the ring. Than Shane pulls Sayn out. Corbin has some steel steps. Cena AA to Corbin on steps but Ziggler breaks it up. Aj comes out of the air and pins Owens.

Some story lines have been set on Smackdown here are the current matches for Wrestle-Mania:

 Smackdown Women's Championship Asuka vs Charlotte Flair

Smackdown WWE Championship Nakamura vs Aj Styles 


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