Could you live like it was 1817 ?

The current year is 2017 but let's go back 200 years to 1817.

Could you drop all of your latest gadgets like cell phones, computers and even telephones.
Not only that forget most modern day vehicles and transportation. Forget most industries, and being able to handle a gun or weapon for protection or hunting.

 Horses and Horse drawn carriages are still very popular however the US had moved into steam operated boats and railways.

Cotton was still one of the largest industries in the US.

Forget States as many areas of the West was unexplored or under the Territory of Spain.

Women of the day made clothing, cooked and attended to housing and children and often helped the men with farming.

Hunting, Fishing and Farming was a main stay of most families lives though some cities in the East started to pick up in industry and living.

A few things that happened around 1817:

The first Football games are played in America.

The U.S. Congress adopts the flag of the United States as having 13 red and white stripes and one star for each state (20 stars) with additional stars to be added whenever a new state is added to the Union.
Settlers in Northern Florida and Southern Georgia attack the Seminole who then retaliate by attacking homesteads. The war continues through to 1818 with no conclusive winners.



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