Why is Uber discriminating against me ?

I started with uber in 2017 along with doordash and for these past years up to January 1st 2021 I had no issues with Uber. I did a whole series on youtube under Tomsik Delivery on the companies.

So lets tell my side of the story here in 2021 Uber did a background check with a company called Checkr. All the sudden my account had a notice to contact the support. 

So I call support only to be told to contact Checkr.

So I email Checker and run ny background check to only find out they have all the wrong information but on my Uber account all my information is correct. 

I try to call Uber support but my calls are blocked and only go to a message that they can not handle this over the phone.

So I decided to go to the Twitter support and after numerous times I am put off by Uber.

I email Checkr and than I email executives at Uber with no response.

This goes on the entire month of January, and currently today in February has not been resolved.

All I want is my account open so I can deliver or do passenger services. 

I have not had any criminal things happen to me, my license is fine, I have insurance, and really nothing changed but my move from Nevada to Missouri.

Uber and Checker are retaliating against me I can not call either company, both companies do not reply to emails, and I feel this is a retaliation and discrimination from both companies based on my age, heritage as I am Native American. The retaliation comes because I filed complaints against each company with the better business bureau.

It is obvious at this point Uber does not want to resolve this as they sent me an email stating they no longer wanted me as a partner or contractor.

So in this blog I am asking any legal advice or if any one would like to start a case for me against these 2 companies.

If you have had similar issues or problems with Uber contact me how you resolved it or if it never got resolved.

Thanks Micheal Tomsik



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