Keto and Living healthy through eating the right foods by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


As many of you following my blog my wife Annie and I are enjoying a Keto lifestyle. We decided to change our lives to a Keto lifestyle. So we are attempting to make our lives better by eating healthy, and attempting to live our lives as healthy as possible. I will countinue to write blogs on our goals, our journey and along the way I hope that I can help others find ways to a happier, healthy life. 

Food can help you live a happy, healthy life, it has been proven what we eat does affect our overall health.

My personal update I have been struggling a bit with my weight lately. I had gone down all the way to 195 pounds but lately my weight has been slipping up and I needed to figure out why. I had hit 215 and decided that was going the wrong direction. So currently I am working on this issue.

However I have not gone off my Keto lifestyle so I had to ask myself why am I gaining weight?

My research on my issue:

Though you could gain some weight due to the fact your fat is turning to muscle, and muscle actually adds weight more than fat. However most of the time this requires an exercise program that would make you build lean muscle mass and I am not doing that.

Most likely my issue is the amount of carbs I am intaking per day. In my research even if you do Keto if you consume to many carbs you will still gain weight. So I am currently watching my carb intake to see if this is the issue.

Annie personal update Annie is healthier, and does not struggle with medical issues. Annie loves the Keto lifestyle and is always looking for new recipes we can try.

What changes have we made:

So as far as us we have eliminated fast food, sodas, and we only drink water and brewed dark tea or green tea. We also only use half and half or heavy whipped cream in the tea.

We also juice using foods that are keto friendly.

We countinue to research foods that fit into our Keto lifestyle, we seek new recipes,  talk to many people about eating healthy, and losing weight, along with keeping up our research on eating healthy.

Why WATER is important part of eating healthy:

Water is really important part of Keto you should drink 15.5 cups a day for males, and 11.5 cups per day for women. If you can drink more water and give up other drinks that contain a lot of sugar or calories it will be a big step in your overall health.

Water is important to the human body, water is used in our cells, and there are many other reasons water is important to your body. The more water you can consume the better for your body.

Can foods really help heal and keep me healthy?

Our world is ever changing many of our foods are filled with man made chemicals and man made ingredients. You have to select foods that are fresh, homegrown, or organic. Even the word organic can be confusing because it has such a wide range of what is considered organic in our food system.

Though it has been proven over and over food can heal you and food can keep you healthy our food system is very flawed. Even if your not doing a Keto lifestyle is is important to research your foods.

Food can only be good for the body and keep you healthy if it is as natural as possible. 

Contact me, email me, talk to me about your story with food and health I would love to hear from you.


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