The KETO Lifestyle by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


Hello and welcome to our KETO STORY!

I have posted in the past about Annie and I going Keto over 1 year ago. In that time we have both lost weight and become healthier in our lifestyle choices. I myself lost 45 to 50 pounds, and Annie has lost somewhere around 70 to 80 pounds. 

We have been sharing recipes, and talking to people about our journey with going KETO.

We want to help others in YOUR STORY about living a better life by eating better.

So since my last blog Annie the amazing cook and wife she is got a recipe for Keto Cheesecake.

We also have many of our family favorites in what we call KETO BOWLS.

We love taco bowls, fish bowls, veggie bowls, hamburger bowls. and we are working on more bowls.

Eventually we would like to start a small KETO restaurant and name it KETO BOWLS.  

So we are constantly researching and finding new ways to live in our Keto world.

Annie found some sugar alternatives you might want to try Monk Fruit, and Stevia.

So recently Annie and I have discovered that we have come to a point where as we are following our Keto lifestyle but we are not losing weight anymore. It is funny because we both have the same issue so we had to consider that maybe we had done something incorrectly. However we have not changed our eating habits, exercise routines or anything like that. 

So what is going on here we asked ?

It is possible we hit what is called a Keto Stall. A Keto stall is created by to many carbs, and this kicks you out of ketosis. This is a very tricky area and you should consult a professional doctor before making any dramatic changes.

In short you may have to re evaluate your carb intake. You also may need to fast, or possibly have a cheat day to shock your system. Doing changes can have a change in your body that it is wise to  consult a professional before making any dramatic changes.

You also may have to go back to the basics as you may have hit what is called a PLATEAU.

To break the Plateau you may need to measure your food intake, also going back to the basics and track your macros again. Also consider keeping track of your carbs. Eat real food like fish, eggs, and healthy fats in meats.

Fasting can also help in small spurts recommended. You can eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours, you can work your way up to 24 hours, than maybe a day or two. 

This is also an area you need to be careful in watching your body may have reactions.

Other things that may help get enough sleep.

On Keto you need to avoid:

Starches such as pasta,rice, potatoes, bread (though we have found a Keto Bread recipe).

Sugars like Honey, high-fructose corn syrup, and sugar.

So on my part I love Bananas however they are not considered low carb, I may have to change my habit of my banana in the morning to possibly blackberries. 

Well as an update Annie and I are working on getting past our stall the more important thing however is keeping ourselves healthy. That is what we want for you as well.

The Tomsik Family


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