Is there a National Lockdown coming and what you can do to get ready by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Be ready America there is a really good chance that a NATIONAL LOCKDOWN IS COMING! 

Reports do not look good for the virus called Covid19 in reports today in the news the virus is pretty much out of control. 

The cases are on the rise and show no signs of slowing down. Today is the news they reported the virus is out of control in most or all places.

Today in the USA they hit 10.7 million cases and over 235,00 deaths related to the virus.

California,Oregon, and Washington just issued travel advisories, and some States and Cities are implementing lockdowns, or restrictions again. 

Chicago just implemented a stay at home order, New York is shutting down schools possibly and just shut down bars, restaurants and gyms, and some places in Texas and Miami are following similar rules, regulations, and lockdowns.

If there is another lockdown it would possibly last 4 to 6 weeks according to most reports.


There may not be time if your in one of the places that is already starting lockdowns.

1) Pay all your bills 30 to 60 days in advance if possible, make it bills that count like rent, mortgage, car payments, insurance, phone,internet, electric, gas or utilities.

2) Try to put some money in savings account for something unexpected. If you can do $500 to $1000 if possible. However do what you can.

3) Though you see commercials saying not to horde having a small stock pile of needed things like water,toilet paper,dog or cat food, food for pets, cat litter, feminine products that can last 2 to 4 weeks is not a bad idea. This also makes it so you do not have to go to stores as much.

4) If your aware your company or job will be affected find out how to file unemployment, and look into other resources for income.

5) Talk to your landlord, mortgage company if you are laid off to see of arrangements can be made.

6) I do not advocate going into debt but if all else fails use credit and loan options to get through it. However than you have to worry about this debt later. 

7) If you have stocks, or retirement account you can borrow against or  even sell some stocks, or use the retirement without penalties. I also do not advocate this plan but sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.

8) Think outside the box, there is no one good way to plan, but you can reduce your stress, and worries if you make a plan of action and follow it through.

9) Expect the unexpected and roll with it.

10) Seek out agencies, organizations that can assist you and your situation.

I hope this helps you all The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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