My experience with Keto and Weight Loss by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

 Hello you all I written a few blogs about my experience going KETO LIFESTYLE but it is just not about losing weight it about living a healthier, happier life as well for me.

Anytime your considering a major change in your life you should get some medical advice or consult a medical professional such as a doctor.

So a few people on my FACEBOOK have communicated with me about my change going almost into 1 year at this point in time my wife Annie and I changed to a KETO LIFE.

Maybe your not ready for that leap yet but you would like to find a way to lose weight maintain weight, be healthier, happier, and have more energy.

So here is my advice and issues we ran into, and some things you can do to change your eating habits.

Advice tip number one:

Avoid fast food if possible, most fast food is not healthy or nutritionally well for our bodies. 

There is what is known as DIRTY KETO.

Dirty Keto allows you to go to fast food places but avoiding things the bread, french fries, and soda.

Instead try wrapping a burger in lettuce, instead of french fries get a salad, instead of soda get a water.

Personally I find no reason to go fast food any more but I understand that sometimes it is easy and there in a pinch.

Advice tip number two:

While it is true KETO gets you away from pastas and bread there are tons of solutions and ways to get a great meal  or if you like bread like me. 

I recently found a way to make bread with squash, plus we found ways to make Keto breads. 

Research the internet for new meal ideas.

It can be fun just making something, It has become a challenge for my family. 

My daughter and I always try to find a new fruit to try that we never have tried. 

We recently had a cactus apple.

Advice tip number three:

I have ran into many people who have started a Keto lifestyle than quit, it only works if you actually do it.


This is a short list there is a lot more:

Avocados, blueberries,mushrooms, spinach, strawberries, almonds, cashews, walnuts, chicken,eggs,beef,turkey,peanuts,shrimp,salmon,tuna,pork,most all cheese, yogurt, sour cream.


It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, and shifts the body's metabolism away from carbs and towards fat and ketones.

HOW DO YOU TELL KETO IS WORKING and some side affects of KETO:

Unfortunately Bad Breath can be a side affect of Keto.

You start to lose weight.

Lower Blood Sugar levels.

Your not as hungry, appetite suppression.

More energy and focus.

You may have short term fatigue.

Digestion issues.

Better sleep

My experience being on Keto I do feel more energy, I do sleep better, I never had any digestive issues.


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