Mask, Fires, Hurricanes ,Covid 19, Sports , and Politics by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Here we are in September 2020 on this rollercoaster ride with all kinds of twist and turns, drops and going sky high. Do not expect this roller coaster to be over anytime soon so let's talk about each subject and discuss where it may go into 2021. 

Where will the roller coaster ride go and what will come next may surprise you.


Recently thousands of acres of land has been on fire in the West Coast covering 3 states California, Oregon, and Washington. Many people blame climate changes and they very well could be correct. The evidence and science prove that we humans have caused our mother earth to change, and those changes may be affecting the conditions on the west coast. 

Predictions are for more fires and disasters like this for 2021 with no changes to climate control in 2021.


Climate change may also be attributed to more hurricanes, and these storms will be stronger and more fierce than normal hurricanes according to scientific research. 

Just this month there are several storms in the ocean and at least one hurricane hitting land. 

Predictions are for stronger storms and more damage from them in 2021 with no changes in how we handle climate change.

The question needs to be asked:  Is climate control  going to change in 2021?

MASK and COVID 19:

Covid 19 does not seem to be going away and even if it dips in once place it seems to come full force in another. The original assessment of Covid 19 was around 2 ti 3  months but here we are going in to 6 months to 1 year. 

There is a rebellion against mask and mandiates to wear them.

With many scientific companies working on a vaccine it may be the only hope for Covid 19.

Headed into 2021 do not expect mask mandiates to go away, matter of fact predictions for Covid 19 are looking like a growth in the virus and not a decline. So at some point in time there may need to be stronger mandiates or even another lock down to slow the virus until some type of preventative cure can be found.

However there is hope some say ultra violet lighting may kill the virus, also maybe colder weather will slow the virus but then again they thought that of the heat wave as well. 

Going into 2021 I would predict that it will depend on the virus declining or spreading more, and if an actual preventative cure can be found, or some other way to kill the virus comes along.

Prediction  for 2021 is Mask mandates countinue into 2021, and possible more social distancing and even possible re consideration of lockdowns.


Going into 2021 the Presidential Election in November 2020 will have a definite outcome on some of the factors above.  

The candidates for this election are:

Republican Party Donald Trump and Mike Pence 

Democratic Party Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 

Prediction: This may be the most watched election in US history with more people voting.


After several months of complete shut down sports came back however sports has probably changed forever. Sports leagues playing in whats called a bubble and many events with limited or no fans in the stands. 

Not only has sports seen a change created from the Covid 19 Virus but this year sports has entered into social media and politics more than ever with leagues players protesting.

Prediction: As long as Covid 19 continues sports will remain in bubbles, and use alternative ways to encourage fans, this will most likely go well into 2021.

I also believe that a change in sports has happened and predict that protest and speaking out from players will countinue into 2021.

In the end of it all it is something I never thought I would see in my life time with weather, natural disasters, and a major virus affecting the entire world. However it is all happening and all we can do is hope and pray that we all will make it though these very extreme times.


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