I Don't Know food reviews

Red Robin, Reno - Food Review

Often times, when you ask someone where they want to go to eat, they reply with I don’t know. Which is, by no means, helpful. Especially when finding a place every member of your family or friend group agrees to is often already a needlessly tedious chore.

There are just simply too many options out there, and no guarantees all the hassle of settling for any one of them will be worth it. For those looking to try a new place, there will always be the question of “Is this place actually as good as the commercials say?” and “Is my friend going to complain about how bad the food was for the rest of the week?”. Well, those of you in the Reno, Nevada area are in luck. The creation of this - yes, yet another one, yawn - restaurant food blog, may very well help you find the perfect place to eat. Or, at the very least, it might help you avoid winding up with a disappointing meal. As a vegetarian who loves burgers, it’s been my recent mission to find the best veggie patties. So, after seeing their recent burger advertisement, my carnivorous father and I decided to attend the local Red Robins to, of course, try their burgers. As we all know, food always looks better in advertisements which, to some degree, is understandable. Red Robin’s burgers was definitely a far cry from the pictures. That is to say, we were both on the disappointed side. The patties themselves were disproportionately small, whereas the buns were both too large and thick. When biting into the burger, we were basically getting a mouthful of bread which sort of defeats the purpose of there being a patty in the first place. Furthermore, the top bun was overly crispy and dark, as if it had been overcooked. Both buns were greasy. While I can’t vouch for the beef patty, and my father’s contribution of “It was okay” is oh so descriptive, I can say that the veggie patty was incredibly bland. The sole flavoring was a mild spiciness. The texture, however, was decent. It addition to burgers, we both orders a side of ‘endless fries’. The portions of which were incredibly small. The first batch we received was unsalted, and under-cooked so that most of them were soggy. While the second batch was equally as under-cooked, it seemed they not only added the salt, but added enough to make up for the first batch too as they were incredibly salty. With our food, we also ordered root beer floats. While they didn’t come in the glasses we were anticipating, the glasses that they did give us were still quite large. The ice cream, not so much, as just like the patties, there was barley a point of it being there. Overall Rating : ★★★☆☆


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