What are the rules about Shopping Carts in Walmart or other stores ?

Yes this blog is about to get a little weird but we (my wife Annie and I) were at WALMART tonight and it was packed and people are hustling up and down the aisles with shopping carts. So here we are shopping headed down the aisles that seem to be filled with people pushing carts.

As we head down the aisle we run into an issue some other person with a cart with one of us having to move or run into each other. We manage to turn our cart into the other side of the aisle but then almost get ran into by another person pushing a cart.

Of course there are the excuse me, sorry, and normal pleasantries of people in the stores.

Are there rules about cart driving? Is it possible stores should have stop and go lights, yield signs, stop signs and other information for people pushing carts?

On average I wonder how many carts are being used in a normal store. We have been in a store when no carts have been available. Also some times you have people driving electric carts as well. These carts are not built for speed but still could cause some damage if you hit someone shopping.

I do not think there are really any serious injuries that occur from shopping cart crashes but I am sure there are plenty of exchanges between people and some of them always not pleasant.

There are no  shopping cart rules that I am aware of but people using common sense and treating others with dignity and respect.


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