WWE reality by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I have been a long time fan of the WWE loved it from my child hood days. My family thinks I am totally insane writing blogs, calling out the WWE Owners, and investing in the stock. The fact is WWE in general is a pretty good entertaining show and I enjoy watching it and have even been to a few live events in my day. I plan on writing blogs, and investing in the company, and being a fan forever if possible.

Sure there are times when the creative juices could be better after all I have written my fair share of blogs that show my displeasure in some of the things WWE does in the creative writing and shows live on USA on Mondays and Tuesdays called Raw and Smackdown. I even made odds on pay per views for entertainment only. You can find my blogs here!

I am not a big fan of PAY PER VIEWS but since the WWE created the WWE Universe where you pay $10 per month you can get all the pay per views and extra perks with it.

In all honestly I would love to bring my alter ego known as THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK on WWE I believe I would have lots of fun and I could entertain the fans. Maybe someday I will get my chance..CALLING OUT Stephanie and Shane McMahon on that one!


WWE is a public stock company traded on the NYSE under World Wrestling Entertainment, INC.
Currently the stock of the company is at around $20.00. Over the last five years the stock has been as low as around $7 and as high as around $31.  The company was founded by Jess McMahon in 1952 and taken over by his son and current owner Vince McMahon in 1979. Both his daughter Stephanie McMahon and his son Shane McMahon are currently in operations of the company. Also Stephanie real life husband known as Triple H (Paul Michael Levesque) is also involved in the company as a CEO.

WWE was once called the WWF but in a legal dispute in 1994 the company changed the name and has been known as the WWE ever since,

WWE bought out two other companies ECW and WCW Wrestling companies. 
Also the WWE has a partnership with the Tapout company.
Currently the WWE also has its own movie production company as well and has produced several films that uses many of the entertainers that wrestle in the WWE.
WWE is one of the top supporters of several charities like Make A Wish Foundation, Cancer Awareness and other charities that the WWE supports.
The WWE has many other partnerships and companies it works with as well.
WWE created an online subscription called WWE UNIVERSE where as a person pays a monthly fee to gain access to Pay Per Views and other stuff with-in the WWE.


Many people get confused by the entertainers but the fact is they are ACTORS and ACTRESS and they also are considered INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS not employees of the WWE.

Though they are given certain roles and charters written by the creative writing crew some of the entertainers have a huge say in what the role or character is going to be. The problem is sometimes it creates is that many of the WWE fans are so drawn into the roles the entertainers play often is forgotten that these are real people with real lives and families. Often the roles and characters are changed in the WWE to appease fans or draw interest to the company. This is why the roles are so important but the WWE fans have a lot to say about what the company does or does not do. Since the WWE is a fan based company with no fans no WWE!

I often wanted or want to interview WWE entertainers to ask how they separate those lives and if one influences the other?

As of lately the WWE is struggling getting new entertainers as many of the older generation and some of the middle generation are switching to part time or retiring from the WWE all together.

This has brought a rise in other WWE parts of the company like NXT. A smaller part of WWE where entertainers can build skills and work on character development. The WWE always has to be at the cutting edge to draw the fans.


WWE fan base is in the age range of 14 to 40 they say with a majority of the fan base as males.
However there are various reports and agencies that dispute and record these facts you can look them up. No matter recently the WWE has expanded into the internet opening up a program called WWE UNIVERSE wheres a person pays $10 per month and gets all pay per views and other stuff and it has attracted over 1.4 million subscribers in almost every part of the world.
WWE RAW the flagship of the company airs on Monday Nights on USA and has an average of around 3 million viewers per show.
WWE SMACKDOWN airs on Tuesday Nights on USA and has an average of 2 million viewers per show.
Movies and other ventures of the WWE keep the fans happy.

WWE fans buy the merchandise, sell out live shows, pay for pay per views, or the Universe Subscription and are the real base of the WWE.


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