Living A Cash Life update July 2017 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I wrote a few blogs about a cash life and how you can live it. Since 2015 my family has been living a cash life. It is not always easy we have had to make some modifications in our business ventures and lives to do this. Read some of my prior blogs on here if you want they have some good info.

So here is my update like every other family we live with daily struggles recently one of our family members became ill and he asked us to loan him some money. As it was we really did not have the money but we had already agreed to give it to him so we did. On our part it created a huge issue.
To top it off we struggled with an issue with one of our recent events that caused us to have to not charge the other business participants in the next event. So we made no money from this event and even lost money.

To top all that off we ran into an insurance issue for the event we had been planning. We also had car issues, and other medical issues of our own so our family was a mess.

Admittedly it seemed we struggled through these tough times but in doing so dipped into some savings we did not want to touch and we may have to dip into it again to get us back to ground zero.

I had not been doing my wagering company ( Micheal Tomsik Sports Trading Company) we decided not to start till College and Pro Football so no income from that. We only had income from our Soap Company and Events and everything has just been a disaster to this point it seems everything that would go wrong did.

Our goal was to build a savings living as cash life meaning no debts, no loans, no credit cards.

However as in other blogs due to our business we had to get Paypal, and be able to take credit cards at fairs and events for our soap company Dandy Little Soap Company. We also need this because we had been promoting events and needed a way for other business people to pay us for spaces.

There was really no  way around this we could not expect everyone to live our cash life style and having people send us cash or paying us with money orders or checks was a process.

As far as us however we still are only in a cash world only using our Debit Cards linked directly to our bank. We still have no debts, no loans, no credit cards, and own all of our stuff out right. However since we began this lifestyle it is really hard to save. Some government agencies showed reports that say the average American family has less than $1000.00 in savings.

I am not going to lie to you we really have been struggling lately living this life is not easy. We do not have a pile of money so we can not just walk away from our business that supplies our income.
It would be grand if I could tell you that we had lots of money, was walking on easy street but that is so far from the truth. We are not exactly broke or poor either and far from homeless or anything like that.

My wife and I work long hard hours on our companies and we struggle daily as many families do.
I guess the only difference is we have no debts and owe no one anything at this point in our lives.

So anyways my advice is that if your going to try this life of living in a cash world do not expect it to be easy!

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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