Why some people sell better at fairs or events than others ?

So as a promoter of events and a business owner that sells at events I can say these are things a person should consider who sells anything at any craft fair or any type of event.

What are you selling and do you believe in your product?

It can be easy to set up any type of business but can you sell the product to a customer?  Even if you do not get a sale can you WOW the customer enough to think about your product after they leave ?

One thing Annie (my wife) does is explains the benefits of our soap. She is great at getting customers understanding why our soap products are all natural and how they help your skin. Even if they do not buy our product they got an education on soap. You have no idea how many people contact us after an event wanting to buy the soap after Annie or myself have talked them.

I have noticed people who greet customers, talk to them, and go out of the way to be in the spotlight sell better than people who sit in a booth on a phone or computer or who just expect the customer to buy things. If you as a customer goes to a store and no one says hello or can I help you how does that affect your thought of that store?

How do you act at the event?

Do you sit behind your booth on the phone or a computer ?
Do you greet customers walking by even if they seem non interested in your booth?
It is amazing to me how many customers you can gain just by saying hello or how are you.
If your sitting back in your booth are your expecting the customer to come to you.
Often it is a big mistake not to greet or talk to customers even if they seem non interested in your product even if you do not make a sell you may gain something else from the conversation.
Do you represent your business?
Do you act professional ?
Do you complain about how many people or how slow the event is or do you try to socialize with others and help create more interest in the event?

Customers see and hear more than you expect. If they walk through an event and the sellers are all complaining and acting as if the event is a bomb (even if it is) it gives the customers a bad impression so than the customers thinks why should they come to your next event?

Do you help advertise the event?

As promoters we are constantly under fire about advertising an event. However as a business owner you have clients or customers so why not invite them to an event your selling at. If you sell online say come meet me in person at so and so event my booth will be there. If everyone in an event could get 5 people to come of you have 20 booths that is 100 people.
I am sure that every business has customers!

Do not be afraid your customers will see other booths at events as most promoters realize that each business does not want to have a same business at the event. So most promoters only allow one type of a company at an event unless the event is really large and they spread the companies apart.

Do you advertise where your going to be to customers, and do you help promote the event on social media?

This seems like a no brainier but I never hear of sellers doing this as a promoter it seems that falls on us the promoter. As a business owner if I invite my customers they may enjoy the event and buy from other business owners.

Do you complain at events that seem dead and leave early?

As a promoter we want everyone to do well at our events however as a seller I realize that no promoter can tell you how well an event is going to do. It is amazing to me however how many sellers complain and leave early. This hurts you  and the event plus the other business owners at the event. If a promoter calls the event or allows it to end early it is one thing but often an agreement has been made with the place the event is being held as well. If business owners leave early it looks bad to see an empty event both to customers and other business partners.

Face it not all events are the best on both sides as a promoter and seller I have seen good and bad. However the attitude is always to think of customers a few good customers can make your day imagine this if you make 10 sales on a slow event and no sales that has a 1000 customers . The attitude should be that you came if a seller advertises, tells customers, and helps the promoter than everyone benefits.

If you pack up and leave early how many possible sales and contacts did you loose?

So this is why some people sell better than others it is all how you run your business.


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