
Showing posts from July, 2017

WWE Raw Review and more by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Kurt Angle comes to the ring and the matches for Raw are announced with Miz TV. Kurt Angle won a Gold Metal 21 years ago today and Thanks the fans.  Brock Lesnar comes to the ring. So Paul Haymen opens his mouth and runs it for a while. So Paul Haymen states that Lesnar is being set up basically. Also states if Lesnar loses he will leave the WWE but that also goes with rumors of Lesnar returning to the UFC. Recently he was called out by Jon Jones and Lesnar is attempting to get reinstated to the UFC after being banned for unsanctioned doping. RAW REVIEW: Raw produced a good show last week however went right back to doing things that turn the fans away and makes the shows boring. Raw has not produced any stunning head turning events or creativity in some time. Even the main match did not bring anything of interest. Though the live crowd was great. Raw lacked again putting The Big Show and Cass in the main event of the night. Will the WWE have Lesnar drop the TITLE? WWE fans may a

Why I am known as The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

So people I am not a real Outlaw as many people including some members of my family seem to believe. Though I am not going to lie in my younger days I had a bit of run  with the law and lived a life that could be considered an Outlaw life. However that has nothing to do with my persona name. My nick name actually was created from me doing my radio, TV and Internet broadcasting and Media Company. Here are the reasons the name was earned by me. FAMILY: I am Native American from the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in Rapid City South Dakota. So I have Tribe members like Siting Bull, and Crazy Horse. My relatives names include Jesse, Ricky and Frank James. My wife Annie is also related to the famous Pinkerton's. My family has Outlaws and Lawmen and women. I love some of the most famous Outlaws in history. ON AIR: I was told I could not do certain things like talk about wagering odds but I did. I was told I could not  ever get the the point of broadcasting games and interviewing people

Why is everyone unloading WWE Stock ?

Wow reports came out today that several major holders of WWE stock are going to consider dumping it.  Reports have a major investor dumping 3.5 million shares at around $21 per share. There could be several reasons the WWE stock is headed for a major downward spiral and the company could actually be in trouble. Though I have written many blogs on the USA shows RAW and SMACKDOWN the fact is this year WWE has seen a drop in viewers, and the WWE Universe has not really expanded as the company expected. This created a short coming on revenues for the company. The stock also never really moves over the past years it sits usually between 19 to 23 dollars the only advantage the stock had was the higher dividends it paid to investors at nearly ,50 cents per share. The McMahon family had made a killing of the dividends for years however many people that analyze companies thought this eventually could hurt the WWE stock and company. If a major stock holder drops the stocks it will be int

Can you make money on Pateron or Seemit ?

Pateron  is a web sight that people can make money on by getting sponsors. I joined about a month ago and I followed everything the page told me to do. I constantly am blogging, doing videos, posting polls, and other things but I have not been able to gain one sponsor. So maybe I am doing something wrong or maybe I have rewards and I have my YouTube   linked so every-time I do a video it is posted. However I still have not had a sponsor so maybe if your reading this you can tell me why because I do not understand way or whats going on with it. I have not made any money or gotten sponsors to this point in time. Seemit  is a newer web page also however being routed as a web page that you can make money from. So click to my link  above and you will be taken to my page. At least on this newest page I have actually made $1.78 so far. However this page is very difficult to understand. I just have learned how to post blogs and download photos. However I have not found out how to post vide

Living A Cash Life update July 2017 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I wrote a few blogs about a cash life and how you can live it. Since 2015 my family has been living a cash life. It is not always easy we have had to make some modifications in our business ventures and lives to do this. Read some of my prior blogs on here if you want they have some good info. So here is my update like every other family we live with daily struggles recently one of our family members became ill and he asked us to loan him some money. As it was we really did not have the money but we had already agreed to give it to him so we did. On our part it created a huge issue. To top it off we struggled with an issue with one of our recent events that caused us to have to not charge the other business participants in the next event. So we made no money from this event and even lost money. To top all that off we ran into an insurance issue for the event we had been planning. We also had car issues, and other medical issues of our own so our family was a mess. Admittedly it

Will the Casino industry live in Reno Nevada by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I live in a small community outside of Reno Nevada called Verdi . Many people believe it is really far away but the truth is it is on the border of Nevada and California only 15 miles outside of downtown Reno. I only mention this because two casinos below are near my house. The whole gambling industry is changing with many other states offering Indian Casinos Reno has lost several casinos and the who idea of Reno being a gambling town has changed in the past few years. Reno suffered like many places with lose of jobs, high employment rates, and a housing crash but if you plan to come to Reno or surrounding areas today do not expect that. Currently the housing market is booming with lots of new developments being built, and new companies moving to Sparks/Reno area like Tesla, Panasonic, and Google. So casinos have become a smaller part of Reno/Sparks area. There is less than 25 casinos in Sparks and Reno area today. There are a few larger casinos left like: Atlantis, Peppermill, C

WWE Raw review 7/24 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Raw on 7/24 was one of the best RAW Episodes I have watched in some time. Though I still feel the rivals, feuds and other things need work at least some things are changing. Raw pulled out a AWESOME show after weeks of bad reviews, lower viewership and fans dreading the outcomes Raw did something they pulled off a show that fans could get into. HIGHLIGHTS OF RAW: Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins winning a handi-cap match 3-2 against the Miz and Curtis Axle along with Bo Dallas. Future possibilities: A Shield reunion down the road and FANS want it and the WWE is listening. Fatal Four Way announced for Summerslam after Strowman, Joe and Reigns had it out at the start of Raw. This sets up all types of possibilities. Like it or not I like the fact they are letting Cass run free, his dominance over Big Show in non sanctioned matches will lead to a few bouts between them. WHAT IS DISAPPOINTING: At some point NIa Jax needs to be Champion this Banks and Bailey is falling short of

Summer Slam early odds by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

SUMMER SLAM in on AUGUST 26th 2017: Here are the early matches that have been announced with my odds on them: Natayla vs Naomi for Smackdown Woman's Title Natalya     -450 Namoi      +225 My Prediction: NATALYA NEW CHAMPION Lesnar vs Resigns, Strowman, and Joe Lesnar         +125 Reigns          -225 Joe                -325 Strowman    -500 MY PREDICTION: STROWMAN NEW CHAMPION Bailey vs Bliss for Raw WWE Woman's Title. Bailey      +225 Bliss       -450 MY PREDICTION: BLISS RETAINS

WWE Battleground Results and THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK Review

WWE BATTLEGROUND RESULTS AND FALLOUT by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik. NEW DAY vs USOS for TAG TEAM TITLES: Usos showed a lot of power in the match but Usos wasted a lot of time to let the New Day back in the match. The Crowd was chanting for New Day. Highlights of the match Xavier kick out and Usos fighting back.  New Day kicking out after huge moves by Usos. Crowd chants THIS IS AWESOME! New Day pins Usos! NEW DAY WIN AND NEW CHAMPIONS! Fallout : Fans will have to put up with NEW DAY as CHAMPS again! Shinuke Nakamura vs Baron Corbin: This feud could be built up by the WWE but tonight the match belonged to : Nakamura CORBIN called the fans DUMMIES during the match was not well liked online. Corbin also cheated in the end and was DQ! Corbin also attacks after the match and the crowd BOOED! Nakamura wins by DQ! Fallout: Fans booing Corbin and possibly losing his FAN base! Five Way Womes match Charolette Flair, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Taminia, Lana: There is a relationsh

Links to the The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

So the newest and latest rage is called STEEMIT  and here is my profile link. I love giving you all links to me you can also visit  I am on the following social media pages as well: FACEBOOK TWITTER PATERON LINKEN I am also found on YOUTUBE, GOOGLE, PINTREST , MY SPACE, TUMBLER , and other web pages. You can find my books on AMAZON . Thanks to everyone who visits my web pages and who follows me on the web! THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK

Understanding how to Wager the Mayweather vs McGregor Fight by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

First of all thanks for the interest this fight is so big that sports books in Nevada are saying wagering is going to be larger than the SUPERBOWL. So I wanted to take a few moments to show you how to wager this fight. THIS IS BASICS 101 I will write some more blogs on PROPOSITION WAGERING and I am planning on doing a series of videos on YOUTUBE. So lets get down to business here is the basics of how to wager the fight. The fight is scheduled for AUGUST 26th 2017 at T-MOBILE ARENA in LAS VEGAS NV though no official time has been given when the fight will start and it is only available on PAY PER VIEW I will be posting another blog with places to watch the fight in RENO NV and updated odds every week. Also see my YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Boxing matches at all SPORTS BOOKS in NEVADA are based on what is called in the SPORTS BOOK as a MONEY LINE WAGER. A Money Line means there are no POINT SPREADS like in FOOTBALL OT BASKETBALL. Money Lines are posted in sports books on print outs or on ele

Mayweather (Boxer) vs McGregor (UFC Fighter)

August 26th 2017 may be the biggest boxing and UFC promoted fight ever as Floyd Mayweather (BOXER) takes on Conner McGregor (UFC Fighter). The fight is happening in Las Vegas Nevada and currently is more popular than the NFL Superbowl according to Nevada Sports Books. No official time has been made for the fight and will only be able to be seen on PAY PER VIEW. So here are some valuable things to consider for the fight in my opinion. Mayweather is UNDEFEATED and a Five Time World Champion and won 15 World Titles. McGregor is a UFC Fighter and Boxer and held Multiple Titles in the UFC. Here is some major differences however that I feel will be a factor in the BOXING RING. Gloves:  Professional boxers that fight in the ring always wear 8 oz. or 10 oz. gloves UFC Fighters contestants shall wear glove which are at least 4 ounces and are approved by the Commission. Generally, gloves should not weigh more than 6 ounces without the approval of the Commission. This gives Ma

WWE RAW REVIEW on 7.17 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Raw is opening with Dean Ambrose and a possible SHIELD reunion. The Miz has made a trio with Curtis Axle and Bo Dallas. They have been a formative trio taking out both Ambrose and Rollins and today on RAW Rollins attempted to get Ambrose on the forgiveness train. Than Bliss and Bailey with an assist with Nia Jax, but with help from Banks Bailey gains a pin fall. The Kurt Angle revelation is suppose to happen and it involves Cory Graves somehow as the announcer left the table during a  match.  Rumors have Stephanie McMahon and Dixie Carter as possible prospects in the story. WWE pushes Joe vs Regains for a run at Lesnar. People I think are tired of the MY YARD going from the Roman Empire to the Dog House. Maybe we need to mail him a collar! Enzo aka THE CHICKEN MAN comes to the ring and a lot of talking..SWAFT and CASS comes out. Big Cass goes to Corey Graves and tells him he caused it. Than the Big Show comes to the ring. No bell actually rang and no ref in the ring An unoffic

WWE Smackdown finally gets it !

After watching this weeks Smackdown I felt that maybe Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryant are finally getting the idea of how to build a creative and entertaining show while getting the fans to chant and interact with the superstars. I STILL AM CALLING OUT THE WWE TO ALLOW THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK TO BE A CREATIVE MIND IN THE WWE, HOW ABOUT IT Shane McMahon ? Anyways Smackdown is creating the good guy bad guy in several rivals, Owens and Styles and Cena and Rusev. However it gets old as these rivals have been done over and over again and again but the fans love to Chant for the two popular superstars and this adds merit to the show. Jinder Mahal and Randy Orton is another rivalry that may end at Battleground on July 23rd. Fans do not seem to be getting into Mahal as Champion in the US but across the board worldwide WWE may have hit the jackpot. Mahal is gaining popularity in foreign countries where the WWE needs to ramp up subscriptions to the NETWORK. Rumors have CENA going after

Reno Sports Book News by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

I do not mention this much at our events but I do have four books on Amazon  and two of my books are about sports wagering including for the past three years I have been a professional gambler, and investor, consultant to many sports books and companies in Nevada. I often can be found in one of the sports books in and around Reno NV. So it is a little sad when I see a book go out of Reno like Stations Sports Book who  is going to close in August 2017. The book was or still is in Baldinis Casino in Sparks NV till August 28th I understand from friends and people in the business. However there may be a silver lining to this move, as William Hill has taken over much of Reno and Nevada in the Sports Book industry. There is a new company coming to Nevada called UFS Sports Books! Currently the company is expanding rapidly in Nevada and hold up this company may be able to go outside of Nevada as well because they are a little different. This company does fantasy sports somew

Why some people sell better at fairs or events than others ?

So as a promoter of events and a business owner that sells at events I can say these are things a person should consider who sells anything at any craft fair or any type of event. What are you selling and do you believe in your product? It can be easy to set up any type of business but can you sell the product to a customer?  Even if you do not get a sale can you WOW the customer enough to think about your product after they leave ? One thing Annie (my wife) does is explains the benefits of our soap. She is great at getting customers understanding why our soap products are all natural and how they help your skin. Even if they do not buy our product they got an education on soap. You have no idea how many people contact us after an event wanting to buy the soap after Annie or myself have talked them. I have noticed people who greet customers, talk to them, and go out of the way to be in the spotlight sell better than people who sit in a booth on a phone or computer or who just e

Self Employment or Not ?

Hello  after  years of  owning and  operating different types of companies with  a few that I have sold, and a few have closed, and a few that are operational  today I feel that I can give some advice about the thought of owning and operating your own company.   How I got started in Self  Employment :   I lived with my grandparents later in my life and my grandmother Hazel James owned and operated Century 21 Real Estate in San Marcos  California . I was often taken with her to the office and on house tours and so forth. I believe this is w hat  gave me the idea of being Self Employed.  I also have always been the type of person not  afraid  to take risk or try something on my own.   When I was around 19 I started to work for a company that had a  kiosks  in a local mall in Escondido  California . During my employment the owners decided to  abandon  the business so I took it over. I had a crash course in business. Soon however I had this business operational in 3 malls