Keto and Healthy Living - Does your doctor say you have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? by Annie Tomsik

As you have read in my previous blogs, I am a former type 2 diabetic who by living a Ketogenic Lifestyle, I have reversed my diagnosis and am able to live a much healthier life. I keep my carbs around 20 and I have lost 100 pounds over the past 2 years, which I have kept off. It has been an amazing turn around for me and I feel as I did when I was in my twenties.

I was listening to a co-worker who told me that "when her sugar dropped, she would run out to her car and guzzle a bottle of Gatorade to bring her sugar back up." She honestly believes that she has low blood sugar, and can't function with it being low.

The problem is that many people face this same line and sinker. Many doctors tell their patients that they need to eat small meals throughout the day to keep from having low blood sugar. They tell their patients that they have hypoglycemia. 

The truth is that that hypoglycemia is a rare condition. Only 7% of the people diagnosed with hypoglycemia or low blood sugar per year, are genuine. The other 93 % are patients who are facing CARB CRASH! When you eat a healthy diet that has natural fats like eggs, avocado, butter and meats, your body has fuel to burn. Your glucose is steady and safe, but when you eat sugar, processed foods, deep fried foods or grains, your glucose rises to meet the need. Then as soon as your body absorbs the fuel, it does a crash and needs more fuel. When this happens you feel a rush of energy, then in about two hours you feel tired, sluggish, ill, headaches, shaky, nervous hungry and irritable. 

For many years I went around with snacks in my purse and whenever I felt my low blood sugar, I would eat. I would grab candy, juice, chips, soda because I needed to instantly bring my blood sugar back up. I never understood why my doctors would say that some low blood sugar turned into diabetes. I mean how does a person go from hypoglycemia to hyperglycemia? But I kept their advice and stayed to their regiment. 

Finding out that I had type 2 diabetes, saved my life. Yes, I am telling you the truth! I was so scared of becoming my brother and losing my sight, limbs, and being on dialysis, that I instantly started researching a better way. I found the resources I need to start eating healthy with Keto. Now after 2 years I am never going back. I proudly declare that I am for life a Ketotarian. 

For most of my life I was making one mistake after the next. I listened to many different doctors advice. None of their advice helped me. I went from one diet to the next and would lose a few pounds and gain it back plus some. I exercised and never seen any results. If you are experiencing the same, then take a 30 challenge. Don't say you wish you could, because you can. Don't say it's too hard, because it isn't. Don't say it won't work, because it does. Only you can help yourself, because no one else can. 

Are you worth it? 

Then come where there are free resources, and start today. Keto for Healthier Life

Annie Tomsik


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