Keto and Healthy Living ( WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT KETO) by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

                      My blog is about our story of living a Keto Lifestyle and Healthy Living

I would be truly amazed if you have not heard about Keto and the evidence that surrounds the Keto Lifestyle. I believe that a healthier happier life can be lived through the foods we eat. I live a Keto Lifestyle but I also decided to educate myself and have knowledge of healthy living as well.

Currently I am taking some nutritional classes and will become a Certified Nutritional Coach.

Through my blogs on Keto and Healthy Living I was hoping that my blogs would help people live a happier and healthier live.  


Keto actually started in the early 1900's where the lifestyle was used on epilepsy patients to assist with seizures. They changed  how the body burned fat using Ketones instead of glucose. This proved to reduce seizures and also improved alertness, responsiveness, and awareness in patients.

Keto original founder was Dr. Russel Wider at the Mayo Clinic in 1923.

Since the original concept of Keto it has been proven to not only help with Epilepsy, it has proven to work for weight loss, fight diabetes, improve cognitive functions, reduce inflammation and high blood sugar, prevent and fight some cancers, reduce sugars, and help women with fertility.

I do have a issue with calling calling Keto a DIET I believe it must be a LIFESTYLE

The reason I say this is that many times you hear stories and  information how people used Keto to lose weight for a short period of time. Than they decided to go back to however they use to eat. In most cases the benefits of the Keto disappeared after time.This also showed to be true even if a person was just living Healthy. 

If your going to choose to live a Healthy Life or choose a Keto Lifestyle it should be a forever change in your life not a temporary one. A temporary change may help you in the time you make the changes but once you quit the human body changes as well. 

This is the reason I believe Keto and Healthy Living get a bad rap. I have heard so many stories already of people who attempted Keto or Healthy Living  and it began to work and than they decided to quit. After that they blamed Keto or Healthy Living not the fact that they stopped living the LIFESTYLE.

However even though I feel very strongly on this subject I encourage you to explore anything that will improve your current health situation.

Here we are in 2021 in an age of modern technology, scientific wonders, and advance medical knowledge and education. People are talking about the whole food system we have been tough over the years. It has been discovered that the food pyramid was incorrect, it has been proven that many of the foods we eat today are modified, engineered, or chemically altered.

The Keto Lifestyle and Healthy Living are in the front lines because there is a growing concern over the rise of diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart conditions, and high blood pressure, weight gain and other medical issues in America and around the world.

If these diseases can be prevented are fought off by just eating the proper foods than we can avoid many people being in hospitals, and needing more medical care. This is why the Keto Lifestyle is in the news, or your hearing people talk about it. Living a better life through Healthy Living even if it is not Keto can add much health benefits to anyone's life.

Major health organizations like The American Cancer Society, American Heart Society, and other organizations that study diseases have published studies and articles that prove a Keto Lifestyle or Living Healthy does help prevent and fight off diseases.

Top scientist, doctors, and even colleges have done studies or even lived the Keto Lifestyle or a Healthy Living Lifestyle themselves. Many doctors are changing to natural ways to cure diseases that include a Keto Lifestyle or Healthy Living Lifestyle.There are many cases where as people changed and the affects included getting off medications, reversing some diseases, and becoming more healthy.

You are seeing more articles in magazines, more shows on healthy living and the benefits of Keto, or Healthy Living.

I personally can add my story to it, my wife Annie and I changed nearly 2 years ago and we have seen the dramatic changes in our overall health. We defiantly made it a LIFESTYLE not a temporary change. I admit sometimes it is difficult, and sometimes it cost a little more money to live healthy but yet it is also better than spending our days and money and time in medical doctor appointments, treatments, and other medical care.

The reason people are talking is because it works!


  1. I have heard of keto but I love my food to much it's all I have now


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