Is Keto For You in 2021 by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Everyone of us has a choice on how we want to live our lives. We choose all kinds of things on a daily basis that is what makes life for all of us. 

However over 1 year ago Annie (my wife) and I started doing Keto. 

I think back and see just how bad our eating habits had become an issue,  and where it was leading us down this road of bad health.

It was a real wake up call for us learning Annie was diagnosed as Diabetic, and I was following the same path at my weight had hit 250 pounds.  

If you look at some of my older photos you can see in my stomach area where it was all at.

Annie and I made a choice after a doctor told her there was no reversing the Diabetes. 

We immediately changed our life I recall the day we came home and cleared out the food pantry, and vowed of the fast food, and eating out. Also changing to just water, coffee and tea.

Annie and I have always both been people who followed and researched healthy ways to eat. 

However it was really on Annie was determined to change our life's for the better, honestly it took me a few months to totally jump on board with her.

We had in the past watched movies, documentaries, read books, but for whatever reason it never occurred to us we had been gaining weight and going down an unhealthy road.

I am sure you may have read some of my older blogs, or seen some of the recipes we found on facebook or seen my post on facebook about my Keto story. 

Though Annie does not mind me sharing her story I let her tell it in her way, however with both of us being over a year Annie completely reversed the her diabetes.

That is correct she no longer is diabetic, and she has lost a lot of weight as well and looks and feels great.

As far as me I dropped 55 pounds as well. I feel great as well and feel healthier.


Annie and I rarely go to a fast food place anymore,  nor do we hardly go out to eat. 

Something we did a lot of in the past. 

We bought an exercise bike and go for walks with our pets.

There is no high impact workouts and no trips to the gym so all the benefits of our health has come from going Keto. 


We get asked a lot of questions sometimes when we tell or family, friends, or even strangers we do Keto. 

It is not always easy to stay on Keto either after all I love Chocolate!

Maybe you thought about Keto.

I run into a lot of people who say they started Keto than quit, or they are stuck on the fact that they do not want to stop the current food lifestyle. 

The truth is however so many people have found that Keto is a better healthier lifestyle and you can find thousands of recipes, food ideas, and you really do not have to miss out on your favorite foods,

So a lot of things I hear about Keto from people and the most popular response is I do not want to give up the foods I like, but is that not what is causing some or all of your health issues.

I admit Keto is not for everyone there may be medical reasons, or other reasons why Keto may not fit into your lifestyle.

I no longer look at KETO as a diet I look at it as a way of healthier happier and better eating. It has been proven time and time again that KETO works. 

Is Keto for you to completely go Keto is a big change first of all I always advise seeking professional  evaluation and seeking medical or nutritional advice from a professional. Though Annie and I did not do this we just decided to change but the funny thing was it has worked and we plan to countinue our Keto lifestyle.


Does Keto cost more money at the food store. I am not going to lie I believe it does your buying more meats, and even though fruits and veggies are not all that expensive they can be seasonal and sometimes hard to find. However if your eating at home and stop the fast food and eating out the expense is relatively the same.


Going out or spending time with family and friends can be a challenge on Keto. Many restaurants are accepting KETO and making menus KETO friendly, however many fast food places do not offer any Keto solutions. My advice is to talk to family and friends, research the restaurant or menu, offer to bring your own food, or explain your on a special food lifestyle.

I hope that you follow us for our 2021 story and updates, see our post on facebook!


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