Bananas and Chocolate with Keto by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

 If you follow my blog at all or have read any of my past blogs my wife Annie and I changed our lifestyle about nearly 1 year and 6 months ago. 

We did this due to health issues, diabetic issues, and just tired of being overweight and unhealthy.

I have written countless blogs on our journey into a KETO LIFESTYLE of eating.

So here is the thing my Keto eating is a little different than Annie.

 I do eat bananas and I love chocolate.

However the whole concept of Keto is eliminating sugar and carbs so you do have to still watch what you eat otherwise you remove yourself out what is called ketosis. 

Ketosis is what produces ketones in the body.

Bananas are not on the normal Keto diet because they are high in  carbs and natural sugars. However my argument is more on the fact they have nearly 422 mg of potassium. In a keto diet or eating lifestyle one of the recommended things is having 3000 to 4000 mg of potassium. I also love bananas. In keto however normally if your diabetic or using keto to lose weight you should avoid the banana in your meal plans.

Keto or being diabetic is about avoiding high amounts of sugar. 

I admit however another one of my vices is chocolate. If your like me and you need that chocolate fix here is how you can do it on a keto diet. So Dark Chocolate is the best if it is made with more than 70% coca solids.

Like anything moderation is key here and you still will need to watch your carbs and sugar intake.


One thing I have noticed in my journey is serving sizes. You need to really watch the serving sizes of meals and snacks you eat. Sometimes the serving size on a package can be confusing, also a lot of restaurants and fast food places serve large servings. The issue is even if you follow the strictest keto or diet if you are over eating than your carbs and sugars will not be in check.

How do you determine the correct serving size?

Determining a correct serving size is really confusing, sometimes you have to go back to counting carbs and watching sugar intakes.


I do not see Annie changing much of anything we plan to stay on this Keto lifestyle of eating healthy. We however are exploring more Keto recipes and food ideas so we do not fall into what I call food boredom.

I refer to it as food boredom because keto does have a lot of restrictions that limits your options. However here in 2020 and going into 2021 I have noticed more and more people jumping on the Keto and eating healthy lifestyles. There are more Keto recipes and food options so that it is not boring.


You do not have to be on Keto to eat healthy. Changing simple things can go a long ways toward your overall health just by eating the right foods and eating in a way that it provides the correct nutrition and needs of your body. It has been proven the old saying you are what you eat is true.

Our youngest daughter for example is a vegetarian, so keto does not work for her.

If your looking into ways of making a change to your health the foods we eat have a direct impact on our body and mind. 


As of date I still maintain my weight at around 200 pounds, lat year i was around 250 and it showed especially in my mid stomach areas. I look back at my photos today and say no way do I want to go back to that.

I admit however I am not diabetic nor was I really attempting to lose weight it just happened when I changed to the Keto lifestyle with my wife Annie.

However I do not want to go back to my old ways of eating either, even if I do not lose any more weight.

 I just want to maintain my health. 

I enjoy the Keto lifestyle and eating habits my wife Annie and I have incorporated into our daily lives. 

I guess my main point is live Happy, Healthy , Enjoy Life , and FOOD in a good way!


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