Here we are Tomsik Media and Production 19 years in the making!

Here we are closing 2020 going into 2021 and I am sitting here reflecting some of the things as an independent media and production company I have done over the past 18 years.

I recall when I was told I could never do what I have done to date , I was told it would never happen, I was told it would not last, I was told a lot of things but here I am today standing on my own with no big network, no big fame or fortune, just a hand full of fans, friends and family that have called themselves Outlaws as well.

First of all not that I want to recap or brag but I am one of the top rated searched sports media and bloggers on the internet these days, I have 5 books on Amazon, and have done tons of live radio shows, including live tv and producing live game broadcasting, documentaries, series, videos, blogs, books, videos, and more.

My company and myself are on top of all major search engines, have many followers on social media, and overall have done everything I was told I could not do.

The funny thing is there is no real fame or fortune to go with it, for me being humble and doing things for fun was way more important, and I loved and love doing what I am doing!

If you ever meet me or know me at all I am a bit of a rebel, but I have a huge heart. I have a lot passion and energy but at the same time I can lay it down and fight with the best of them.

I take no prisoners, I have no real fears, and I believe in what I am doing with all my heart.

I mean why else would I be called an OUTLAW!

It has not always been easy I have been at the brink of giving up or calling it quits several times but it always brings me back because of my true love of all sports. 

These days it is more than just sports I have done entire series on homeless, delivery and transport industry, sports, rv living, cash living, and other topics.

Going into 2021 I am considering a return of Outlaw Sports Entertainment, and Outlaw Sports Betting Club as my wife is encouraging me to go for it one more time.

No matter what happens if truly is over or if it goes on for another 20 years.


I honestly once again can not say where it is all going I am leaving that up to the good LORD above.

Here is what I can say I have enjoyed every moment, meeting everyone, being on the radio, tv, internet, I love blogging, and you can find me on almost any social media. 

So in 2021 I am not sure where my path will go or what life has in store for me but one thing is for sure I plan on enjoying every moment of it!

The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik


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