Keto All The Way

In the past two months I have experienced the loss of three family members. One being an older sister. She died from cancer. It was a fast pace cancer. the disease spread so quickly, pathology couldn't find where is started. By the time they found she had it, it had spread through her colon, bones, glands and organs. She was gone in ten days. There wasn't time for Chemo or any treatment. My sister wasn't the first in my family to die of cancer. She was also an enormous woman who never weighted less than 400 pounds her entire adult life. Not until she got sick. That was the clue that something wasn't right.

I have a brother who is a diabetic. He contracted it a few years back. Being a nurse that had seen a lot of diabetics, I told him to protect his feet. I kept thinking of those patients I cared for with the loss of limbs. But of course he joked around with me. Said he was fine. I am his baby sister which means I know nothing. He had switched to Diet Soda, and Lite Beer. Trying to explain how hops and barley turned to yeast and how aspartame is in diet soda, was actually bad for him. But then he got ulcers and ended up losing both feet and a leg. He is now blind in one eye.

In august I got my own diabetic scare. My A1C was high. Fear of my brother's condition set in. I was overweight, I didn't exercise enough. I had injured my back in 2001 while nursing. Later in 2011 in a car accident, I hurt my neck. So my injuries prevented me from exercising. I had always been active until that point. I have never been someone who ate a lot. In fact I was rarely abreakfast eater. But none of this was the problem.

I grew up with parents that had me, late in life. Both were alive during the depression. So we were raised eating a lot of staple foods, and drinking whole milk from a cow. We ate potatoes. Fried, baked, boiled, scalloped. We ate biscuits, breads, gravy on everything. Beans, and rice. Pasta of all varieties. You couldn't have a meal without a starch and a bread. Eating like this had not only made me overweight as an adult, but then I noticed that my family members such as my siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents were all overweight. I even found a picture of my great-grandma, and she was huge.

But then I started researching diabetes management, and I found the Keto Diet. I found it not only reversed diabetes, but also cancer and heart disease. So then I started researching Keto and how it affects your body, and how to use it. I saw the benefits of the Keto diet, and how it was about good fats and vegetables. So many more people are using Keto, than anyone knew. Celebrities are even using it.

It's been four months. I have lost 43 pounds, and 6 inches from my waist. I am very happy with Keto. But I know it will have to be a lifestyle. There is no going back. My doctor was proud. She told me none of her patients had ever listened to her before. The fact that I have brought down my A1C, made her so excited. Unfortunately most doctors don't know about diet, and most insurance doesn't cover nutritionists.

I didn't have as much pain as I used to eliminating some of the weight, so I started walking, and doing some easy core exercises. I noticed that I can't tolerate artificial sweeteners, so I go completely without. But I soon was used to that, and I have no problems with it.

So this Christmas Holiday, eat the turkey, ham, and green beans. but for go the potatoes, gravy, stuffing, bread rolls and pie. Get new keto recipes and start new healthier christmas traditions.

Merry Christmas folks, Happy New Years. I wish all of you good health and happiness.
Annie Tomsik

Link to Keto like bread, better than almond flour breads.

Link to a doctor who uses Keto himself and with his patients.
Link to Understanding Keto

Link to doctor who lives and explains the body and Keto diet.

Link to a Documentary on Amazon Prime. It does talk about Ansel Keys. It's called FAT.


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