Public and Home School

I saw an ad this morning about Home School. They listed the pros about a child's form of education but I noticed they missed a lot.

One of my children was home schooled after 7th grade, and the other went to public school full time. So I can tell you the pros and cons of both.

Public School has the benefits of classmates, friendships, bonding, and learning values based on community. But you also have bullies, under funding, teachers who have forgotten why they wanted to teach, drugs, guns, violence, and early age sex. Not to mention the unhealthy food and inaccurate text books. Sometimes public school is used for a babysitter, rather than parents becoming involved in a child's education.

Home Schooling can develop your child academically. A proactive parent can set extra curriculum which can simulate their child's mind. A parent can take their child on outings such as museums, art and culture events, and zoos. A Parent has the ability to make sure their child has nutritious food, and learns health habits. But unless the student of home schooling has siblings, or friend in the same programs, there isn't really any community bonding. Some home schools provide few interactions with students. But most of these are based upon one popular city within a state. This also means some students can't attend a graduation ceremony.

For me, I had the advantage of using both academic institutions. When my children attended public school, I came to school with them as a class volunteer. I had lunch with them. I joined them on field trips. I once was the special guess teacher for a home economics class.

As a Mom of a home schooled student, I helped with assignments, and homework. I took my daughter on outings to places she could not have gone with public school. I did gardening, cooking, and sewing with her which is not in many schools today. I let her choose books for her reading list, and not the age old books required such as Shakespeare. She is an advanced reader, and won the second highest reading award in our State her tenth grade year.

I personally feel that a child needs to be in a stable environment, where they can grow and blossom. Maybe public school is that place, and maybe home school is that place. Whichever one we choose, we should be loving devoted parents and give our child the best chance. As parents, we are our children's first educator. Our job is never ending. We are unpaid, and overworked. But no one ever said parenting would be easy. It is a life time achievement, and well worth the reward if we do it right.


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