The Greatest Royal Rumble Results by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

The WWE opened with a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner with a sold out arena in Saudi Arabia. Than even with this huge card they go o a promo recap.

They wasted no time starting matches here is a highlights of matches and results:

John Cena vs Triple H:
The match was a bit slow paced as both Cena and Triple H showing off in the ring.
Triple H is one of the top performers still in the WWE and his wrestling is still on top of the Game. Triple H DX Style does Cena signature move The Five Knuckle Shuffle on Cena.
Cena off the top rope but Triple H manages a power bomb.
Cena gets the STP on Triple H but than Cena lets go.
Cena finally gets his AA move and five knuckle shuffle but Triple H kicks out.
Triple H nails a pedigree but Cena kicked out.
Cena back to the submission move STP but Triple H counters.
In the end Cena nails AA on Triple H.
Winner: John Cena

Kalisto vs Cedrick Alexander for Cruiser Weight Title:
These matches are pretty fast paced as expected and with Kalisto the Lucia moves.
Cedrick nailed a kick to Kalisto but no pin.
Kalisto kicks Cerdrick on the top rope and Cedrick blocked Kalisto, and Kalisto attempts to pin after a move off the top rope on Cedrick but he kicks out.
Cedrick finally hits his signature move on Kalisto.
Winner: Cedrick Alexander

Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt (WOKEN) vs Cesaro and Sheamus (THE BAR) for Raw Tag Team Titles:
Woken is a gimmick cooked up by the WWE not sure if fans are really buying into it and The Bar is one of the better tag teams on Raw.
Hardy and Cesaro have a battle of words Delete or Bar.
The match was a back and forth battle however The Bar seemed the better team.
Wyatt finally in the match and turns the match entirely.
Sheamus goes for bro kick but Wyatt surprises him and Sheamus is deleted.
Winners: Woken

Jeff Hardy vs Jinder Mahal for the WWE US Championship:
Mahal and Hardy seemed evenly matched with no big moves in the match really.
Hardy covered Mahal but he kicked out.
Both Hardy and Mahal missed moves it was kinda funny if you caught it.
Jinder Mahal attempted to cheat with interference from sing brother.
Matt Hardy finally hits his signature move on Mahal
Winner: Jeff Hardy

Booker T, Jerry the King Lawler, JB, and Micheal Cole on announcers table. Than they interview Chris Jericho as he calls Kevin Owens stupid. The List of Jericho comes out but no crowd cheers!
Seems as a break was taken or something as Interviews with Daniel Brayn and promo reviews.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles Usos vs Bludgeon Brothers:
The Bludgeon Brothers take it to Usos right off the bat.
Rowen covers Jay Uso but no pin.
Jay tags Jimmy after Harper and Rowen on the outside of the ring.
Usos double team Harper and kick Rowen out of the ring as Jay Uso covers Harper but he kicks out.
Rowen run through Jay Uso and pins the Usos.
Winners: Bludgeon Brothers

IC TITLE MATCH Rollins, Miz,Joe, Balor:
There is a question I had in this match where are the ladders?
Finally a ladder appears from under the ring and Joe tosses a ladder in the ring.
Rollins into the ladder, than Joe into the ladder.
Balor in the ring setting up a ladder but Miz stops Balor.
Miz on the ladder but pulled off by Rollins.
Rollins sets the ladder but Rollins and Balor up and down the ladder.
Miz and Joe push the ladder and Joe nails Miz.
Joe uses the ladder as a weapon.
Joe takes everyone out with the ladder.
Balor finally nails Joe and with the ladder on Joe but Joe back up.
Miz nails Joe and alone in the ring and sets up the ladder.
Miz is all over the place as Miz,Balor and Rollins up and down the ladder.
Balor off the top rope with Miz on the ladder.
Balor again setting up the ladder but Joe in the ring.
Joe up the ladder but Balor pushes the ladder.
Balor up the ladder but Rollins up the ladder and gets the title.
Winner: Seth Rollins

WWE brings the Davari Brothers and some athletes from Saudi Arabia and it breaks down and finally the 4 athletes tosses the brothers out of the ring.

Aj Stlyes vs Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Smackdown Championship:
During the match Nakamura low blows and punishment to AJ
AJ finally breaks down and the match goes south.
Winner: Double Count Out so AJ Styles wins by DQ.

Undertaker vs Rusev in a Casket Match:
Fans seem to love Rusev Day as fans chant Rusev Day upon Aden English signs to the crowd.
Fans really love the Undertaker as his entrance always amazes the WWE fans.
Rusev thinks about the match and English talks him back in the ring.
Undertaker finally tired or Rusev and Rusev takes it to the Undertaker.
Just when you think the Undertaker is out he walks right back up to Rusev.
Undertaker with old school off the top ropes as Rusev is tossed on the casket.
Crowd goes crazy as Undertaker drops his leg outside the rope.
Rusev in the casket but English saved him.
In exchanges of blows the Undertaker comes out on top.
Rusev takes control of the match
Rusev opens the casket the Undertaker is up however and the choke slam failed.
Undertaker nails the choke slam-and English gets slammed.
English tomb stone and English tossed in casket and lid is slammed shut.
Winner: Undertaker

Universal Championship in a steel cage Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns:
As Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar enter the ring the announcers introduce them both to light cheering for Reigns. As Paul Heyman takes the mic the crowd cheers about the same for Lesnar.
Suplex 1 to Roman
Suplex 2 to Roman
Suplex 3 to Roman
Suplex 4 to Roman
F-5 to Roman
1st Super man Punch to Lesnar
2nd Super man Punch to Lesnar
3rd Super Man Punch to Lesnar
Reigns attempts to escape but Lesnar stops him as Lesnar tries to escape but Roman stops him.
Reigns power bombs to Lesnar.
Roman bounces Lesnar off the cage,
1st spear to Lesnar
2nd spear to Lesnar
3rd spear to Lesnar
Reigns covers but Lesnar covers.
Pual Heyman slams the door on Reigns
2nd F-5 to Roman
A chair is tossed into the ring.
Brock Lesnar the gloves come off.
4th spear to Lesnar
Roman has a chair and the chair goes to Brock.
4th superman punch to Lesnar
Roman spears Brock through the cage and the ref says Lesnar wins.
In the review Brock Lesnar is on the cage and Roman hit the floor first.
The ref calls Lesnar the winner.
Winner: Brock Lesnar

The 50 man Rumble starts with an entrance every 90 seconds and must be thrown over the top rope to be eliminated.
Drawing number
#1 Daniel Brayn (eliminated)
#2 Dolph Ziggler (eliminated 12th)
#3 Sin Cara (eliminated 1st)
#4 Curtis Axle  (eliminated 2nd)
#5 Mark Henry (eliminated 5th)
#6 Mike Kanellis (eliminated 3rd)
#7 Hiroki Sumi (eliminated 4th)
#8 Victor (eliminated 6th)
#9 Kolfi Kingston (eliminated 15th)
#10 Tony Nese (eliminated 9th)
#11 Dash Wilder (eliminated 7th)
#12 Hornswoggle (eliminated 8th)
#13 Primo (eliminated 11th)
#14 Xavier Woods (eliminated 14th)
#15 Bo Dallas (eliminated 10th)
#16 Kurt Angle (eliminated 16th)
#17 Scott Dawson (eliminated 19th)
#18 Golddust (eliminated 18th)
#19 Conor (eliminated 13th)
#20 Elais (eliminated)
#21 Luke Gallows (eliminated 20th)
#22 Rhyno (eliminated 25th)
#23 Gulak (eliminated 17th)
#24 Tucker Knight (eliminated 23rd)
#25 Bobby Roode (eliminated 28th)
#26 Fandango (eliminated 21st)
#27 Chad Gable (eliminated 24th)
#28 Rey Mystero (eliminated 34th)
#29 Mojo Rawley (eliminated 27th)
#30 Tyler Breeze (eliminated 22nd)
#31 Big E (Eliminated 30th)
#32 Karl Anderson (eliminated 26th)
#33 Apollo Crews (eliminated 34th)
#34 Roderick Strong (eliminated 32nd)
#35 Randy Orton (eliminated)
#36 Health Slater (eliminated 31st)
#37 Babatune (eliminated 29th)
#38 Baron Corbin (Eliminated) 
#39 Titus Oneal (eliminated)
#40 Dan Natha (eliminated)
#41 Bruan Strowman (WINNER)
#42 Tye Dillenger (eliminated 33rd)
#43 Curt Hawkins (eliminated)
#44 Bobby Lashley (eliminated)
#45 The Great Kali (eliminated)
#46  Kevin Owens (elinated)
#47  Shane McMahon (eliminated)
#48  Shelton Benjerman (eliminated)
#49  Big Cass (eliminated)
#50  Chris Jericho (elininated)


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