Is it just a sandwich?

I was craving a turkey sandwich today when my husband said "let's go and get our regular subs at Port of Subs". I was up for it, but I didn't want to go to our local one because it is in a Casino, and I get tired of smelling like cigarettes. I don't smoke, and so why should I have to stink just to get a sandwich?

So we went to another Port of Subs, but the line was so long, neither of us wanted to wait. My husband said Subway is around the corner. I didn't want to go there. Don't take offense, this is my opinion. When I go to subway, I end up with hard bread that crumbles all over my blouse when I bite into it. They don't cut the turkey in front of you, and it always looks and tastes dry to me. They put mayo on one side of the sandwich, not both. My husband asked for guacamole, and he has to pay extra. Why he would want it, I don't know. It looks like it came out of a baby food jar.

I talked him out of it. So he said lets go to Jimmy Johns. I was never there until today. Oh boy. I will not go back. The service was awful to start with. They don't offer as many choices on their sandwiches. For me it is a deal breaker if there are no olives. I can't fathom why they wouldn't have olives. Even the grocery store delis have olives.

They had three people to make one little sandwich. I mean little. It was 8 inch long, but maybe 2 inches wide. I have never seen bread like this. Did they not let it rise? I make bread from scratch, and I can honestly say something went wrong.

We took it outside, to one of the umbrella tables. I took one bite, put it down and informed my husband I wouldn't be finishing it. The only flavor was the awful bread. I was literally gagging. The bread flavor over powered the rest of the sandwich.

I guarantee I will not be going back there. In my opinion, Jimmy Johns is for those people who have no taste buds, who think frozen foods is a gourmet delicacy. But since I am a home cooking, home grown, fresh foods kind of gal, I will stick to the subs I am happiest with.

Annie Tomsik


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