Living on Cash in America today by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Living a cash life meaning there are no credit cards, loans, house payments, car payments, no debts of any kind. You are not using credit cards even though a debit card is ok. Try an experiment just for one day how much money do you really spend. Do you need gas for your vehicle, lunch, bus money, train money, subway money or can you go an entire day with spending no money?

How do you pay your bills like car insurance, house insurance, rent, Health Insurance, Electric bill, cell phone bill, cable, heat and extra ?

Maybe you feel you don't spend anything you can go an entire day but let's look at it another way,
Take all your bills and add them up divide them by the number of days in the month and your spending money on a daily bases without even realizing you are spending it.

America has become the land of credit and is operated by debt. You think I am nuts but then why is America trillions of dollars in debt and has borrowed trillions of dollars from other countries?

Why do we see banks and credit cards offered all over the TV, radio and internet?

Living a cash life is not all that easy my family has been doing it since 2014.
We still have to pay some bills so we use our debit card, also we opened a business and since 2016 we have had to adapt to having Paypal and the Square for our business to take payments.

What company pays you cash your employer most likely pays you via direct deposit very few companies issue a check anymore, and very few people write checks anymore. Very few people in America can go buy a big item like a house with cash, or even some type of transportation. In a recent study done by several research agencies  most Americans have less than 1000 dollars in savings. Many people live paycheck to paycheck even with the country going toward higher wages.

Many people in America in the event they are laid off, fired or the job rnds have a very short time they can be without some type of assistance. It paints a pretty sad thought in America where the lines of the rich and the rest if us but really what do the rich have without the people who put them there. I look at like this if every person just in America stopped working just for one day what would happen to AMERICA?

Yea it is getting way off my subject but the wealthy often live off  the credit and debit system as well without people working or buying or trading  where would that leave them?

It is a road we all must travel so ask yourself can you live a life of just cash?


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