How the WWE could crumble by THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK

It really is incredible to me that WWE and the OWNERS believe FANS are not important so here this article is directed to VINCE, STEPHANIE and SHANE MCMAHON and TRIPLE H because they actually own the WWE or most of its public stock.

#1 WWE is a publicly traded company on the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE and is subject to the stock market gains and losses. The company is also owned really by those who have stock in the company. If everyone pulled out of the stock WWE would lose millions of dollars.

#2 WWE is considered entertainment and as many of the SUPERSTARS are part of the UNION of ACTORS  Yes there really is a UNION called the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) If the WWE STARS or the ACTORS UNION went on strike it would surely cripple WWE to the knees.

#3) WWE stars decided not to perform would be one of the fastest ways the WWE would crumble to the ground.

#4) Losing TV programs on USA would definitely hurt the WWE but they probably could survive on Internet under the new WWE UNIVERSE.

#5) Arenas lock out the WWE would lose fans and hurt the WWE with no ARENAS and NO PAYING FANS the WWE would crumble.

#6) Lawsuits from injured and x SUPERSTARS and family of SUPERSTARS injured or even killed while performing with the WWE. Other lawsuits against the company my impact revenues for the company but this company is huge and has plenty of insurance so not sure this would cripple the company.

#7) Losing fans or fan base would hurt the company.

#8) No one paying the $9.99 per month WWE UNIVERSE fee for subscription that currently has around 1.4 million subscribers if all of them left it would hurt the company.

#9) All stores pulling all WWE MERCHANDISE.

I leave you this thought MCMAHONS do you really want to piss off the fans?


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