
Showing posts from March, 2017

Northern Nevada Home Base Business



Wrestlemania is scheduled for Sunday April 2nd 2017 and here is my odds and predictions from The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik and I do plan on being live on Twitter and Facebook during the event! WrestleMania 33 live Sunday beginning at 7 p.m. ET from Orlando, Florida. Here are my final ODDS and PREDICTIONS: WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP: Rumors have Lesnar winning saying Vince McMahon billing him as unbeatable and eventually leading to a match with Roman Reigns next year. Will the rumors become reality? Goldberg vs Lesnar is the ultimate showdown berween the top two part timers in WWE. Goldberg   -125 Lesnar      Even My Prediction: Lesnar WWE CHAMPIONSHIP: Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt Orton     -125 Wyatt     Even My Prediction: Orton Undertaker vs Reigns Rumors have Reigns moving to Smackdown after Wrestlemania as Cena is gone a few months for a movie. Also a future date with Lesnar. Undertaker   +225 Reigns          -325 My Prediction: Reigns Triple H vs Seth Ro


Today March 25th marks a great day in Reno if you're a soccer fan as the RENO 1868 FC team played for the first time at the RENO ACES BALLPARK. The opposing team was called ORANGE COUNTY SC. I had the opportunity to go to the game with my grandson Riley and we had a good time though I admit I am not a soccer fan. Riley however loves soccer so off to the game we went.                  You can check my FACEBOOK album here for photos of the event. Here are my thoughts on the idea of Soccer in RENO: The cost may be a factor for this team in the future I heard plenty of people talking about the cost of the tickets. General Admission for adults are $14, and for Children $13, tickets after that can go for $26 or more for seats. Tonight the stadium was pretty full I do not know the exact attendance but I would estimate it was 50 to 60 percent full. The second issue is parking tonight was crazy apparently private companies own the parking around the stadium and they can

How can you really live if you are BROKE and UNEMPLOYED and NO INCOME

Since I have done several blogs and researched homelessness and how people have gotten there let's discuss how a person can live with as little money as possible. These are only suggestions and ideas that I have found in my research. #1) Getting help immediately is your best option try getting UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS, or applying for STATE OR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE such as food stamps or even income assistance. Also you may consider going to local churches or organizations that help people in bad situations #2) Dumping all expenses except what is really important. Contacting all your credit card companies to make arrangements or even dumping them all together and living a cash life. Getting out of  house or mortgage payments. I hate to even venture to say file BANKRUPTCY. This may stay off your creditors and give you time to recover and allow you to have a place to live for a few months. #3) Selling everything that you can. #4) Consider temporary companies or temporary work. #

Steroids Has Changed Professional Sports Forever by the Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Professional sports have changed forever due to steroids and there is no going back in time. Steroids have been headline news for some time in all levels of sports but most recently it started in the Major League Baseball as fall out from steroids became front line news in America. Recent stars have come out of the wood work and admitted steroid use and some have paid a heavy price in doing so. Forever it has changed how athletes on all levels perform in the respective sport they play in. There are notes after athletes’ names that have broken records of past athletes and there are doubts that athletes have left due to the use of steroids. The  use of performance-enhancing drugs  in sport is commonly referred to by the term “ doping “, particularly by those organizations that regulate competitions. The use of performance enhancing drugs is mostly done to improve athletic performance. This is why many sports ban the use of performance enhancing drugs. Major league baseball was t

Changes in Reno and Sparks Nevada by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

 I have written many blogs and articles how Outlaw Sports Radio started in Reno Nevada in 2006 broadcasting live from the Reno Hilton Sports Book in the ESPN booth that use to sit outside the sports book where I worked as a bookie. I also broadcasted on another station and worked for a company called Leroy’s Sports Book for several years in Reno and Sparks, Nevada. Over the years Outlaw Sports Radio evolved moving to Jacksonville Florida for four years covering a variety of amateur sports in and around the Jacksonville Florida area. In 2013 I opened up a small Sports bar back in Oregon and changed Outlaw Sports Radio to Outlaw Sports Entertainment Company. In Oregon we broadcasted high school football for the 2013 to 2014 season. In February 2014 I decided to return to Reno Nevada to attempt to reestablish Outlaw Sports Entertainment Company as a broadcasting company once again. I also took a job with the MGM Sports book at the Circus Circus Casino in Reno as a bookie once again.

A World without water by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Imagine if you will our world without water. I mean really think about it our planet EARTH is covered in water so it seems unimaginable that we would have no water. However I have discovered some facts about our water here on Earth and wanted to discuss the possibilities of Earth with no water.  The vast majority of water on the Earth’s surface, over 96 percent, is  saline  water in the oceans. The freshwater resources, such as water falling from the skies and moving into streams, rivers, lakes, and groundwater, provide people with the water they need every day to live. Water sitting on the surface of the Earth is easy to visualize, and your view of the water cycle might be that rainfall fills up the  rivers  and  lakes . Even though you may only notice water on the Earth’s surface, there  is much more freshwater stored in the ground  than there is in liquid form on the surface. In fact, some of the water you see flowing in rivers comes from seepage of groundwater into rive

My Review of the movie called FIST FIGHT

Fist Fight. In the previews this movie looks funny. However the rating of R should possibly be changed to a stronger rating. This movie showed a high school that well if it is any indication of what schools are like today we are in big trouble. Two teachers decide to fight after school one teacher is portrayed as a hot head and all around bad ass while the other teacher is portrayed as well as a whimp. During the movie the high school kids are way out of control and in reality no school I could imagine would be like this. There is graphic sex shown and really vulgar sex related jokes and other parts of the movie that I felt was inappropriate. At one time in the movie a young girl.sings a song with the f word in it atat the school talent show and you wonder why the school would even have that type of music and why the parents did not stop it. After you get past all the sex drugs and other inappropriate things in this movie the fight accualy happens. I do not want to give away the really

WWE Triple H and Shane McMahon in matches at Wrestlemania and my ODDS on WRESTLEMANIA MATCHES

So here is my question to the WWE: Is there bit enough talent to fill RAW and SMACKDOWN and why is WWE bringing all the owners into the ring. All you have to do is read a few blogs online and the rumors run wild but here are a few that are true: Here are my ODDS: Shane McMahon will face AJ Styles Shane     +175 Styles      -225 Triple H will most likely face Seth Rollins in an unsanctioned match though officially has not been made. Triple H    -450 Rollins      +700 WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Lesnar vs Goldberg: Here is the rumors floating around the net and within the fans and WWE UNIVERSE: Vince McMahon has made it clear he wants LESNAR as CHAMPION the idea is to make him unbeatable till next year at WRESTLEMANIA where the WWE is going to try to shove ROMAN REIGNS at the fans. Lesnar        -125 Goldberg     EVEN ROMAN REIGNS VS UNDERTAKER MATCH: Rumors have it the WWE is going to push ROMAN as the face of WWE and rumors he may end up on SMACKDOWN. Rumors h

Hidden Places in Reno/Sparks Nevada you should check out Series #1

One thing I love to do is find places people are not really aware of or places that are hidden treasures of any city. To me a hidden place is maybe popular but known to locals and not so well known to visitors. It is a restaurant or shopping mall or a store in the local area. Just recently I discovered a place a such through talking to a clerk at Safeway. I love little adventures they can be so much fun.  So downtown area of Reno on South Virginia Street has been changing over the years. Some things have not changed there are a few casinos in this area including: Circus Circus, Eldorado, Silver Legacy, Harrahs, and Cal Nevada who are the largest casinos in this area. However this part of town has been deemed as having lots of issues. In recent years many of the business on this part of the Street that is the main part of the downtown area and where you find the famous sign for Reno. This area has a little secret that is pretty awesome. The old US POST OFFICE that sits just beyond

How the WWE could crumble by THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK

It really is incredible to me that WWE and the OWNERS believe FANS are not important so here this article is directed to VINCE, STEPHANIE and SHANE MCMAHON and TRIPLE H because they actually own the WWE or most of its public stock. #1 WWE is a publicly traded company on the NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE and is subject to the stock market gains and losses. The company is also owned really by those who have stock in the company. If everyone pulled out of the stock WWE would lose millions of dollars. #2 WWE is considered entertainment and as many of the SUPERSTARS are part of the UNION of ACTORS  Yes there really is a UNION called the  American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) If the WWE STARS or the ACTORS UNION went on strike it would surely cripple WWE to the knees. #3) WWE stars decided not to perform would be one of the fastest ways the WWE would crumble to the ground. #4) Losing TV programs on USA would definitely hurt the WWE but they probably could survive on I

Should the NBA or any other Professional Team be able to pull team starters?

Recently in the NBA both the WARRIORS and CAVS pulled starters during the game. This really leaves the fans of those teams who pay money to see the teams and players play at a loss. The NBA is not the only professional sport that does this however the NFL is famous for pulling starters during regular season after teams have secured PLAYOFF spots. SO WHY IS THIS ALLOWED ? The answer is it should not be allowed to me this is the same as CHEATING or FIXING the game. You should show up and play any game with the best of the teams abilities and this includes using your key players in all games they are available. Leagues should not only fine the OWNERS but hit the players hard with fines as well. I would even go even further as to if the game is involved in a team going to playoffs or in the hunt for the Championship they will be considered a lost game even if that team wins, and possible disqualification from any playoffs or championship possibilities. The leagues bend to the teams

Tomsik Enterprises presents Northern Nevada Home Base Business


Stephanie McMahon fires Mick Foley and The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik wants the GM Position!

We all saw it coming this Monday Night Stephanie McMahon firing Mick Foley but here is a twist I have been calling out Stephanie and Shane McMahon for months and here I go again.  I want the General Manager Position on Raw and here are my terms for the position: No wrestler or superstar can touch me or harm me in any way shape or form or they will be fired immediately Stephanie or Triple H or no other WWE Corporate Executives can override my matches made. I cannot be FIRED for at least 6 months by anyone in the company. I as General Manager can trade, fire, suspend any WWE superstar on the roster. THE OUTLAW MICHEAL TOMSIK AS GENERAL MANAGER OF RAW! No matter what you say MICK FOLEY deserved a lot better than what WWE gave him! WHO AM I READ ABOUT ME AT! MY REVIEW OF RAW TONIGHT: RAW REVERTS BACK TO old school sucking pretty much on the entire show tonight RAW SUCKED!

The Age old question are Sports Fixed ?

Once again we find ourselves questioning the calls of so called referees in the NCAA MARCH MADNESS TOURNAMENT. A story came up about TOM BRADY the PATRIOTS QB who just won the superbowl. There are constant news stories about PRO ATHLETES who take supplements and enhancements to be stronger and play better. Last year the DEFLATE THE BALLS in the NFL, and constant questions of bad calls by referees. After this we could bring in legal and illegal sports wagering and offshore wagering and how they could affect the outcome of games. Than let's talk about history of sports and all the non debatable and facts of the past that lead us to believe sports can be and have been fixed in the past. Simply put SPORTS CAN BE FIXED AND HAVE BEEN FIXED AND PROBABLY WILL BE FIXED IN THE FUTURE. In the past I challenged all the major leagues the National Football and Basketball Leagues, the National Hockey League and Major League Baseball to let me conduct investigations and provide proof one w


Once again I skipped the whole RAW and Smackdown on Monday and Tuesday but caught up on HULU last night and today so let's talk about RAW and SMACKDOWN. RAW: I really think WWE is making huge mistake going with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H the fans who by the way Stephanie and Shane McMahon keep your company going really hated The Authority. I believe the fans like Stephanie when she is fun and plays to the fans. The whole Mick Foley and Triple H feud is a mistake Face it Triple H is still a good wrestler and in his prime Mick Foley is no match for him. Maybe Foley is done with RAW and WWE. As far as RAW the matches are boring the creative writing sucks, and fans are left  with a desire to wanting more. Here we are headed to WRESTLEMANIA and we have these matches from RAW: Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg both part times in the WWE. Rumors already have Goldberg losing the Title. This match includes the WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Roman Reigns vs Undertaker a match that I really

Living on Cash in America today by The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik

Living a cash life meaning there are no credit cards, loans, house payments, car payments, no debts of any kind. You are not using credit cards even though a debit card is ok. Try an experiment just for one day how much money do you really spend. Do you need gas for your vehicle, lunch, bus money, train money, subway money or can you go an entire day with spending no money? How do you pay your bills like car insurance, house insurance, rent, Health Insurance, Electric bill, cell phone bill, cable, heat and extra ? Maybe you feel you don't spend anything you can go an entire day but let's look at it another way, Take all your bills and add them up divide them by the number of days in the month and your spending money on a daily bases without even realizing you are spending it. America has become the land of credit and is operated by debt. You think I am nuts but then why is America trillions of dollars in debt and has borrowed trillions of dollars from other countries?

A Day at the Movies

Wow if you read this I did a day at the movies with my daughter Alyssa we saw three movies so here is a review of all three. Hidden Figures: We both liked the movie it does unlock a lot of unknown facts in our history. The movie is based around three women who are African American working at NASA during a time in our history where as things are not as today. The story follows the lives and careers of these women. It was really interesting from the stand point of history. King Kong Scull Island: We loved this film though it does start off a bit slow. This movie puts King Kong in a different light as a protector instead of being feared. As the crew decides to check out an undiscovered island they encounter more than they bargained for. King Kong seems to be the bad guy at first but later in the movie you learn the truth behind Kong and his family. The movie was awesome! Logan: I choose this one after hearing rave reviews but I do not agree with the movie at all. First of all the

Would legalization of sports betting hurt or help Nevada

As many of you that follow me of  FACEBOOK  or  TWITTER  or  GOOGLE  are aware two years ago I took a shot at becoming a PROFESSIONAL SPORTS GAMBLER and I even wrote a book that you can find on  AMAZON  about the last two years of my entire experience. I still wager on sports today and you can find me on the links above. In the past and even in my books I admit I am all for making sports wagering legal in the USA. My argument is that I believe it would create jobs, produce less crime related to illegal wagering. Also it could open a lot of doors for people in this industry. However would it HURT or HELP NEVADA ? Las Vegas Nevada has always been a city that is constantly changing casinos over the years have made several changes. Recently casinos started charging fees for parking, and casinos cut back on comps for customers, drinks and more. Even though the city is changing including adding a new venue for sports like Hockey and even the possible move of a NFL team to Vegas sports

Movie Review of Fist Fight

Fist Fight. In the previews this movie looks funny. However the rating of R should possibly be changed to a stronger rating. This movie showed a high school that well if it is any indication of what schools are like today we are in big trouble. Two teachers decide to fight after school one teacher is portrayed as a hot head and all around bad ass while the other teacher is portrayed as well as a whimp. During the movie the high school kids are way out of control and in reality no school I could imagine would be like this. There is graphic sex shown and really vulgar sex related jokes and other parts of the movie that I felt was inappropriate. At one time in the movie a young girl.sings a song with the f word in it atat the school talent show and you wonder why the school would even have that type of music and why the parents did not stop it. After you get past all the sex drugs and other inappropriate things in this movie the fight accualy happens. I do not want to give a


I didn't watch RAW or SMACKDOWN till way late in the week and I skipped this Monday Night Raw on March 13th as well. My reason s predictable and boring. I do not care what you say WWE has gone to part timers and talent that no one relates to. If WWE wants to eventually go down in flames this is the road to take for sure. We all knew GOLDBERG was gonna be champion we all know Lesnar will most likely win at WrestleMania. Why have the Undertaker and Roman Reigns match not even sure what this will accomplish. Kevin Owens and Jericho wow really WWE ! Samoe Joe whoopie and Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt! Bailey and Flai and Banks in Triple threat match  for the title! Baron Corbin and Dean Ambrose most likely in some type of no dq match! Alexa Bliss vs everyone on SMACKDOWN roster! So where is NIA JAC or BRUAN STROWMAN gonna go? Seth Rollins and Triple H? Will Mick Foley quit or be fired? When will RAW and SMACKDOWN really begin to war with each other?

Mayweather vs McGregor who would win ?

The question may be answered as many people thought this match would never happen but MAYWEATHER has called out McGregor. There is talk of a fight in July 2017 pending UFC would allow McGregor fight Mayweather. So let's talk about the differences in the Boxing and UFC: Normally Boxing matches go between 10 and 12 rounds. Each round is 3 minutes. Normally in UFC matches Championship matches last 5 minutes and 5 rounds. UFC can usa submission moves, kickboxing and boxing and Mixed Martial Arts to win a match. Boxing is Boxing. Boxers use Gloves weighing between 12 to 20 Ounces. UFC fighters use Gloves weighing 4 to 6 ounces. Mayweather record is 49 Wins  26 by KO and no loses McGregor record is 22 wins 3 loses and no draws. This type of fight has been done before just google it and a huge history will pop up. HERE ARE MY EARLY ODDS: MAYWEATHER       -225 McGregor                 +325






WWE has been in business since February 21 in 1980 and it is currently 2017, 37 years to date! This company also operated under the WWF for a while but some issues with another organization lead to changing the name to WWE. Vince McMahon who is the CEO of the company and primary owner is currently 71 years of age, and his daughter Stephanie McMahon who currently runs RAW is 40 years old, and his son Shane McMahon who is currently running Smackdown is 47 years old. Let's shed some more light on this company and some of the SUPERSTARS who ENTERTAIN the world through this company and how old they are: SUPERSTAR             AGE JOHN CENA               39 AJ STYLES                 39 NIKKI BELLA            33 Natalya Neidhart          34 Luke Harper                37 MIZ                            36 Dean Ambrose             31 Baron Corbin               32 Bray Wyatt                  29 Randy Orton                36 Chris Jericho                46 Kane            

Micheal Tomsik Sports Trading Company

Hello you all you may find some of my blogs on my blogger as well but I have hi jacked my wife's blogger for the moment.  I wanted to mention to you all a few things. One:  No I do not operate any service in Nevada at the moment nor do I sell my picks like tout services do. Two: You can find my books on Amazon. Three: I have been posting my picks on FACEBOOK  under the Tomsik Enterprises Page. Four: You can find Tomsik Enterprises online. Five: You can find me on TWIITER. Six: No I do not wager for anyone but myself at the moment I may consider doing investment services in June 2017. Seven: Yes I live in Nevada near the City of Reno. Thanks for your time I will be posting here some more! The Outlaw Micheal Tomsik